[Python-checkins] bpo-45873: Get rid of bootstrap_python (#29717)

gvanrossum webhook-mailer at python.org
Tue Nov 23 11:56:30 EST 2021

commit: 5be98e57b3c3b36d1a1176b49c73b8822c6380e7
branch: main
author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>
committer: gvanrossum <gvanrossum at gmail.com>
date: 2021-11-23T08:56:06-08:00

bpo-45873: Get rid of bootstrap_python (#29717)

Instead we use $(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) .../deepfreeze.py with the
frozen .h file as input, as we did for Windows in bpo-45850.

We also get rid of the code that generates the .h files
when make regen-frozen is run (i.e., .../make_frozen.py),
and the MANIFEST file.

Restore Python 3.8 and 3.9 as Windows host Python again

Co-authored-by: Kumar Aditya <59607654+kumaraditya303 at users.noreply.github.com>

A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Build/2021-11-23-04-28-40.bpo-45873.9dldZ4.rst
M Makefile.pre.in
M PCbuild/find_python.bat
M Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py
M Tools/scripts/freeze_modules.py
M Tools/scripts/umarshal.py
M configure
M configure.ac

diff --git a/Makefile.pre.in b/Makefile.pre.in
index 046b0e86e6758..476a64cb7a500 100644
--- a/Makefile.pre.in
+++ b/Makefile.pre.in
@@ -275,7 +275,6 @@ LIBOBJS=	@LIBOBJS@
 PYTHON=		python$(EXE)
-BOOTSTRAP= _bootstrap_python
 UPDATE_FILE=$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/update_file.py
@@ -710,9 +709,9 @@ platform: $(BUILDPYTHON) pybuilddir.txt
 # problems by creating a dummy pybuilddir.txt just to allow interpreter
 # initialization to succeed.  It will be overwritten by generate-posix-vars
 # or removed in case of failure.
-pybuilddir.txt: $(BOOTSTRAP)
+pybuilddir.txt: $(BUILDPYTHON)
 	@echo "none" > ./pybuilddir.txt
-	./$(BOOTSTRAP) -S -m sysconfig --generate-posix-vars ;\
+	$(RUNSHARED) $(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD) -S -m sysconfig --generate-posix-vars ;\
 	if test $$? -ne 0 ; then \
 		echo "generate-posix-vars failed" ; \
 		rm -f ./pybuilddir.txt ; \
@@ -934,155 +933,75 @@ regen-test-frozenmain: $(BUILDPYTHON)
 Programs/_testembed: Programs/_testembed.o $(LIBRARY_DEPS)
-# "Bootstrap Python" used to run deepfreeze.py
-	Python/frozen_modules/importlib._bootstrap.h \
-	Python/frozen_modules/importlib._bootstrap_external.h \
-	Python/frozen_modules/zipimport.h
-Python/bootstrap_frozen.o: Python/bootstrap_frozen.c Include/cpython/import.h $(BOOTSTRAP_HEADERS)
-		Python/bootstrap_frozen.o Programs/python.o
-		Python/bootstrap_frozen.o \
-		Programs/python.o \
 # Deepfreeze targets
 .PHONY: regen-deepfreeze
 regen-deepfreeze: $(DEEPFREEZE_OBJS)
-	pybuilddir.txt \
-	$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py
 # BEGIN: deepfreeze modules
-Python/deepfreeze/importlib._bootstrap.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/importlib/_bootstrap.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/importlib._bootstrap.c from Lib/importlib/_bootstrap.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/importlib/_bootstrap.py -m importlib._bootstrap -o Python/deepfreeze/importlib._bootstrap.c
-Python/deepfreeze/importlib._bootstrap_external.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/importlib/_bootstrap_external.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/importlib._bootstrap_external.c from Lib/importlib/_bootstrap_external.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/importlib/_bootstrap_external.py -m importlib._bootstrap_external -o Python/deepfreeze/importlib._bootstrap_external.c
-Python/deepfreeze/zipimport.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/zipimport.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/zipimport.c from Lib/zipimport.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/zipimport.py -m zipimport -o Python/deepfreeze/zipimport.c
-Python/deepfreeze/abc.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/abc.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/abc.c from Lib/abc.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/abc.py -m abc -o Python/deepfreeze/abc.c
-Python/deepfreeze/codecs.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/codecs.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/codecs.c from Lib/codecs.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/codecs.py -m codecs -o Python/deepfreeze/codecs.c
-Python/deepfreeze/io.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/io.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/io.c from Lib/io.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/io.py -m io -o Python/deepfreeze/io.c
-Python/deepfreeze/_collections_abc.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/_collections_abc.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/_collections_abc.c from Lib/_collections_abc.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/_collections_abc.py -m _collections_abc -o Python/deepfreeze/_collections_abc.c
-Python/deepfreeze/_sitebuiltins.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/_sitebuiltins.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/_sitebuiltins.c from Lib/_sitebuiltins.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/_sitebuiltins.py -m _sitebuiltins -o Python/deepfreeze/_sitebuiltins.c
-Python/deepfreeze/genericpath.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/genericpath.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/genericpath.c from Lib/genericpath.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/genericpath.py -m genericpath -o Python/deepfreeze/genericpath.c
-Python/deepfreeze/ntpath.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/ntpath.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/ntpath.c from Lib/ntpath.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/ntpath.py -m ntpath -o Python/deepfreeze/ntpath.c
-Python/deepfreeze/posixpath.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/posixpath.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/posixpath.c from Lib/posixpath.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/posixpath.py -m posixpath -o Python/deepfreeze/posixpath.c
-Python/deepfreeze/os.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/os.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/os.c from Lib/os.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/os.py -m os -o Python/deepfreeze/os.c
-Python/deepfreeze/site.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/site.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/site.c from Lib/site.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/site.py -m site -o Python/deepfreeze/site.c
-Python/deepfreeze/stat.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/stat.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/stat.c from Lib/stat.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/stat.py -m stat -o Python/deepfreeze/stat.c
-Python/deepfreeze/__hello__.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/__hello__.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/__hello__.c from Lib/__hello__.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/__hello__.py -m __hello__ -o Python/deepfreeze/__hello__.c
-Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/__init__.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.c from Lib/__phello__/__init__.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/__init__.py -m __phello__ -o Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.c
-Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.ham.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/ham/__init__.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.ham.c from Lib/__phello__/ham/__init__.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/ham/__init__.py -m __phello__.ham -o Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.ham.c
-Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.ham.eggs.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/ham/eggs.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.ham.eggs.c from Lib/__phello__/ham/eggs.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/ham/eggs.py -m __phello__.ham.eggs -o Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.ham.eggs.c
-Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.spam.c: $(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/spam.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.spam.c from Lib/__phello__/spam.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/spam.py -m __phello__.spam -o Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.spam.c
-Python/deepfreeze/frozen_only.c: $(srcdir)/Tools/freeze/flag.py $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
-	@echo "Deepfreezing Python/deepfreeze/frozen_only.c from Tools/freeze/flag.py"
-	@./$(BOOTSTRAP) \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \
-		$(srcdir)/Tools/freeze/flag.py -m frozen_only -o Python/deepfreeze/frozen_only.c
+Python/deepfreeze/importlib._bootstrap.c: Python/frozen_modules/importlib._bootstrap.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/importlib._bootstrap.h -m importlib._bootstrap -o Python/deepfreeze/importlib._bootstrap.c
+Python/deepfreeze/importlib._bootstrap_external.c: Python/frozen_modules/importlib._bootstrap_external.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/importlib._bootstrap_external.h -m importlib._bootstrap_external -o Python/deepfreeze/importlib._bootstrap_external.c
+Python/deepfreeze/zipimport.c: Python/frozen_modules/zipimport.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/zipimport.h -m zipimport -o Python/deepfreeze/zipimport.c
+Python/deepfreeze/abc.c: Python/frozen_modules/abc.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/abc.h -m abc -o Python/deepfreeze/abc.c
+Python/deepfreeze/codecs.c: Python/frozen_modules/codecs.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/codecs.h -m codecs -o Python/deepfreeze/codecs.c
+Python/deepfreeze/io.c: Python/frozen_modules/io.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/io.h -m io -o Python/deepfreeze/io.c
+Python/deepfreeze/_collections_abc.c: Python/frozen_modules/_collections_abc.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/_collections_abc.h -m _collections_abc -o Python/deepfreeze/_collections_abc.c
+Python/deepfreeze/_sitebuiltins.c: Python/frozen_modules/_sitebuiltins.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/_sitebuiltins.h -m _sitebuiltins -o Python/deepfreeze/_sitebuiltins.c
+Python/deepfreeze/genericpath.c: Python/frozen_modules/genericpath.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/genericpath.h -m genericpath -o Python/deepfreeze/genericpath.c
+Python/deepfreeze/ntpath.c: Python/frozen_modules/ntpath.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/ntpath.h -m ntpath -o Python/deepfreeze/ntpath.c
+Python/deepfreeze/posixpath.c: Python/frozen_modules/posixpath.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/posixpath.h -m posixpath -o Python/deepfreeze/posixpath.c
+Python/deepfreeze/os.c: Python/frozen_modules/os.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/os.h -m os -o Python/deepfreeze/os.c
+Python/deepfreeze/site.c: Python/frozen_modules/site.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/site.h -m site -o Python/deepfreeze/site.c
+Python/deepfreeze/stat.c: Python/frozen_modules/stat.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/stat.h -m stat -o Python/deepfreeze/stat.c
+Python/deepfreeze/__hello__.c: Python/frozen_modules/__hello__.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/__hello__.h -m __hello__ -o Python/deepfreeze/__hello__.c
+Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.c: Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.h -m __phello__ -o Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.c
+Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.ham.c: Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.ham.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.ham.h -m __phello__.ham -o Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.ham.c
+Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.ham.eggs.c: Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.ham.eggs.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.ham.eggs.h -m __phello__.ham.eggs -o Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.ham.eggs.c
+Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.spam.c: Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.spam.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.spam.h -m __phello__.spam -o Python/deepfreeze/__phello__.spam.c
+Python/deepfreeze/frozen_only.c: Python/frozen_modules/frozen_only.h $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)
+	$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) $(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py Python/frozen_modules/frozen_only.h -m frozen_only -o Python/deepfreeze/frozen_only.c
 # END: deepfreeze modules
@@ -1143,64 +1062,64 @@ Programs/_freeze_module: Programs/_freeze_module.o $(LIBRARY_OBJS_OMIT_FROZEN)
 # BEGIN: freezing modules
 Python/frozen_modules/importlib._bootstrap.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/importlib/_bootstrap.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module importlib._bootstrap $(srcdir)/Lib/importlib/_bootstrap.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/importlib._bootstrap.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module importlib._bootstrap $(srcdir)/Lib/importlib/_bootstrap.py Python/frozen_modules/importlib._bootstrap.h
 Python/frozen_modules/importlib._bootstrap_external.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/importlib/_bootstrap_external.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module importlib._bootstrap_external $(srcdir)/Lib/importlib/_bootstrap_external.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/importlib._bootstrap_external.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module importlib._bootstrap_external $(srcdir)/Lib/importlib/_bootstrap_external.py Python/frozen_modules/importlib._bootstrap_external.h
 Python/frozen_modules/zipimport.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/zipimport.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module zipimport $(srcdir)/Lib/zipimport.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/zipimport.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module zipimport $(srcdir)/Lib/zipimport.py Python/frozen_modules/zipimport.h
 Python/frozen_modules/abc.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/abc.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module abc $(srcdir)/Lib/abc.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/abc.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module abc $(srcdir)/Lib/abc.py Python/frozen_modules/abc.h
 Python/frozen_modules/codecs.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/codecs.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module codecs $(srcdir)/Lib/codecs.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/codecs.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module codecs $(srcdir)/Lib/codecs.py Python/frozen_modules/codecs.h
 Python/frozen_modules/io.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/io.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module io $(srcdir)/Lib/io.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/io.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module io $(srcdir)/Lib/io.py Python/frozen_modules/io.h
 Python/frozen_modules/_collections_abc.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/_collections_abc.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module _collections_abc $(srcdir)/Lib/_collections_abc.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/_collections_abc.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module _collections_abc $(srcdir)/Lib/_collections_abc.py Python/frozen_modules/_collections_abc.h
 Python/frozen_modules/_sitebuiltins.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/_sitebuiltins.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module _sitebuiltins $(srcdir)/Lib/_sitebuiltins.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/_sitebuiltins.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module _sitebuiltins $(srcdir)/Lib/_sitebuiltins.py Python/frozen_modules/_sitebuiltins.h
 Python/frozen_modules/genericpath.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/genericpath.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module genericpath $(srcdir)/Lib/genericpath.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/genericpath.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module genericpath $(srcdir)/Lib/genericpath.py Python/frozen_modules/genericpath.h
 Python/frozen_modules/ntpath.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/ntpath.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module ntpath $(srcdir)/Lib/ntpath.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/ntpath.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module ntpath $(srcdir)/Lib/ntpath.py Python/frozen_modules/ntpath.h
 Python/frozen_modules/posixpath.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/posixpath.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module posixpath $(srcdir)/Lib/posixpath.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/posixpath.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module posixpath $(srcdir)/Lib/posixpath.py Python/frozen_modules/posixpath.h
 Python/frozen_modules/os.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/os.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module os $(srcdir)/Lib/os.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/os.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module os $(srcdir)/Lib/os.py Python/frozen_modules/os.h
 Python/frozen_modules/site.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/site.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module site $(srcdir)/Lib/site.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/site.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module site $(srcdir)/Lib/site.py Python/frozen_modules/site.h
 Python/frozen_modules/stat.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/stat.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module stat $(srcdir)/Lib/stat.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/stat.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module stat $(srcdir)/Lib/stat.py Python/frozen_modules/stat.h
 Python/frozen_modules/__hello__.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/__hello__.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module __hello__ $(srcdir)/Lib/__hello__.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/__hello__.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module __hello__ $(srcdir)/Lib/__hello__.py Python/frozen_modules/__hello__.h
 Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/__phello__/__init__.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module __phello__ $(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/__init__.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module __phello__ $(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/__init__.py Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.h
 Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.ham.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/__phello__/ham/__init__.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module __phello__.ham $(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/ham/__init__.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.ham.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module __phello__.ham $(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/ham/__init__.py Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.ham.h
 Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.ham.eggs.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/__phello__/ham/eggs.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module __phello__.ham.eggs $(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/ham/eggs.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.ham.eggs.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module __phello__.ham.eggs $(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/ham/eggs.py Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.ham.eggs.h
 Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.spam.h: Programs/_freeze_module Lib/__phello__/spam.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module __phello__.spam $(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/spam.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.spam.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module __phello__.spam $(srcdir)/Lib/__phello__/spam.py Python/frozen_modules/__phello__.spam.h
 Python/frozen_modules/frozen_only.h: Programs/_freeze_module Tools/freeze/flag.py
-	Programs/_freeze_module frozen_only $(srcdir)/Tools/freeze/flag.py $(srcdir)/Python/frozen_modules/frozen_only.h
+	Programs/_freeze_module frozen_only $(srcdir)/Tools/freeze/flag.py Python/frozen_modules/frozen_only.h
 # END: freezing modules
@@ -2368,7 +2287,7 @@ clean-retain-profile: pycremoval
 	find build -name '*.py[co]' -exec rm -f {} ';' || true
 	-rm -f pybuilddir.txt
 	-rm -f Lib/lib2to3/*Grammar*.pickle
-	-rm -f Programs/_testembed Programs/_freeze_module $(BOOTSTRAP)
+	-rm -f Programs/_testembed Programs/_freeze_module
 	-rm -f Python/deepfreeze/*.[co]
 	-find build -type f -a ! -name '*.gc??' -exec rm -f {} ';'
 	-rm -f Include/pydtrace_probes.h
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Build/2021-11-23-04-28-40.bpo-45873.9dldZ4.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Build/2021-11-23-04-28-40.bpo-45873.9dldZ4.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..901a3d6650b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Build/2021-11-23-04-28-40.bpo-45873.9dldZ4.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Get rid of the ``_bootstrap_python`` build step. The deepfreeze.py script is now run using ``$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN)`` which can be Python 3.7 or newer (on Windows, 3.8 or newer).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PCbuild/find_python.bat b/PCbuild/find_python.bat
index a9f14c5277ffa..a9bbe5a6279a6 100644
--- a/PCbuild/find_python.bat
+++ b/PCbuild/find_python.bat
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@
 @if "%_Py_EXTERNALS_DIR%"=="" (set _Py_EXTERNALS_DIR=%~dp0\..\externals)
 @rem If we have Python in externals, use that one
- at if exist "%_Py_EXTERNALS_DIR%\pythonx86\tools\python.exe" ("%_Py_EXTERNALS_DIR%\pythonx86\tools\python.exe" -Ec "import sys; assert sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 10)" >nul 2>nul) && (set PYTHON="%_Py_EXTERNALS_DIR%\pythonx86\tools\python.exe") && (set _Py_Python_Source=found in externals directory) && goto :found || rmdir /Q /S "%_Py_EXTERNALS_DIR%\pythonx86"
+ at if exist "%_Py_EXTERNALS_DIR%\pythonx86\tools\python.exe" ("%_Py_EXTERNALS_DIR%\pythonx86\tools\python.exe" -Ec "import sys; assert sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 8)" >nul 2>nul) && (set PYTHON="%_Py_EXTERNALS_DIR%\pythonx86\tools\python.exe") && (set _Py_Python_Source=found in externals directory) && goto :found || rmdir /Q /S "%_Py_EXTERNALS_DIR%\pythonx86"
 @rem If HOST_PYTHON is recent enough, use that
- at if NOT "%HOST_PYTHON%"=="" @%HOST_PYTHON% -Ec "import sys; assert sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 10)" >nul 2>nul && (set PYTHON="%HOST_PYTHON%") && (set _Py_Python_Source=found as HOST_PYTHON) && goto :found
+ at if NOT "%HOST_PYTHON%"=="" @%HOST_PYTHON% -Ec "import sys; assert sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 8)" >nul 2>nul && (set PYTHON="%HOST_PYTHON%") && (set _Py_Python_Source=found as HOST_PYTHON) && goto :found
 @rem If py.exe finds a recent enough version, use that one
- at for %%p in (3.10) do @py -%%p -EV >nul 2>&1 && (set PYTHON=py -%%p) && (set _Py_Python_Source=found %%p with py.exe) && goto :found
+ at for %%p in (3.10 3.9 3.8) do @py -%%p -EV >nul 2>&1 && (set PYTHON=py -%%p) && (set _Py_Python_Source=found %%p with py.exe) && goto :found
 @if NOT exist "%_Py_EXTERNALS_DIR%" mkdir "%_Py_EXTERNALS_DIR%"
 @set _Py_NUGET=%NUGET%
diff --git a/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py b/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py
index b6d52b7454965..b840c4b51d73a 100644
--- a/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py
+++ b/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 import re
 import time
 import types
-import typing
+from typing import Dict, FrozenSet, Tuple, TextIO
 import umarshal
@@ -42,13 +42,14 @@ def get_localsplus(code: types.CodeType):
 def get_localsplus_counts(code: types.CodeType,
-                          names: tuple[str, ...],
-                          kinds: bytes) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
+                          names: Tuple[str, ...],
+                          kinds: bytes) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
     nlocals = 0
     nplaincellvars = 0
     ncellvars = 0
     nfreevars = 0
-    for name, kind in zip(names, kinds, strict=True):
+    assert len(names) == len(kinds)
+    for name, kind in zip(names, kinds):
         if kind & CO_FAST_LOCAL:
             nlocals += 1
             if kind & CO_FAST_CELL:
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ def get_localsplus_counts(code: types.CodeType,
 PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND = 4
-def analyze_character_width(s: str) -> tuple[int, bool]:
+def analyze_character_width(s: str) -> Tuple[int, bool]:
     maxchar = ' '
     for c in s:
         maxchar = max(maxchar, c)
@@ -86,12 +87,17 @@ def analyze_character_width(s: str) -> tuple[int, bool]:
     return kind, ascii
+def removesuffix(base: str, suffix: str) -> str:
+    if base.endswith(suffix):
+        return base[:len(base) - len(suffix)]
+    return base
 class Printer:
-    def __init__(self, file: typing.TextIO):
+    def __init__(self, file: TextIO):
         self.level = 0
         self.file = file
-        self.cache: dict[tuple[type, object], str] = {}
+        self.cache: Dict[Tuple[type, object], str] = {}
         self.hits, self.misses = 0, 0
         self.patchups: list[str] = []
         self.write('#include "Python.h"')
@@ -231,7 +237,7 @@ def generate_code(self, name: str, code: types.CodeType) -> str:
             # otherwise MSVC doesn't like it.
             self.write(f".co_consts = {co_consts},")
             self.write(f".co_names = {co_names},")
-            self.write(f".co_firstinstr = (_Py_CODEUNIT *) {co_code.removesuffix('.ob_base.ob_base')}.ob_sval,")
+            self.write(f".co_firstinstr = (_Py_CODEUNIT *) {removesuffix(co_code, '.ob_base.ob_base')}.ob_sval,")
             self.write(f".co_exceptiontable = {co_exceptiontable},")
             self.field(code, "co_flags")
             self.write(".co_warmup = QUICKENING_INITIAL_WARMUP_VALUE,")
@@ -259,7 +265,7 @@ def generate_code(self, name: str, code: types.CodeType) -> str:
             self.write(f".co_freevars = {co_freevars},")
         return f"& {name}.ob_base"
-    def generate_tuple(self, name: str, t: tuple[object, ...]) -> str:
+    def generate_tuple(self, name: str, t: Tuple[object, ...]) -> str:
         items = [self.generate(f"{name}_{i}", it) for i, it in enumerate(t)]
         with self.indent():
@@ -323,7 +329,7 @@ def generate_complex(self, name: str, z: complex) -> str:
             self.write(f".cval = {{ {z.real}, {z.imag} }},")
         return f"&{name}.ob_base"
-    def generate_frozenset(self, name: str, fs: frozenset[object]) -> str:
+    def generate_frozenset(self, name: str, fs: FrozenSet[object]) -> str:
         ret = self.generate_tuple(name, tuple(sorted(fs)))
         self.write("// TODO: The above tuple should be a frozenset")
         return ret
@@ -336,34 +342,33 @@ def generate(self, name: str, obj: object) -> str:
             # print(f"Cache hit {key!r:.40}: {self.cache[key]!r:.40}")
             return self.cache[key]
         self.misses += 1
-        match obj:
-            case types.CodeType() | umarshal.Code() as code:
-                val = self.generate_code(name, code)
-            case tuple(t):
-                val = self.generate_tuple(name, t)
-            case str(s):
-                val = self.generate_unicode(name, s)
-            case bytes(b):
-                val = self.generate_bytes(name, b)
-            case True:
-                return "Py_True"
-            case False:
-                return "Py_False"
-            case int(i):
-                val = self.generate_int(name, i)
-            case float(x):
-                val = self.generate_float(name, x)
-            case complex() as z:
-                val = self.generate_complex(name, z)
-            case frozenset(fs):
-                val = self.generate_frozenset(name, fs)
-            case builtins.Ellipsis:
-                return "Py_Ellipsis"
-            case None:
-                return "Py_None"
-            case _:
-                raise TypeError(
-                    f"Cannot generate code for {type(obj).__name__} object")
+        if isinstance(obj, types.CodeType) or isinstance(obj, umarshal.Code):
+            val = self.generate_code(name, obj)
+        elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
+            val = self.generate_tuple(name, obj)
+        elif isinstance(obj, str):
+            val = self.generate_unicode(name, obj)
+        elif isinstance(obj, bytes):
+            val = self.generate_bytes(name, obj)
+        elif obj is True:
+            return "Py_True"
+        elif obj is False:
+            return "Py_False"
+        elif isinstance(obj, int):
+            val = self.generate_int(name, obj)
+        elif isinstance(obj, float):
+            val = self.generate_float(name, obj)
+        elif isinstance(obj, complex):
+            val = self.generate_complex(name, obj)
+        elif isinstance(obj, frozenset):
+            val = self.generate_frozenset(name, obj)
+        elif obj is builtins.Ellipsis:
+            return "Py_Ellipsis"
+        elif obj is None:
+            return "Py_None"
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(
+                f"Cannot generate code for {type(obj).__name__} object")
         # print(f"Cache store {key!r:.40}: {val!r:.40}")
         self.cache[key] = val
         return val
@@ -393,12 +398,12 @@ def decode_frozen_data(source: str) -> types.CodeType:
         del lines[0]
     while lines and re.match(FROZEN_DATA_LINE, lines[-1]) is None:
         del lines[-1]
-    values: tuple[int, ...] = ast.literal_eval("".join(lines))
+    values: Tuple[int, ...] = ast.literal_eval("".join(lines).strip())
     data = bytes(values)
     return umarshal.loads(data)
-def generate(source: str, filename: str, modname: str, file: typing.TextIO) -> None:
+def generate(source: str, filename: str, modname: str, file: TextIO) -> None:
     if is_frozen_header(source):
         code = decode_frozen_data(source)
@@ -439,7 +444,7 @@ def main() -> None:
     verbose = args.verbose
     with open(args.file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
         source = f.read()
-    modname = args.module or os.path.basename(args.file).removesuffix(".py")
+    modname = args.module or removesuffix(os.path.basename(args.file), ".py")
     output = args.output or modname + ".c"
     with open(output, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
         with report_time("generate"):
diff --git a/Tools/scripts/freeze_modules.py b/Tools/scripts/freeze_modules.py
index 61ccae61e4f96..4281b67e27cb3 100644
--- a/Tools/scripts/freeze_modules.py
+++ b/Tools/scripts/freeze_modules.py
@@ -25,31 +25,6 @@
 # need to be updated.
 MODULES_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Python', 'frozen_modules')
-if sys.platform != "win32":
-    TOOL = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Programs', '_freeze_module')
-    if not os.path.isfile(TOOL):
-        # When building out of the source tree, get the tool from directory
-        # of the Python executable
-        TOOL = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
-        TOOL = os.path.join(TOOL, 'Programs', '_freeze_module')
-        TOOL = os.path.abspath(TOOL)
-        if not os.path.isfile(TOOL):
-            sys.exit("ERROR: missing _freeze_module")
-    def find_tool():
-        archs = ['amd64', 'win32']
-        if platform.machine() == "ARM64":
-             archs.append('arm64')
-        for arch in archs:
-            for exe in ['_freeze_module.exe', '_freeze_module_d.exe']:
-                tool = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'PCbuild', arch, exe)
-                if os.path.isfile(tool):
-                    return tool
-        sys.exit("ERROR: missing _freeze_module.exe; you need to run PCbuild/build.bat")
-    TOOL = find_tool()
-    del find_tool
 FROZEN_FILE = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Python', 'frozen.c')
 MAKEFILE = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Makefile.pre.in')
 PCBUILD_PROJECT = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'PCbuild', '_freeze_module.vcxproj')
@@ -480,45 +455,6 @@ def replace_block(lines, start_marker, end_marker, replacements, file):
     return lines[:start_pos + 1] + replacements + lines[end_pos:]
-def regen_manifest(modules):
-    header = 'module ispkg source frozen checksum'.split()
-    widths = [5] * len(header)
-    rows = []
-    for mod in modules:
-        info = mod.summarize()
-        row = []
-        for i, col in enumerate(header):
-            value = info[col]
-            if col == 'checksum':
-                value = value[:12]
-            elif col == 'ispkg':
-                value = 'YES' if value else 'no'
-            widths[i] = max(widths[i], len(value))
-            row.append(value or '-')
-        rows.append(row)
-    modlines = [
-        '# The list of frozen modules with key information.',
-        '# Note that the "check_generated_files" CI job will identify',
-        '# when source files were changed but regen-frozen wasn\'t run.',
-        '# This file is auto-generated by Tools/scripts/freeze_modules.py.',
-        ' '.join(c.center(w) for c, w in zip(header, widths)).rstrip(),
-        ' '.join('-' * w for w in widths),
-    ]
-    for row in rows:
-        for i, w in enumerate(widths):
-            if header[i] == 'ispkg':
-                row[i] = row[i].center(w)
-            else:
-                row[i] = row[i].ljust(w)
-        modlines.append(' '.join(row).rstrip())
-    print(f'# Updating {os.path.relpath(MANIFEST)}')
-    with open(MANIFEST, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as outfile:
-        lines = (l + '\n' for l in modlines)
-        outfile.writelines(lines)
 def regen_frozen(modules):
     headerlines = []
     parentdir = os.path.dirname(FROZEN_FILE)
@@ -648,11 +584,11 @@ def regen_makefile(modules):
         deepfreezefiles.append(f"\t\t{ofile} \\")
         # Also add a deepfreeze rule.
-        deepfreezerules.append(f'{cfile}: $(srcdir)/{_pyfile} $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)')
-        deepfreezerules.append(f'\t at echo "Deepfreezing {cfile} from {_pyfile}"')
-        deepfreezerules.append(f"\t at ./$(BOOTSTRAP) \\")
-        deepfreezerules.append(f"\t\t$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py \\")
-        deepfreezerules.append(f"\t\t$(srcdir)/{_pyfile} -m {src.frozenid} -o {cfile}")
+        deepfreezerules.append(f'{cfile}: {header} $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)')
+        deepfreezerules.append(
+            f"\t$(PYTHON_FOR_REGEN) "
+            f"$(srcdir)/Tools/scripts/deepfreeze.py "
+            f"{header} -m {src.frozenid} -o {cfile}")
     for src in _iter_sources(modules):
@@ -663,7 +599,7 @@ def regen_makefile(modules):
         pyfiles.append(f'\t\t{pyfile} \\')
         freeze = (f'Programs/_freeze_module {src.frozenid} '
-                  f'$(srcdir)/{pyfile} $(srcdir)/{header}')
+                  f'$(srcdir)/{pyfile} {header}')
             f'{header}: Programs/_freeze_module {pyfile}',
@@ -774,32 +710,6 @@ def regen_pcbuild(modules):
-# freezing modules
-def freeze_module(modname, pyfile=None, destdir=MODULES_DIR):
-    """Generate the frozen module .h file for the given module."""
-    tmpsuffix = f'.{int(time.time())}'
-    for modname, pyfile, ispkg in resolve_modules(modname, pyfile):
-        frozenfile = resolve_frozen_file(modname, destdir)
-        _freeze_module(modname, pyfile, frozenfile, tmpsuffix)
-def _freeze_module(frozenid, pyfile, frozenfile, tmpsuffix):
-    tmpfile = f'{frozenfile}.{int(time.time())}'
-    argv = [TOOL, frozenid, pyfile, tmpfile]
-    print('#', '  '.join(os.path.relpath(a) for a in argv), flush=True)
-    try:
-        subprocess.run(argv, check=True)
-    except (FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
-        if not os.path.exists(TOOL):
-            sys.exit(f'ERROR: missing {TOOL}; you need to run "make regen-frozen"')
-        raise  # re-raise
-    update_file_with_tmpfile(frozenfile, tmpfile, create=True)
 # the script
@@ -810,15 +720,7 @@ def main():
     # Regen build-related files.
-    # Freeze the target modules.
-    tmpsuffix = f'.{int(time.time())}'
-    for src in _iter_sources(modules):
-        _freeze_module(src.frozenid, src.pyfile, src.frozenfile, tmpsuffix)
-    # Regen files dependent of frozen file details.
-    regen_manifest(modules)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/Tools/scripts/umarshal.py b/Tools/scripts/umarshal.py
index e0d18c89e7531..2eaaa7ce2d95b 100644
--- a/Tools/scripts/umarshal.py
+++ b/Tools/scripts/umarshal.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import ast
-from typing import Any
+from typing import Any, Tuple
 class Type:
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ def __init__(self, **kwds: Any):
     def __repr__(self) -> str:
         return f"Code(**{self.__dict__})"
-    co_localsplusnames: tuple[str]
-    co_localspluskinds: tuple[int]
+    co_localsplusnames: Tuple[str]
+    co_localspluskinds: Tuple[int]
-    def get_localsplus_names(self, select_kind: int) -> tuple[str, ...]:
+    def get_localsplus_names(self, select_kind: int) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
         varnames: list[str] = []
         for name, kind in zip(self.co_localsplusnames,
@@ -67,15 +67,15 @@ def get_localsplus_names(self, select_kind: int) -> tuple[str, ...]:
         return tuple(varnames)
-    def co_varnames(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
+    def co_varnames(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
         return self.get_localsplus_names(CO_FAST_LOCAL)
-    def co_cellvars(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
+    def co_cellvars(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
         return self.get_localsplus_names(CO_FAST_CELL)
-    def co_freevars(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
+    def co_freevars(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
         return self.get_localsplus_names(CO_FAST_FREE)
@@ -190,118 +190,117 @@ def R_REF(obj: Any) -> Any:
                 obj = self.r_ref(obj, flag)
             return obj
-        match type:
-            case Type.NULL:
-                return NULL
-            case Type.NONE:
-                return None
-            case Type.ELLIPSIS:
-                return Ellipsis
-            case Type.FALSE:
-                return False
-            case Type.TRUE:
-                return True
-            case Type.INT:
-                return R_REF(self.r_long())
-            case Type.INT64:
-                return R_REF(self.r_long64())
-            case Type.LONG:
-                return R_REF(self.r_PyLong())
-            case Type.FLOAT:
-                return R_REF(self.r_float_str())
-            case Type.BINARY_FLOAT:
-                return R_REF(self.r_float_bin())
-            case Type.COMPLEX:
-                return R_REF(complex(self.r_float_str(),
-                                     self.r_float_str()))
-            case Type.BINARY_COMPLEX:
-                return R_REF(complex(self.r_float_bin(),
-                                     self.r_float_bin()))
-            case Type.STRING:
-                n = self.r_long()
-                return R_REF(self.r_string(n))
-            case Type.ASCII_INTERNED | Type.ASCII:
-                n = self.r_long()
-                return R_REF(self.r_string(n).decode("ascii"))
-            case Type.SHORT_ASCII_INTERNED | Type.SHORT_ASCII:
-                n = self.r_byte()
-                return R_REF(self.r_string(n).decode("ascii"))
-            case Type.INTERNED | Type.UNICODE:
-                n = self.r_long()
-                return R_REF(self.r_string(n).decode("utf8", "surrogatepass"))
-            case Type.SMALL_TUPLE:
-                n = self.r_byte()
-                idx = self.r_ref_reserve(flag)
-                retval: Any = tuple(self.r_object() for _ in range(n))
-                self.r_ref_insert(retval, idx, flag)
-                return retval
-            case Type.TUPLE:
-                n = self.r_long()
-                idx = self.r_ref_reserve(flag)
-                retval = tuple(self.r_object() for _ in range(n))
-                self.r_ref_insert(retval, idx, flag)
-                return retval
-            case Type.LIST:
-                n = self.r_long()
-                retval = R_REF([])
-                for _ in range(n):
-                    retval.append(self.r_object())
-                return retval
-            case Type.DICT:
-                retval = R_REF({})
-                while True:
-                    key = self.r_object()
-                    if key == NULL:
-                        break
-                    val = self.r_object()
-                    retval[key] = val
-                return retval
-            case Type.SET:
-                n = self.r_long()
-                retval = R_REF(set())
-                for _ in range(n):
-                    v = self.r_object()
-                    retval.add(v)
-                return retval
-            case Type.FROZENSET:
-                n = self.r_long()
-                s: set[Any] = set()
-                idx = self.r_ref_reserve(flag)
-                for _ in range(n):
-                    v = self.r_object()
-                    s.add(v)
-                retval = frozenset(s)
-                self.r_ref_insert(retval, idx, flag)
-                return retval
-            case Type.CODE:
-                retval = R_REF(Code())
-                retval.co_argcount = self.r_long()
-                retval.co_posonlyargcount = self.r_long()
-                retval.co_kwonlyargcount = self.r_long()
-                retval.co_stacksize = self.r_long()
-                retval.co_flags = self.r_long()
-                retval.co_code = self.r_object()
-                retval.co_consts = self.r_object()
-                retval.co_names = self.r_object()
-                retval.co_localsplusnames = self.r_object()
-                retval.co_localspluskinds = self.r_object()
-                retval.co_filename = self.r_object()
-                retval.co_name = self.r_object()
-                retval.co_qualname = self.r_object()
-                retval.co_firstlineno = self.r_long()
-                retval.co_linetable = self.r_object()
-                retval.co_endlinetable = self.r_object()
-                retval.co_columntable = self.r_object()
-                retval.co_exceptiontable = self.r_object()
-                return retval
-            case Type.REF:
-                n = self.r_long()
-                retval = self.refs[n]
-                assert retval is not None
-                return retval
-            case _:
-                breakpoint()
-                raise AssertionError(f"Unknown type {type} {chr(type)!r}")
+        if type == Type.NULL:
+            return NULL
+        elif type == Type.NONE:
+            return None
+        elif type == Type.ELLIPSIS:
+            return Ellipsis
+        elif type == Type.FALSE:
+            return False
+        elif type == Type.TRUE:
+            return True
+        elif type == Type.INT:
+            return R_REF(self.r_long())
+        elif type == Type.INT64:
+            return R_REF(self.r_long64())
+        elif type == Type.LONG:
+            return R_REF(self.r_PyLong())
+        elif type == Type.FLOAT:
+            return R_REF(self.r_float_str())
+        elif type == Type.BINARY_FLOAT:
+            return R_REF(self.r_float_bin())
+        elif type == Type.COMPLEX:
+            return R_REF(complex(self.r_float_str(),
+                                    self.r_float_str()))
+        elif type == Type.BINARY_COMPLEX:
+            return R_REF(complex(self.r_float_bin(),
+                                    self.r_float_bin()))
+        elif type == Type.STRING:
+            n = self.r_long()
+            return R_REF(self.r_string(n))
+        elif type == Type.ASCII_INTERNED or type == Type.ASCII:
+            n = self.r_long()
+            return R_REF(self.r_string(n).decode("ascii"))
+        elif type == Type.SHORT_ASCII_INTERNED or type == Type.SHORT_ASCII:
+            n = self.r_byte()
+            return R_REF(self.r_string(n).decode("ascii"))
+        elif type == Type.INTERNED or type == Type.UNICODE:
+            n = self.r_long()
+            return R_REF(self.r_string(n).decode("utf8", "surrogatepass"))
+        elif type == Type.SMALL_TUPLE:
+            n = self.r_byte()
+            idx = self.r_ref_reserve(flag)
+            retval: Any = tuple(self.r_object() for _ in range(n))
+            self.r_ref_insert(retval, idx, flag)
+            return retval
+        elif type == Type.TUPLE:
+            n = self.r_long()
+            idx = self.r_ref_reserve(flag)
+            retval = tuple(self.r_object() for _ in range(n))
+            self.r_ref_insert(retval, idx, flag)
+            return retval
+        elif type == Type.LIST:
+            n = self.r_long()
+            retval = R_REF([])
+            for _ in range(n):
+                retval.append(self.r_object())
+            return retval
+        elif type == Type.DICT:
+            retval = R_REF({})
+            while True:
+                key = self.r_object()
+                if key == NULL:
+                    break
+                val = self.r_object()
+                retval[key] = val
+            return retval
+        elif type == Type.SET:
+            n = self.r_long()
+            retval = R_REF(set())
+            for _ in range(n):
+                v = self.r_object()
+                retval.add(v)
+            return retval
+        elif type == Type.FROZENSET:
+            n = self.r_long()
+            s: set[Any] = set()
+            idx = self.r_ref_reserve(flag)
+            for _ in range(n):
+                v = self.r_object()
+                s.add(v)
+            retval = frozenset(s)
+            self.r_ref_insert(retval, idx, flag)
+            return retval
+        elif type == Type.CODE:
+            retval = R_REF(Code())
+            retval.co_argcount = self.r_long()
+            retval.co_posonlyargcount = self.r_long()
+            retval.co_kwonlyargcount = self.r_long()
+            retval.co_stacksize = self.r_long()
+            retval.co_flags = self.r_long()
+            retval.co_code = self.r_object()
+            retval.co_consts = self.r_object()
+            retval.co_names = self.r_object()
+            retval.co_localsplusnames = self.r_object()
+            retval.co_localspluskinds = self.r_object()
+            retval.co_filename = self.r_object()
+            retval.co_name = self.r_object()
+            retval.co_qualname = self.r_object()
+            retval.co_firstlineno = self.r_long()
+            retval.co_linetable = self.r_object()
+            retval.co_endlinetable = self.r_object()
+            retval.co_columntable = self.r_object()
+            retval.co_exceptiontable = self.r_object()
+            return retval
+        elif type == Type.REF:
+            n = self.r_long()
+            retval = self.refs[n]
+            assert retval is not None
+            return retval
+        else:
+            breakpoint()
+            raise AssertionError(f"Unknown type {type} {chr(type)!r}")
 def loads(data: bytes) -> Any:
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 148ef58b6a5b8..0684921f41a42 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -19441,6 +19441,7 @@ SRCDIRS="\
   Parser \
   Programs \
   Python \
+  Python/frozen_modules \
 { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for build directories" >&5
 $as_echo_n "checking for build directories... " >&6; }
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index a950cc91d657b..ba22418b40694 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -5613,6 +5613,7 @@ SRCDIRS="\
   Parser \
   Programs \
   Python \
+  Python/frozen_modules \
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for build directories)
 for dir in $SRCDIRS; do

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