[Python-checkins] bpo-28806: Continue work: improve the netrc library (GH-26330)

asvetlov webhook-mailer at python.org
Wed Nov 17 04:08:40 EST 2021

commit: 15409c720be0503131713e3d3abc1acd0da07378
branch: main
author: Emmanuel Arias <eamanu at yaerobi.com>
committer: asvetlov <andrew.svetlov at gmail.com>
date: 2021-11-17T11:07:54+02:00

bpo-28806: Continue work: improve the netrc library (GH-26330)

Continue with the improvement of the library netrc

Original work and report Xiang Zhang <angwerzx at 126.com>

* 📜🤖 Added by blurb_it.

Co-authored-by: blurb-it[bot] <43283697+blurb-it[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>

A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2021-05-24-13-48-34.bpo-28806.PkNw5D.rst
M Doc/library/netrc.rst
M Lib/netrc.py
M Lib/test/test_netrc.py

diff --git a/Doc/library/netrc.rst b/Doc/library/netrc.rst
index 4bf7de67c1d03..88265d9b9e9e9 100644
--- a/Doc/library/netrc.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/netrc.rst
@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ the Unix :program:`ftp` program and other FTP clients.
    .. versionchanged:: 3.10
       :class:`netrc` try UTF-8 encoding before using locale specific
+      The entry in the netrc file no longer needs to contain all tokens.  The missing
+      tokens' value default to an empty string.  All the tokens and their values now
+      can contain arbitrary characters, like whitespace and non-ASCII characters.
+      If the login name is anonymous, it won't trigger the security check.
 .. exception:: NetrcParseError
@@ -85,10 +89,3 @@ Instances of :class:`~netrc.netrc` have public instance variables:
 .. attribute:: netrc.macros
    Dictionary mapping macro names to string lists.
-.. note::
-   Passwords are limited to a subset of the ASCII character set.  All ASCII
-   punctuation is allowed in passwords, however, note that whitespace and
-   non-printable characters are not allowed in passwords.  This is a limitation
-   of the way the .netrc file is parsed and may be removed in the future.
diff --git a/Lib/netrc.py b/Lib/netrc.py
index 734d94c8a6285..c1358aac6ae02 100644
--- a/Lib/netrc.py
+++ b/Lib/netrc.py
@@ -19,6 +19,50 @@ def __str__(self):
         return "%s (%s, line %s)" % (self.msg, self.filename, self.lineno)
+class _netrclex:
+    def __init__(self, fp):
+        self.lineno = 1
+        self.instream = fp
+        self.whitespace = "\n\t\r "
+        self.pushback = []
+    def _read_char(self):
+        ch = self.instream.read(1)
+        if ch == "\n":
+            self.lineno += 1
+        return ch
+    def get_token(self):
+        if self.pushback:
+            return self.pushback.pop(0)
+        token = ""
+        fiter = iter(self._read_char, "")
+        for ch in fiter:
+            if ch in self.whitespace:
+                continue
+            if ch == '"':
+                for ch in fiter:
+                    if ch == '"':
+                        return token
+                    elif ch == "\\":
+                        ch = self._read_char()
+                    token += ch
+            else:
+                if ch == "\\":
+                    ch = self._read_char()
+                token += ch
+                for ch in fiter:
+                    if ch in self.whitespace:
+                        return token
+                    elif ch == "\\":
+                        ch = self._read_char()
+                    token += ch
+        return token
+    def push_token(self, token):
+        self.pushback.append(token)
 class netrc:
     def __init__(self, file=None):
         default_netrc = file is None
@@ -34,9 +78,7 @@ def __init__(self, file=None):
                 self._parse(file, fp, default_netrc)
     def _parse(self, file, fp, default_netrc):
-        lexer = shlex.shlex(fp)
-        lexer.wordchars += r"""!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~"""
-        lexer.commenters = lexer.commenters.replace('#', '')
+        lexer = _netrclex(fp)
         while 1:
             # Look for a machine, default, or macdef top-level keyword
             saved_lineno = lexer.lineno
@@ -51,14 +93,19 @@ def _parse(self, file, fp, default_netrc):
                 entryname = lexer.get_token()
             elif tt == 'default':
                 entryname = 'default'
-            elif tt == 'macdef':                # Just skip to end of macdefs
+            elif tt == 'macdef':
                 entryname = lexer.get_token()
                 self.macros[entryname] = []
-                lexer.whitespace = ' \t'
                 while 1:
                     line = lexer.instream.readline()
-                    if not line or line == '\012':
-                        lexer.whitespace = ' \t\r\n'
+                    if not line:
+                        raise NetrcParseError(
+                            "Macro definition missing null line terminator.",
+                            file, lexer.lineno)
+                    if line == '\n':
+                        # a macro definition finished with consecutive new-line
+                        # characters. The first \n is encountered by the
+                        # readline() method and this is the second \n.
@@ -66,53 +113,55 @@ def _parse(self, file, fp, default_netrc):
                 raise NetrcParseError(
                     "bad toplevel token %r" % tt, file, lexer.lineno)
+            if not entryname:
+                raise NetrcParseError("missing %r name" % tt, file, lexer.lineno)
             # We're looking at start of an entry for a named machine or default.
-            login = ''
-            account = password = None
+            login = account = password = ''
             self.hosts[entryname] = {}
             while 1:
+                prev_lineno = lexer.lineno
                 tt = lexer.get_token()
-                if (tt.startswith('#') or
-                    tt in {'', 'machine', 'default', 'macdef'}):
-                    if password:
-                        self.hosts[entryname] = (login, account, password)
-                        lexer.push_token(tt)
-                        break
-                    else:
-                        raise NetrcParseError(
-                            "malformed %s entry %s terminated by %s"
-                            % (toplevel, entryname, repr(tt)),
-                            file, lexer.lineno)
+                if tt.startswith('#'):
+                    if lexer.lineno == prev_lineno:
+                        lexer.instream.readline()
+                    continue
+                if tt in {'', 'machine', 'default', 'macdef'}:
+                    self.hosts[entryname] = (login, account, password)
+                    lexer.push_token(tt)
+                    break
                 elif tt == 'login' or tt == 'user':
                     login = lexer.get_token()
                 elif tt == 'account':
                     account = lexer.get_token()
                 elif tt == 'password':
-                    if os.name == 'posix' and default_netrc:
-                        prop = os.fstat(fp.fileno())
-                        if prop.st_uid != os.getuid():
-                            import pwd
-                            try:
-                                fowner = pwd.getpwuid(prop.st_uid)[0]
-                            except KeyError:
-                                fowner = 'uid %s' % prop.st_uid
-                            try:
-                                user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
-                            except KeyError:
-                                user = 'uid %s' % os.getuid()
-                            raise NetrcParseError(
-                                ("~/.netrc file owner (%s) does not match"
-                                 " current user (%s)") % (fowner, user),
-                                file, lexer.lineno)
-                        if (prop.st_mode & (stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)):
-                            raise NetrcParseError(
-                               "~/.netrc access too permissive: access"
-                               " permissions must restrict access to only"
-                               " the owner", file, lexer.lineno)
                     password = lexer.get_token()
                     raise NetrcParseError("bad follower token %r" % tt,
                                           file, lexer.lineno)
+            self._security_check(fp, default_netrc, self.hosts[entryname][0])
+    def _security_check(self, fp, default_netrc, login):
+        if os.name == 'posix' and default_netrc and login != "anonymous":
+            prop = os.fstat(fp.fileno())
+            if prop.st_uid != os.getuid():
+                import pwd
+                try:
+                    fowner = pwd.getpwuid(prop.st_uid)[0]
+                except KeyError:
+                    fowner = 'uid %s' % prop.st_uid
+                try:
+                    user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
+                except KeyError:
+                    user = 'uid %s' % os.getuid()
+                raise NetrcParseError(
+                    (f"~/.netrc file owner ({fowner}, {user}) does not match"
+                     " current user"))
+            if (prop.st_mode & (stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)):
+                raise NetrcParseError(
+                    "~/.netrc access too permissive: access"
+                    " permissions must restrict access to only"
+                    " the owner")
     def authenticators(self, host):
         """Return a (user, account, password) tuple for given host."""
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_netrc.py b/Lib/test/test_netrc.py
index 90ef5cd363b3f..a6b4bc47a32c1 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_netrc.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_netrc.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import netrc, os, unittest, sys, tempfile, textwrap
-from test import support
-from test.support import os_helper
+import netrc, os, unittest, sys, textwrap
+from test.support import os_helper, run_unittest
+temp_filename = os_helper.TESTFN
 class NetrcTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -10,26 +10,32 @@ def make_nrc(self, test_data):
         mode = 'w'
         if sys.platform != 'cygwin':
             mode += 't'
-        temp_fd, temp_filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
-        with os.fdopen(temp_fd, mode=mode) as fp:
+        with open(temp_filename, mode) as fp:
-        self.addCleanup(os.unlink, temp_filename)
-        return netrc.netrc(temp_filename)
+        try:
+            nrc = netrc.netrc(temp_filename)
+        finally:
+            os.unlink(temp_filename)
+        return nrc
-    def test_default(self):
+    def test_toplevel_non_ordered_tokens(self):
         nrc = self.make_nrc("""\
-            machine host1.domain.com login log1 password pass1 account acct1
-            default login log2 password pass2
+            machine host.domain.com password pass1 login log1 account acct1
+            default login log2 password pass2 account acct2
-        self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['host1.domain.com'],
-                         ('log1', 'acct1', 'pass1'))
-        self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['default'], ('log2', None, 'pass2'))
+        self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['host.domain.com'], ('log1', 'acct1', 'pass1'))
+        self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['default'], ('log2', 'acct2', 'pass2'))
-        nrc2 = self.make_nrc(nrc.__repr__())
-        self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts, nrc2.hosts)
+    def test_toplevel_tokens(self):
+        nrc = self.make_nrc("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log1 password pass1 account acct1
+            default login log2 password pass2 account acct2
+            """)
+        self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['host.domain.com'], ('log1', 'acct1', 'pass1'))
+        self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['default'], ('log2', 'acct2', 'pass2'))
     def test_macros(self):
-        nrc = self.make_nrc("""\
+        data = """\
             macdef macro1
@@ -37,33 +43,151 @@ def test_macros(self):
             macdef macro2
-            """)
+        """
+        nrc = self.make_nrc(data)
         self.assertEqual(nrc.macros, {'macro1': ['line1\n', 'line2\n'],
                                       'macro2': ['line3\n', 'line4\n']})
+        # strip the last \n
+        self.assertRaises(netrc.NetrcParseError, self.make_nrc,
+                          data.rstrip(' ')[:-1])
+    def test_optional_tokens(self):
+        data = (
+            "machine host.domain.com",
+            "machine host.domain.com login",
+            "machine host.domain.com account",
+            "machine host.domain.com password",
+            "machine host.domain.com login \"\" account",
+            "machine host.domain.com login \"\" password",
+            "machine host.domain.com account \"\" password"
+        )
+        for item in data:
+            nrc = self.make_nrc(item)
+            self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['host.domain.com'], ('', '', ''))
+        data = (
+            "default",
+            "default login",
+            "default account",
+            "default password",
+            "default login \"\" account",
+            "default login \"\" password",
+            "default account \"\" password"
+        )
+        for item in data:
+            nrc = self.make_nrc(item)
+            self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['default'], ('', '', ''))
-    def _test_passwords(self, nrc, passwd):
+    def test_invalid_tokens(self):
+        data = (
+            "invalid host.domain.com",
+            "machine host.domain.com invalid",
+            "machine host.domain.com login log password pass account acct invalid",
+            "default host.domain.com invalid",
+            "default host.domain.com login log password pass account acct invalid"
+        )
+        for item in data:
+            self.assertRaises(netrc.NetrcParseError, self.make_nrc, item)
+    def _test_token_x(self, nrc, token, value):
         nrc = self.make_nrc(nrc)
-        self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['host.domain.com'], ('log', 'acct', passwd))
+        if token == 'login':
+            self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['host.domain.com'], (value, 'acct', 'pass'))
+        elif token == 'account':
+            self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['host.domain.com'], ('log', value, 'pass'))
+        elif token == 'password':
+            self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['host.domain.com'], ('log', 'acct', value))
+    def test_token_value_quotes(self):
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login "log" password pass account acct
+            """, 'login', 'log')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log password pass account "acct"
+            """, 'account', 'acct')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log password "pass" account acct
+            """, 'password', 'pass')
+    def test_token_value_escape(self):
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login \\"log password pass account acct
+            """, 'login', '"log')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login "\\"log" password pass account acct
+            """, 'login', '"log')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log password pass account \\"acct
+            """, 'account', '"acct')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log password pass account "\\"acct"
+            """, 'account', '"acct')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log password \\"pass account acct
+            """, 'password', '"pass')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log password "\\"pass" account acct
+            """, 'password', '"pass')
-    def test_password_with_leading_hash(self):
-        self._test_passwords("""\
+    def test_token_value_whitespace(self):
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login "lo g" password pass account acct
+            """, 'login', 'lo g')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log password "pas s" account acct
+            """, 'password', 'pas s')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log password pass account "acc t"
+            """, 'account', 'acc t')
+    def test_token_value_non_ascii(self):
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login \xa1\xa2 password pass account acct
+            """, 'login', '\xa1\xa2')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log password pass account \xa1\xa2
+            """, 'account', '\xa1\xa2')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log password \xa1\xa2 account acct
+            """, 'password', '\xa1\xa2')
+    def test_token_value_leading_hash(self):
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login #log password pass account acct
+            """, 'login', '#log')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log password pass account #acct
+            """, 'account', '#acct')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
             machine host.domain.com login log password #pass account acct
-            """, '#pass')
+            """, 'password', '#pass')
-    def test_password_with_trailing_hash(self):
-        self._test_passwords("""\
+    def test_token_value_trailing_hash(self):
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log# password pass account acct
+            """, 'login', 'log#')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log password pass account acct#
+            """, 'account', 'acct#')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
             machine host.domain.com login log password pass# account acct
-            """, 'pass#')
+            """, 'password', 'pass#')
-    def test_password_with_internal_hash(self):
-        self._test_passwords("""\
+    def test_token_value_internal_hash(self):
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login lo#g password pass account acct
+            """, 'login', 'lo#g')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
+            machine host.domain.com login log password pass account ac#ct
+            """, 'account', 'ac#ct')
+        self._test_token_x("""\
             machine host.domain.com login log password pa#ss account acct
-            """, 'pa#ss')
+            """, 'password', 'pa#ss')
     def _test_comment(self, nrc, passwd='pass'):
         nrc = self.make_nrc(nrc)
-        self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['foo.domain.com'], ('bar', None, passwd))
-        self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['bar.domain.com'], ('foo', None, 'pass'))
+        self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['foo.domain.com'], ('bar', '', passwd))
+        self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['bar.domain.com'], ('foo', '', 'pass'))
     def test_comment_before_machine_line(self):
@@ -86,6 +210,42 @@ def test_comment_before_machine_line_hash_only(self):
             machine bar.domain.com login foo password pass
+    def test_comment_after_machine_line(self):
+        self._test_comment("""\
+            machine foo.domain.com login bar password pass
+            # comment
+            machine bar.domain.com login foo password pass
+            """)
+        self._test_comment("""\
+            machine foo.domain.com login bar password pass
+            machine bar.domain.com login foo password pass
+            # comment
+            """)
+    def test_comment_after_machine_line_no_space(self):
+        self._test_comment("""\
+            machine foo.domain.com login bar password pass
+            #comment
+            machine bar.domain.com login foo password pass
+            """)
+        self._test_comment("""\
+            machine foo.domain.com login bar password pass
+            machine bar.domain.com login foo password pass
+            #comment
+            """)
+    def test_comment_after_machine_line_hash_only(self):
+        self._test_comment("""\
+            machine foo.domain.com login bar password pass
+            #
+            machine bar.domain.com login foo password pass
+            """)
+        self._test_comment("""\
+            machine foo.domain.com login bar password pass
+            machine bar.domain.com login foo password pass
+            #
+            """)
     def test_comment_at_end_of_machine_line(self):
             machine foo.domain.com login bar password pass # comment
@@ -109,57 +269,40 @@ def test_comment_at_end_of_machine_line_pass_has_hash(self):
     def test_security(self):
         # This test is incomplete since we are normally not run as root and
         # therefore can't test the file ownership being wrong.
-        with os_helper.temp_cwd(None) as d:
-            fn = os.path.join(d, '.netrc')
-            with open(fn, 'wt') as f:
-                f.write("""\
-                    machine foo.domain.com login bar password pass
-                    default login foo password pass
-                    """)
-            with os_helper.EnvironmentVarGuard() as environ:
-                environ.set('HOME', d)
-                os.chmod(fn, 0o600)
-                nrc = netrc.netrc()
-                self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['foo.domain.com'],
-                                 ('bar', None, 'pass'))
-                os.chmod(fn, 0o622)
-                self.assertRaises(netrc.NetrcParseError, netrc.netrc)
-    def test_file_not_found_in_home(self):
-        with os_helper.temp_cwd(None) as d:
-            with os_helper.EnvironmentVarGuard() as environ:
-                environ.set('HOME', d)
-                self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError, netrc.netrc)
-    def test_file_not_found_explicit(self):
-        self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError, netrc.netrc,
-                          file='unlikely_netrc')
-    def test_home_not_set(self):
-        with os_helper.temp_cwd(None) as fake_home:
-            fake_netrc_path = os.path.join(fake_home, '.netrc')
-            with open(fake_netrc_path, 'w') as f:
-                f.write('machine foo.domain.com login bar password pass')
-            os.chmod(fake_netrc_path, 0o600)
-            orig_expanduser = os.path.expanduser
-            called = []
-            def fake_expanduser(s):
-                called.append(s)
-                with os_helper.EnvironmentVarGuard() as environ:
-                    environ.set('HOME', fake_home)
-                    environ.set('USERPROFILE', fake_home)
-                    result = orig_expanduser(s)
-                    return result
-            with support.swap_attr(os.path, 'expanduser', fake_expanduser):
-                nrc = netrc.netrc()
-                login, account, password = nrc.authenticators('foo.domain.com')
-                self.assertEqual(login, 'bar')
-            self.assertTrue(called)
+        d = os_helper.TESTFN
+        os.mkdir(d)
+        self.addCleanup(os_helper.rmtree, d)
+        fn = os.path.join(d, '.netrc')
+        with open(fn, 'wt') as f:
+            f.write("""\
+                machine foo.domain.com login bar password pass
+                default login foo password pass
+                """)
+        with os_helper.EnvironmentVarGuard() as environ:
+            environ.set('HOME', d)
+            os.chmod(fn, 0o600)
+            nrc = netrc.netrc()
+            self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['foo.domain.com'],
+                             ('bar', '', 'pass'))
+            os.chmod(fn, 0o622)
+            self.assertRaises(netrc.NetrcParseError, netrc.netrc)
+        with open(fn, 'wt') as f:
+            f.write("""\
+                machine foo.domain.com login anonymous password pass
+                default login foo password pass
+                """)
+        with os_helper.EnvironmentVarGuard() as environ:
+            environ.set('HOME', d)
+            os.chmod(fn, 0o600)
+            nrc = netrc.netrc()
+            self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['foo.domain.com'],
+                             ('anonymous', '', 'pass'))
+            os.chmod(fn, 0o622)
+            self.assertEqual(nrc.hosts['foo.domain.com'],
+                             ('anonymous', '', 'pass'))
+def test_main():
+    run_unittest(NetrcTestCase)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
+    test_main()
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2021-05-24-13-48-34.bpo-28806.PkNw5D.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2021-05-24-13-48-34.bpo-28806.PkNw5D.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..7783845efbcc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2021-05-24-13-48-34.bpo-28806.PkNw5D.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Improve netrc library. netrc file no longer needs to contain all tokens. And if the login name is anonymous, security check is no longer need.
\ No newline at end of file

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