[Python-checkins] bpo-45216: Remove extraneous method docs from `difflib` (GH-28445)

ambv webhook-mailer at python.org
Tue Sep 21 17:31:20 EDT 2021

commit: 06e1773c8d8fe375423bb7fcf5922b49bc737b75
branch: main
author: Nikita Sobolev <mail at sobolevn.me>
committer: ambv <lukasz at langa.pl>
date: 2021-09-21T23:31:12+02:00

bpo-45216: Remove extraneous method docs from `difflib` (GH-28445)

A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/2021-09-18-13-45-19.bpo-45216.o56nyt.rst
M Lib/difflib.py

diff --git a/Lib/difflib.py b/Lib/difflib.py
index 0dda80d387573..480bad2224c8e 100644
--- a/Lib/difflib.py
+++ b/Lib/difflib.py
@@ -115,38 +115,6 @@ class SequenceMatcher:
     case.  SequenceMatcher is quadratic time for the worst case and has
     expected-case behavior dependent in a complicated way on how many
     elements the sequences have in common; best case time is linear.
-    Methods:
-    __init__(isjunk=None, a='', b='')
-        Construct a SequenceMatcher.
-    set_seqs(a, b)
-        Set the two sequences to be compared.
-    set_seq1(a)
-        Set the first sequence to be compared.
-    set_seq2(b)
-        Set the second sequence to be compared.
-    find_longest_match(alo=0, ahi=None, blo=0, bhi=None)
-        Find longest matching block in a[alo:ahi] and b[blo:bhi].
-    get_matching_blocks()
-        Return list of triples describing matching subsequences.
-    get_opcodes()
-        Return list of 5-tuples describing how to turn a into b.
-    ratio()
-        Return a measure of the sequences' similarity (float in [0,1]).
-    quick_ratio()
-        Return an upper bound on .ratio() relatively quickly.
-    real_quick_ratio()
-        Return an upper bound on ratio() very quickly.
     def __init__(self, isjunk=None, a='', b='', autojunk=True):
@@ -837,14 +805,6 @@ class Differ:
     +   4. Complicated is better than complex.
     ?           ++++ ^                      ^
     +   5. Flat is better than nested.
-    Methods:
-    __init__(linejunk=None, charjunk=None)
-        Construct a text differencer, with optional filters.
-    compare(a, b)
-        Compare two sequences of lines; generate the resulting delta.
     def __init__(self, linejunk=None, charjunk=None):
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/2021-09-18-13-45-19.bpo-45216.o56nyt.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/2021-09-18-13-45-19.bpo-45216.o56nyt.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d10b18ecdb8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Documentation/2021-09-18-13-45-19.bpo-45216.o56nyt.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Remove extra documentation listing methods in ``difflib``. It was rendering
+twice in pydoc and was outdated in some places.

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