[Python-checkins] [Enum] Remove automatic docstring generation (GH-94188)

miss-islington webhook-mailer at python.org
Thu Jun 23 17:18:29 EDT 2022

commit: fbf31454e9e6d97d0a86a418249fe83f246d7a93
branch: 3.11
author: Miss Islington (bot) <31488909+miss-islington at users.noreply.github.com>
committer: miss-islington <31488909+miss-islington at users.noreply.github.com>
date: 2022-06-23T14:18:20-07:00

[Enum] Remove automatic docstring generation (GH-94188)

(cherry picked from commit 28a2ccfff279867b87aa31f56bfc97cf3d6b3afe)

Co-authored-by: Sam Ezeh <sam.z.ezeh at gmail.com>

M Lib/enum.py
M Lib/test/test_enum.py

diff --git a/Lib/enum.py b/Lib/enum.py
index d9efd0ec15ba7..5bd4da918d718 100644
--- a/Lib/enum.py
+++ b/Lib/enum.py
@@ -536,111 +536,6 @@ def __new__(metacls, cls, bases, classdict, *, boundary=None, _simple=False, **k
         # update classdict with any changes made by __init_subclass__
-        # create a default docstring if one has not been provided
-        if enum_class.__doc__ is None:
-            if not member_names or not list(enum_class):
-                enum_class.__doc__ = classdict['__doc__'] = _dedent("""\
-                        Create a collection of name/value pairs.
-                        Example enumeration:
-                        >>> class Color(Enum):
-                        ...     RED = 1
-                        ...     BLUE = 2
-                        ...     GREEN = 3
-                        Access them by:
-                        - attribute access::
-                        >>> Color.RED
-                        <Color.RED: 1>
-                        - value lookup:
-                        >>> Color(1)
-                        <Color.RED: 1>
-                        - name lookup:
-                        >>> Color['RED']
-                        <Color.RED: 1>
-                        Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have:
-                        >>> len(Color)
-                        3
-                        >>> list(Color)
-                        [<Color.RED: 1>, <Color.BLUE: 2>, <Color.GREEN: 3>]
-                        Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own
-                        attributes -- see the documentation for details.
-                        """)
-            else:
-                member = list(enum_class)[0]
-                enum_length = len(enum_class)
-                cls_name = enum_class.__name__
-                if enum_length == 1:
-                    list_line = 'list(%s)' % cls_name
-                    list_repr = '[<%s.%s: %r>]' % (cls_name, member.name, member.value)
-                elif enum_length == 2:
-                    member2 = list(enum_class)[1]
-                    list_line = 'list(%s)' % cls_name
-                    list_repr = '[<%s.%s: %r>, <%s.%s: %r>]' % (
-                            cls_name, member.name, member.value,
-                            cls_name, member2.name, member2.value,
-                            )
-                else:
-                    member2 = list(enum_class)[1]
-                    member3 = list(enum_class)[2]
-                    list_line = 'list(%s)%s' % (cls_name, ('','[:3]')[enum_length > 3])
-                    list_repr = '[<%s.%s: %r>, <%s.%s: %r>, <%s.%s: %r>]' % (
-                            cls_name, member.name, member.value,
-                            cls_name, member2.name, member2.value,
-                            cls_name, member3.name, member3.value,
-                            )
-                enum_class.__doc__ = classdict['__doc__'] = _dedent("""\
-                        A collection of name/value pairs.
-                        Access them by:
-                        - attribute access::
-                        >>> %s.%s
-                        <%s.%s: %r>
-                        - value lookup:
-                        >>> %s(%r)
-                        <%s.%s: %r>
-                        - name lookup:
-                        >>> %s[%r]
-                        <%s.%s: %r>
-                        Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have:
-                        >>> len(%s)
-                        %r
-                        >>> %s
-                        %s
-                        Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own
-                        attributes -- see the documentation for details.
-                        """
-                        % (cls_name, member.name,
-                            cls_name, member.name, member.value,
-                            cls_name, member.value,
-                            cls_name, member.name, member.value,
-                            cls_name, member.name,
-                            cls_name, member.name, member.value,
-                            cls_name, enum_length,
-                            list_line, list_repr,
-                        ))
-        #
         # double check that repr and friends are not the mixin's or various
         # things break (such as pickle)
         # however, if the method is defined in the Enum itself, don't replace
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_enum.py b/Lib/test/test_enum.py
index 623d265b4fd4b..c510f1b1cf714 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_enum.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_enum.py
@@ -4073,36 +4073,6 @@ class TestEnumTypeSubclassing(unittest.TestCase):
 class Color(enum.Enum)
  |  Color(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
- |  A collection of name/value pairs.
- |\x20\x20
- |  Access them by:
- |\x20\x20
- |  - attribute access::
- |\x20\x20
- |  >>> Color.CYAN
- |  <Color.CYAN: 1>
- |\x20\x20
- |  - value lookup:
- |\x20\x20
- |  >>> Color(1)
- |  <Color.CYAN: 1>
- |\x20\x20
- |  - name lookup:
- |\x20\x20
- |  >>> Color['CYAN']
- |  <Color.CYAN: 1>
- |\x20\x20
- |  Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have:
- |\x20\x20
- |  >>> len(Color)
- |  3
- |\x20\x20
- |  >>> list(Color)
- |  [<Color.CYAN: 1>, <Color.MAGENTA: 2>, <Color.YELLOW: 3>]
- |\x20\x20
- |  Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own
- |  attributes -- see the documentation for details.
- |\x20\x20
  |  Method resolution order:
  |      Color
  |      enum.Enum
@@ -4348,77 +4318,13 @@ def test__all__(self):
     def test_doc_1(self):
         class Single(Enum):
             ONE = 1
-        self.assertEqual(
-                Single.__doc__,
-                dedent("""\
-                    A collection of name/value pairs.
-                    Access them by:
-                    - attribute access::
-                    >>> Single.ONE
-                    <Single.ONE: 1>
-                    - value lookup:
-                    >>> Single(1)
-                    <Single.ONE: 1>
-                    - name lookup:
-                    >>> Single['ONE']
-                    <Single.ONE: 1>
-                    Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have:
-                    >>> len(Single)
-                    1
-                    >>> list(Single)
-                    [<Single.ONE: 1>]
-                    Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own
-                    attributes -- see the documentation for details.
-                    """))
+        self.assertEqual(Single.__doc__, None)
     def test_doc_2(self):
         class Double(Enum):
             ONE = 1
             TWO = 2
-        self.assertEqual(
-                Double.__doc__,
-                dedent("""\
-                    A collection of name/value pairs.
-                    Access them by:
-                    - attribute access::
-                    >>> Double.ONE
-                    <Double.ONE: 1>
-                    - value lookup:
-                    >>> Double(1)
-                    <Double.ONE: 1>
-                    - name lookup:
-                    >>> Double['ONE']
-                    <Double.ONE: 1>
-                    Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have:
-                    >>> len(Double)
-                    2
-                    >>> list(Double)
-                    [<Double.ONE: 1>, <Double.TWO: 2>]
-                    Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own
-                    attributes -- see the documentation for details.
-                    """))
+        self.assertEqual(Double.__doc__, None)
     def test_doc_1(self):
@@ -4426,39 +4332,7 @@ class Triple(Enum):
             ONE = 1
             TWO = 2
             THREE = 3
-        self.assertEqual(
-                Triple.__doc__,
-                dedent("""\
-                    A collection of name/value pairs.
-                    Access them by:
-                    - attribute access::
-                    >>> Triple.ONE
-                    <Triple.ONE: 1>
-                    - value lookup:
-                    >>> Triple(1)
-                    <Triple.ONE: 1>
-                    - name lookup:
-                    >>> Triple['ONE']
-                    <Triple.ONE: 1>
-                    Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have:
-                    >>> len(Triple)
-                    3
-                    >>> list(Triple)
-                    [<Triple.ONE: 1>, <Triple.TWO: 2>, <Triple.THREE: 3>]
-                    Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own
-                    attributes -- see the documentation for details.
-                    """))
+        self.assertEqual(Triple.__doc__, None)
     def test_doc_1(self):
         class Quadruple(Enum):
@@ -4466,39 +4340,7 @@ class Quadruple(Enum):
             TWO = 2
             THREE = 3
             FOUR = 4
-        self.assertEqual(
-                Quadruple.__doc__,
-                dedent("""\
-                    A collection of name/value pairs.
-                    Access them by:
-                    - attribute access::
-                    >>> Quadruple.ONE
-                    <Quadruple.ONE: 1>
-                    - value lookup:
-                    >>> Quadruple(1)
-                    <Quadruple.ONE: 1>
-                    - name lookup:
-                    >>> Quadruple['ONE']
-                    <Quadruple.ONE: 1>
-                    Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have:
-                    >>> len(Quadruple)
-                    4
-                    >>> list(Quadruple)[:3]
-                    [<Quadruple.ONE: 1>, <Quadruple.TWO: 2>, <Quadruple.THREE: 3>]
-                    Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own
-                    attributes -- see the documentation for details.
-                    """))
+        self.assertEqual(Quadruple.__doc__, None)
 # These are unordered here on purpose to ensure that declaration order

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