[Python-checkins] gh-94438: in frameobject's mark_stacks switch, the PUSH_EXC_INFO and POP_EXCEPT cases are no longer reachable (GH-94582)

iritkatriel webhook-mailer at python.org
Wed Jul 6 02:16:08 EDT 2022

commit: 50b9a7762f06335277d9962edc8d39498601a4e4
branch: main
author: Irit Katriel <1055913+iritkatriel at users.noreply.github.com>
committer: iritkatriel <1055913+iritkatriel at users.noreply.github.com>
date: 2022-07-06T07:15:59+01:00

gh-94438: in frameobject's mark_stacks switch, the PUSH_EXC_INFO and POP_EXCEPT cases are no longer reachable (GH-94582)

M Objects/frameobject.c

diff --git a/Objects/frameobject.c b/Objects/frameobject.c
index 34a6c46c6b57f..6f4de65cc7c0d 100644
--- a/Objects/frameobject.c
+++ b/Objects/frameobject.c
@@ -256,10 +256,6 @@ mark_stacks(PyCodeObject *code_obj, int len)
                     stacks[i+1] = next_stack;
-                case POP_EXCEPT:
-                    next_stack = pop_value(pop_value(pop_value(next_stack)));
-                    stacks[i+1] = next_stack;
-                    break;
                 case SEND:
                     j = get_arg(code, i) + i + 1;
                     assert(j < len);
@@ -304,10 +300,16 @@ mark_stacks(PyCodeObject *code_obj, int len)
                     stacks[i+1] = next_stack;
                 case PUSH_EXC_INFO:
-                    next_stack = push_value(next_stack, Except);
-                    next_stack = push_value(next_stack, Except);
-                    next_stack = push_value(next_stack, Except);
-                    stacks[i+1] = next_stack;
+                case POP_EXCEPT:
+                    /* These instructions only appear in exception handlers, which
+                     * skip this switch ever since the move to zero-cost exceptions
+                     * (their stack remains UNINITIALIZED because nothing sets it).
+                     *
+                     * Note that explain_incompatible_stack interprets an
+                     * UNINITIALIZED stack as belonging to an exception handler.
+                     */
+                    Py_UNREACHABLE();
+                    break;
                 case RETURN_VALUE:
                 case RAISE_VARARGS:
                 case RERAISE:

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