[Python-checkins] Doc: Avoid error lexing multiprocessing docs code block on Pygments 2.15.0 (#103421)

hauntsaninja webhook-mailer at python.org
Mon Apr 10 23:57:43 EDT 2023

commit: 75b6ab80da95f7d731b0d69b8ee8adb095b24d27
branch: main
author: C.A.M. Gerlach <CAM.Gerlach at Gerlach.CAM>
committer: hauntsaninja <12621235+hauntsaninja at users.noreply.github.com>
date: 2023-04-10T20:57:36-07:00

Doc: Avoid error lexing multiprocessing docs code block on Pygments 2.15.0 (#103421)

M Doc/library/multiprocessing.rst

diff --git a/Doc/library/multiprocessing.rst b/Doc/library/multiprocessing.rst
index 8454296b815b..84e309f1bc83 100644
--- a/Doc/library/multiprocessing.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/multiprocessing.rst
@@ -452,7 +452,9 @@ process which created it.
    importable by the children. This is covered in :ref:`multiprocessing-programming`
    however it is worth pointing out here. This means that some examples, such
    as the :class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` examples will not work in the
-   interactive interpreter. For example::
+   interactive interpreter. For example:
+   .. code-block:: text
       >>> from multiprocessing import Pool
       >>> p = Pool(5)

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