[Python-checkins] gh-103237: Polish pdb docs (GH-103238)

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Wed Apr 12 02:26:41 EDT 2023

commit: b5fe28daceeaa3f3e1dfe66b834733cf52a41354
branch: 3.11
author: Miss Islington (bot) <31488909+miss-islington at users.noreply.github.com>
committer: miss-islington <31488909+miss-islington at users.noreply.github.com>
date: 2023-04-11T23:26:33-07:00

gh-103237: Polish pdb docs (GH-103238)

(cherry picked from commit 449bf2a76b23b97a38158d506bc30d3ebe006321)

Co-authored-by: Tian Gao <gaogaotiantian at hotmail.com>

M Doc/library/pdb.rst

diff --git a/Doc/library/pdb.rst b/Doc/library/pdb.rst
index d80c5eebbf27..a556fcc30877 100644
--- a/Doc/library/pdb.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/pdb.rst
@@ -36,73 +36,91 @@ extension interface uses the modules :mod:`bdb` and :mod:`cmd`.
    Module :mod:`traceback`
       Standard interface to extract, format and print stack traces of Python programs.
-The debugger's prompt is ``(Pdb)``. Typical usage to run a program under control
-of the debugger is::
+The typical usage to break into the debugger is to insert::
-   >>> import pdb
-   >>> import mymodule
-   >>> pdb.run('mymodule.test()')
-   > <string>(0)?()
-   (Pdb) continue
-   > <string>(1)?()
+   import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+   breakpoint()
+at the location you want to break into the debugger, and then run the program.
+You can then step through the code following this statement, and continue
+running without the debugger using the :pdbcmd:`continue` command.
+.. versionadded:: 3.7
+   The built-in :func:`breakpoint()`, when called with defaults, can be used
+   instead of ``import pdb; pdb.set_trace()``.
+   def double(x):
+      breakpoint()
+      return x * 2
+   val = 3
+   print(f"{val} * 2 is {double(val)}")
+The debugger's prompt is ``(Pdb)``, which is the indicator that you are in debug mode::
+   > ...(3)double()
+   -> return x * 2
+   (Pdb) p x
+   3
    (Pdb) continue
-   NameError: 'spam'
-   > <string>(1)?()
-   (Pdb)
+   3 * 2 is 6
 .. versionchanged:: 3.3
    Tab-completion via the :mod:`readline` module is available for commands and
    command arguments, e.g. the current global and local names are offered as
    arguments of the ``p`` command.
-:file:`pdb.py` can also be invoked as a script to debug other scripts.  For
+You can also invoke :mod:`pdb` from the command line to debug other scripts.  For
    python -m pdb myscript.py
-When invoked as a script, pdb will automatically enter post-mortem debugging if
+When invoked as a module, pdb will automatically enter post-mortem debugging if
 the program being debugged exits abnormally.  After post-mortem debugging (or
 after normal exit of the program), pdb will restart the program.  Automatic
 restarting preserves pdb's state (such as breakpoints) and in most cases is more
 useful than quitting the debugger upon program's exit.
 .. versionadded:: 3.2
-   :file:`pdb.py` now accepts a ``-c`` option that executes commands as if given
+   ``-c`` option is introduced to execute commands as if given
    in a :file:`.pdbrc` file, see :ref:`debugger-commands`.
 .. versionadded:: 3.7
-   :file:`pdb.py` now accepts a ``-m`` option that execute modules similar to the way
+   ``-m`` option is introduced to execute modules similar to the way
    ``python -m`` does. As with a script, the debugger will pause execution just
    before the first line of the module.
+Typical usage to execute a statement under control of the debugger is::
-The typical usage to break into the debugger is to insert::
-   import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
-at the location you want to break into the debugger, and then run the program.
-You can then step through the code following this statement, and continue
-running without the debugger using the :pdbcmd:`continue` command.
-.. versionadded:: 3.7
-   The built-in :func:`breakpoint()`, when called with defaults, can be used
-   instead of ``import pdb; pdb.set_trace()``.
+   >>> import pdb
+   >>> def f(x):
+   ...     print(1 / x)
+   >>> pdb.run("f(2)")
+   > <string>(1)<module>()
+   (Pdb) continue
+   0.5
+   >>>
 The typical usage to inspect a crashed program is::
    >>> import pdb
-   >>> import mymodule
-   >>> mymodule.test()
+   >>> def f(x):
+   ...     print(1 / x)
+   ...
+   >>> f(0)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
-     File "./mymodule.py", line 4, in test
-       test2()
-     File "./mymodule.py", line 3, in test2
-       print(spam)
-   NameError: spam
+     File "<stdin>", line 2, in f
+   ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
    >>> pdb.pm()
-   > ./mymodule.py(3)test2()
-   -> print(spam)
+   > <stdin>(2)f()
+   (Pdb) p x
+   0
@@ -275,7 +293,7 @@ can be overridden by the local file.
 .. pdbcommand:: w(here)
-   Print a stack trace, with the most recent frame at the bottom.  An arrow
+   Print a stack trace, with the most recent frame at the bottom.  An arrow (``>``)
    indicates the current frame, which determines the context of most commands.
 .. pdbcommand:: d(own) [count]
@@ -442,7 +460,7 @@ can be overridden by the local file.
 .. pdbcommand:: a(rgs)
-   Print the argument list of the current function.
+   Print the arguments of the current function and their current values.
 .. pdbcommand:: p expression
@@ -476,6 +494,50 @@ can be overridden by the local file.
    Without *expression*, list all display expressions for the current frame.
+   .. note::
+      Display evaluates *expression* and compares to the result of the previous
+      evaluation of *expression*, so when the result is mutable, display may not
+      be able to pick up the changes.
+   Example::
+      lst = []
+      breakpoint()
+      pass
+      lst.append(1)
+      print(lst)
+   Display won't realize ``lst`` has been changed because the result of evaluation
+   is modified in place by ``lst.append(1)`` before being compared::
+      > example.py(3)<module>()
+      -> pass
+      (Pdb) display lst
+      display lst: []
+      (Pdb) n
+      > example.py(4)<module>()
+      -> lst.append(1)
+      (Pdb) n
+      > example.py(5)<module>()
+      -> print(lst)
+      (Pdb)
+   You can do some tricks with copy mechanism to make it work::
+      > example.py(3)<module>()
+      -> pass
+      (Pdb) display lst[:]
+      display lst[:]: []
+      (Pdb) n
+      > example.py(4)<module>()
+      -> lst.append(1)
+      (Pdb) n
+      > example.py(5)<module>()
+      -> print(lst)
+      display lst[:]: [1]  [old: []]
+      (Pdb)
    .. versionadded:: 3.2
 .. pdbcommand:: undisplay [expression]
@@ -552,7 +614,7 @@ can be overridden by the local file.
 .. pdbcommand:: retval
-   Print the return value for the last return of a function.
+   Print the return value for the last return of the current function.
 .. rubric:: Footnotes

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