[Python-checkins] gh-95913: Edit, sort & expand 3.11 WhatsNew Porting section (#98585)

pablogsal webhook-mailer at python.org
Mon Oct 24 08:33:37 EDT 2022

commit: 43bef54a32feef1eb6a4d63f00f89e2c5a39abd1
branch: main
author: C.A.M. Gerlach <CAM.Gerlach at Gerlach.CAM>
committer: pablogsal <Pablogsal at gmail.com>
date: 2022-10-24T13:33:31+01:00

gh-95913: Edit, sort & expand 3.11 WhatsNew Porting section (#98585)

M Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst

diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst
index a0622d37d953..d8e8764aa338 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst
@@ -1842,22 +1842,23 @@ in the Python API that may require changes to your Python code.
 Porting notes for the C API are
 :ref:`listed separately <whatsnew311-c-api-porting>`.
-* Prohibited passing non-:class:`concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor`
-  executors to :meth:`loop.set_default_executor` following a deprecation in
-  Python 3.8.
-  (Contributed by Illia Volochii in :issue:`43234`.)
 * :func:`open`, :func:`io.open`, :func:`codecs.open` and
   :class:`fileinput.FileInput` no longer accept ``'U'`` ("universal newline")
-  in the file mode. This flag was deprecated since Python 3.3. In Python 3, the
-  "universal newline" is used by default when a file is open in text mode.  The
-  :ref:`newline parameter <open-newline-parameter>` of :func:`open` controls
-  how universal newlines works.
+  in the file mode. In Python 3, "universal newline" mode is used by default
+  whenever a file is opened in text mode,
+  and the ``'U'`` flag has been deprecated since Python 3.3.
+  The :ref:`newline parameter <open-newline-parameter>`
+  to these functions controls how universal newlines work.
   (Contributed by Victor Stinner in :issue:`37330`.)
-* The :mod:`pdb` module now reads the :file:`.pdbrc` configuration file with
-  the ``'utf-8'`` encoding.
-  (Contributed by Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy (శ్రీనివాస్  రెడ్డి తాటిపర్తి) in :issue:`41137`.)
+* :class:`ast.AST` node positions are now validated when provided to
+  :func:`compile` and other related functions. If invalid positions are detected,
+  a :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. (Contributed by Pablo Galindo in :gh:`93351`)
+* Prohibited passing non-:class:`concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor`
+  executors to :meth:`asyncio.loop.set_default_executor`
+  following a deprecation in Python 3.8.
+  (Contributed by Illia Volochii in :issue:`43234`.)
 * :mod:`calendar`: The :class:`calendar.LocaleTextCalendar` and
   :class:`calendar.LocaleHTMLCalendar` classes now use
@@ -1865,29 +1866,29 @@ Porting notes for the C API are
   if no locale is specified.
   (Contributed by Victor Stinner in :issue:`46659`.)
-* Global inline flags (e.g. ``(?i)``) can now only be used at the start of
-  the regular expressions.  Using them not at the start of expression was
-  deprecated since Python 3.6.
-  (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in :issue:`47066`.)
-* :mod:`re` module: Fix a few long-standing bugs where, in rare cases,
-  capturing group could get wrong result. So the result may be different than
-  before.
-  (Contributed by Ma Lin in :issue:`35859`.)
+* The :mod:`pdb` module now reads the :file:`.pdbrc` configuration file with
+  the ``'UTF-8'`` encoding.
+  (Contributed by Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy (శ్రీనివాస్  రెడ్డి తాటిపర్తి) in :issue:`41137`.)
-* The *population* parameter of :func:`random.sample` must be a sequence.
-  Automatic conversion of sets to lists is no longer supported. If the sample size
+* The *population* parameter of :func:`random.sample` must be a sequence,
+  and automatic conversion of :class:`set`\s to :class:`list`\s
+  is no longer supported. Also, if the sample size
   is larger than the population size, a :exc:`ValueError` is raised.
   (Contributed by Raymond Hettinger in :issue:`40465`.)
-* :class:`ast.AST` node positions are now validated when provided to
-  :func:`compile` and other related functions. If invalid positions are detected,
-  a :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. (Contributed by Pablo Galindo in :gh:`93351`)
+* The *random* optional parameter of :func:`random.shuffle` was removed.
+  It was previously an arbitrary random function to use for the shuffle;
+  now, :func:`random.random` (its previous default) will always be used.
-* :c:member:`~PyTypeObject.tp_dictoffset` should be treated as write-only.
-  It can be set to describe C extension clases to the VM, but should be regarded
-  as meaningless when read. To get the pointer to the object's dictionary call
-  :c:func:`PyObject_GenericGetDict` instead.
+* In :mod:`re` :ref:`re-syntax`, global inline flags (e.g. ``(?i)``)
+  can now only be used at the start of regular expressions.
+  Using them elsewhere has been deprecated since Python 3.6.
+  (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in :issue:`47066`.)
+* In the :mod:`re` module, several long-standing bugs where fixed that,
+  in rare cases, could cause capture groups to get the wrong result.
+  Therefore, this could change the captured output in these cases.
+  (Contributed by Ma Lin in :issue:`35859`.)
 .. _whatsnew311-build-changes:

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