[Python-checkins] bpo-47189: What's New in 3.11: Faster CPython (GH-32235)

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Wed Apr 6 07:38:53 EDT 2022

commit: 9ffe47df5468a72603f730eae48c2fd4ec615ffa
branch: main
author: Ken Jin <kenjin4096 at gmail.com>
committer: Fidget-Spinner <kenjin4096 at gmail.com>
date: 2022-04-06T19:38:25+08:00

bpo-47189: What's New in 3.11: Faster CPython (GH-32235)

Co-authored-by: Kumar Aditya <59607654+kumaraditya303 at users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jelle Zijlstra <jelle.zijlstra at gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Alex Waygood <Alex.Waygood at Gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Guido van Rossum <gvanrossum at users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Irit Katriel <1055913+iritkatriel at users.noreply.github.com>

A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/2022-04-01-23-56-13.bpo-47189.Nss0Y3.rst
M Doc/tutorial/modules.rst
M Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst

diff --git a/Doc/tutorial/modules.rst b/Doc/tutorial/modules.rst
index a4e1cefb26b71..0d1fadadf83a0 100644
--- a/Doc/tutorial/modules.rst
+++ b/Doc/tutorial/modules.rst
@@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ directory. This is an error unless the replacement is intended.  See section
 .. %
     Do we need stuff on zip files etc. ? DUBOIS
+.. _tut-pycache:
 "Compiled" Python files
diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst
index a2c57eb909ed1..75b455ddf7e30 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/3.11.rst
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ Summary -- Release highlights
 .. This section singles out the most important changes in Python 3.11.
    Brevity is key.
+- Python 3.11 is up to 10-60% faster than Python 3.10. On average, we measured a
+  1.22x speedup on the standard benchmark suite. See `Faster CPython`_ for details.
 .. PEP-sized items next.
@@ -477,13 +479,6 @@ Optimizations
   almost eliminated when no exception is raised.
   (Contributed by Mark Shannon in :issue:`40222`.)
-* Method calls with keywords are now faster due to bytecode
-  changes which avoid creating bound method instances. Previously, this
-  optimization was applied only to method calls with purely positional
-  arguments.
-  (Contributed by Ken Jin and Mark Shannon in :issue:`26110`, based on ideas
-  implemented in PyPy.)
 * Pure ASCII strings are now normalized in constant time by :func:`unicodedata.normalize`.
   (Contributed by Dong-hee Na in :issue:`44987`.)
@@ -498,6 +493,223 @@ Optimizations
   (Contributed by Inada Naoki in :issue:`46845`.)
+Faster CPython
+CPython 3.11 is on average `1.22x faster <https://github.com/faster-cpython/ideas/blob/main/main-vs-310.rst>`_
+than CPython 3.10 when measured with the
+`pyperformance <https://github.com/python/pyperformance>`_ benchmark suite,
+and compiled with GCC on Ubuntu Linux. Depending on your workload, the speedup
+could be up to 10-60% faster.
+This project focuses on two major areas in Python: faster startup and faster
+runtime. Other optimizations not under this project are listed in `Optimizations`_.
+Faster Startup
+Frozen imports / Static code objects
+Python caches bytecode in the :ref:`__pycache__<tut-pycache>` directory to
+speed up module loading.
+Previously in 3.10, Python module execution looked like this:
+.. code-block:: text
+   Read __pycache__ -> Unmarshal -> Heap allocated code object -> Evaluate
+In Python 3.11, the core modules essential for Python startup are "frozen".
+This means that their code objects (and bytecode) are statically allocated
+by the interpreter. This reduces the steps in module execution process to this:
+.. code-block:: text
+   Statically allocated code object -> Evaluate
+Interpreter startup is now 10-15% faster in Python 3.11. This has a big
+impact for short-running programs using Python.
+(Contributed by Eric Snow, Guido van Rossum and Kumar Aditya in numerous issues.)
+Faster Runtime
+Cheaper, lazy Python frames
+Python frames are created whenever Python calls a Python function. This frame
+holds execution information. The following are new frame optimizations:
+- Streamlined the frame creation process.
+- Avoided memory allocation by generously re-using frame space on the C stack.
+- Streamlined the internal frame struct to contain only essential information.
+  Frames previously held extra debugging and memory management information.
+Old-style frame objects are now created only when required by debuggers. For
+most user code, no frame objects are created at all. As a result, nearly all
+Python functions calls have sped up significantly. We measured a 3-7% speedup
+in pyperformance.
+(Contributed by Mark Shannon in :issue:`44590`.)
+.. _inline-calls:
+Inlined Python function calls
+During a Python function call, Python will call an evaluating C function to
+interpret that function's code. This effectively limits pure Python recursion to
+what's safe for the C stack.
+In 3.11, when CPython detects Python code calling another Python function,
+it sets up a new frame, and "jumps" to the new code inside the new frame. This
+avoids calling the C interpreting function altogether.
+Most Python function calls now consume no C stack space. This speeds up
+most of such calls. In simple recursive functions like fibonacci or
+factorial, a 1.7x speedup was observed. This also means recursive functions
+can recurse significantly deeper (if the user increases the recursion limit).
+We measured a 1-3% improvement in pyperformance.
+(Contributed by Pablo Galindo and Mark Shannon in :issue:`45256`.)
+PEP 659: Specializing Adaptive Interpreter
+:pep:`659` is one of the key parts of the faster CPython project. The general
+idea is that while Python is a dynamic language, most code has regions where
+objects and types rarely change. This concept is known as *type stability*.
+At runtime, Python will try to look for common patterns and type stability
+in the executing code. Python will then replace the current operation with a
+more specialized one. This specialized operation uses fast paths available only
+to those use cases/types, which generally outperform their generic
+counterparts. This also brings in another concept called *inline caching*, where
+Python caches the results of expensive operations directly in the bytecode.
+The specializer will also combine certain common instruction pairs into one
+superinstruction. This reduces the overhead during execution.
+Python will only specialize
+when it sees code that is "hot" (executed multiple times). This prevents Python
+from wasting time for run-once code. Python can also de-specialize when code is
+too dynamic or when the use changes. Specialization is attempted periodically,
+and specialization attempts are not too expensive. This allows specialization
+to adapt to new circumstances.
+(PEP written by Mark Shannon, with ideas inspired by Stefan Brunthaler.
+See :pep:`659` for more information.)
+   If I missed out anyone, please add them.
+| Operation     | Form               | Specialization                                        | Operation speedup | Contributor(s)    |
+|               |                    |                                                       | (up to)           |                   |
+| Binary        | ``x+x; x*x; x-x;`` | Binary add, multiply and subtract for common types    | 10%               | Mark Shannon,     |
+| operations    |                    | such as ``int``, ``float``, and ``str`` take custom   |                   | Dong-hee Na,      |
+|               |                    | fast paths for their underlying types.                |                   | Brandt Bucher,    |
+|               |                    |                                                       |                   | Dennis Sweeney    |
+| Subscript     | ``a[i]``           | Subscripting container types such as ``list``,        | 10-25%            | Irit Katriel,     |
+|               |                    | ``tuple`` and ``dict`` directly index the underlying  |                   | Mark Shannon      |
+|               |                    | data structures.                                      |                   |                   |
+|               |                    |                                                       |                   |                   |
+|               |                    | Subscripting custom ``__getitem__``                   |                   |                   |
+|               |                    | is also inlined similar to :ref:`inline-calls`.       |                   |                   |
+| Store         | ``a[i] = z``       | Similar to subscripting specialization above.         | 10-25%            | Dennis Sweeney    |
+| subscript     |                    |                                                       |                   |                   |
+| Calls         | ``f(arg)``         | Calls to common builtin (C) functions and types such  | 20%               | Mark Shannon,     |
+|               | ``C(arg)``         | as ``len`` and ``str`` directly call their underlying |                   | Ken Jin           |
+|               |                    | C version. This avoids going through the internal     |                   |                   |
+|               |                    | calling convention.                                   |                   |                   |
+|               |                    |                                                       |                   |                   |
+| Load          | ``print``          | The object's index in the globals/builtins namespace  | [1]_              | Mark Shannon      |
+| global        | ``len``            | is cached. Loading globals and builtins require       |                   |                   |
+| variable      |                    | zero namespace lookups.                               |                   |                   |
+| Load          | ``o.attr``         | Similar to loading global variables. The attribute's  | [2]_              | Mark Shannon      |
+| attribute     |                    | index inside the class/object's namespace is cached.  |                   |                   |
+|               |                    | In most cases, attribute loading will require zero    |                   |                   |
+|               |                    | namespace lookups.                                    |                   |                   |
+| Load          | ``o.meth()``       | The actual address of the method is cached. Method    | 10-20%            | Ken Jin,          |
+| methods for   |                    | loading now has no namespace lookups -- even for      |                   | Mark Shannon      |
+| call          |                    | classes with long inheritance chains.                 |                   |                   |
+| Store         | ``o.attr = z``     | Similar to load attribute optimization.               | 2%                | Mark Shannon      |
+| attribute     |                    |                                                       | in pyperformance  |                   |
+| Unpack        | ``*seq``           | Specialized for common containers such as ``list``    | 8%                | Brandt Bucher     |
+| Sequence      |                    | and ``tuple``. Avoids internal calling convention.    |                   |                   |
+.. [1] A similar optimization already existed since Python 3.8.  3.11
+       specializes for more forms and reduces some overhead.
+.. [2] A similar optimization already existed since Python 3.10.
+       3.11 specializes for more forms. Furthermore, all attribute loads should
+       be sped up by :issue:`45947`.
+* Objects now require less memory due to lazily created object namespaces. Their
+  namespace dictionaries now also share keys more freely.
+  (Contributed Mark Shannon in :issue:`45340` and :issue:`40116`.)
+* A more concise representation of exceptions in the interpreter reduced the
+  time required for catching an exception by about 10%.
+  (Contributed by Irit Katriel in :issue:`45711`.)
+| Q: How should I write my code to utilize these speedups?
+| A: You don't have to change your code. Write Pythonic code that follows common
+  best practices. The Faster CPython project optimizes for common code
+  patterns we observe.
+| Q: Will CPython 3.11 use more memory?
+| A: Maybe not. We don't expect memory use to exceed 20% more than 3.10.
+  This is offset by memory optimizations for frame objects and object
+  dictionaries as mentioned above.
+| Q: I don't see any speedups in my workload. Why?
+| A: Certain code won't have noticeable benefits. If your code spends most of
+  its time on I/O operations, or already does most of its
+  computation in a C extension library like numpy, there won't be significant
+  speedup. This project currently benefits pure-Python workloads the most.
+| Furthermore, the pyperformance figures are a geometric mean. Even within the
+  pyperformance benchmarks, certain benchmarks have slowed down slightly, while
+  others have sped up by nearly 2x!
+| Q: Is there a JIT compiler?
+| A: No. We're still exploring other optimizations.
+Faster CPython explores optimizations for :term:`CPython`. The main team is
+funded by Microsoft to work on this full-time. Pablo Galindo Salgado is also
+funded by Bloomberg LP to work on the project part-time. Finally, many
+contributors are volunteers from the community.
 CPython bytecode changes
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/2022-04-01-23-56-13.bpo-47189.Nss0Y3.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/2022-04-01-23-56-13.bpo-47189.Nss0Y3.rst
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Add a What's New in Python 3.11 entry for the Faster CPython project.
+Documentation by Ken Jin and Kumar Aditya.

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