[Python-checkins] bpo-42848: remove recursion from TracebackException (GH-24158)

gvanrossum webhook-mailer at python.org
Tue Jan 12 17:14:36 EST 2021

commit: 6dfd1734f5b230bb8fbd2a9df806c1333b6652a8
branch: master
author: Irit Katriel <iritkatriel at yahoo.com>
committer: gvanrossum <gvanrossum at gmail.com>
date: 2021-01-12T14:14:27-08:00

bpo-42848: remove recursion from TracebackException (GH-24158)

A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2021-01-12-19-34-06.bpo-42848.5G8oBl.rst
M Lib/test/test_traceback.py
M Lib/traceback.py

diff --git a/Lib/test/test_traceback.py b/Lib/test/test_traceback.py
index abb5762cd43ef..07555a0411a08 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_traceback.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_traceback.py
@@ -1148,6 +1148,31 @@ def test_context(self):
         self.assertEqual(exc_info[0], exc.exc_type)
         self.assertEqual(str(exc_info[1]), str(exc))
+    def test_long_context_chain(self):
+        def f():
+            try:
+                1/0
+            except:
+                f()
+        try:
+            f()
+        except RecursionError:
+            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+        else:
+            self.fail("Exception not raised")
+        te = traceback.TracebackException(*exc_info)
+        res = list(te.format())
+        # many ZeroDiv errors followed by the RecursionError
+        self.assertGreater(len(res), sys.getrecursionlimit())
+        self.assertGreater(
+            len([l for l in res if 'ZeroDivisionError:' in l]),
+            sys.getrecursionlimit() * 0.5)
+        self.assertIn(
+            "RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded", res[-1])
     def test_no_refs_to_exception_and_traceback_objects(self):
diff --git a/Lib/traceback.py b/Lib/traceback.py
index 4e008bc0e081a..aef37c9a7af68 100644
--- a/Lib/traceback.py
+++ b/Lib/traceback.py
@@ -481,39 +481,10 @@ def __init__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, *, limit=None,
         # permit backwards compat with the existing API, otherwise we
         # need stub thunk objects just to glue it together.
         # Handle loops in __cause__ or __context__.
+        is_recursive_call = _seen is not None
         if _seen is None:
             _seen = set()
-        # Gracefully handle (the way Python 2.4 and earlier did) the case of
-        # being called with no type or value (None, None, None).
-        if (exc_value and exc_value.__cause__ is not None
-            and id(exc_value.__cause__) not in _seen):
-            cause = TracebackException(
-                type(exc_value.__cause__),
-                exc_value.__cause__,
-                exc_value.__cause__.__traceback__,
-                limit=limit,
-                lookup_lines=False,
-                capture_locals=capture_locals,
-                _seen=_seen)
-        else:
-            cause = None
-        if (exc_value and exc_value.__context__ is not None
-            and id(exc_value.__context__) not in _seen):
-            context = TracebackException(
-                type(exc_value.__context__),
-                exc_value.__context__,
-                exc_value.__context__.__traceback__,
-                limit=limit,
-                lookup_lines=False,
-                capture_locals=capture_locals,
-                _seen=_seen)
-        else:
-            context = None
-        self.__cause__ = cause
-        self.__context__ = context
-        self.__suppress_context__ = \
-            exc_value.__suppress_context__ if exc_value else False
         # TODO: locals.
         self.stack = StackSummary.extract(
             walk_tb(exc_traceback), limit=limit, lookup_lines=lookup_lines,
@@ -532,6 +503,45 @@ def __init__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, *, limit=None,
             self.msg = exc_value.msg
         if lookup_lines:
+        self.__suppress_context__ = \
+            exc_value.__suppress_context__ if exc_value else False
+        # Convert __cause__ and __context__ to `TracebackExceptions`s, use a
+        # queue to avoid recursion (only the top-level call gets _seen == None)
+        if not is_recursive_call:
+            queue = [(self, exc_value)]
+            while queue:
+                te, e = queue.pop()
+                if (e and e.__cause__ is not None
+                    and id(e.__cause__) not in _seen):
+                    cause = TracebackException(
+                        type(e.__cause__),
+                        e.__cause__,
+                        e.__cause__.__traceback__,
+                        limit=limit,
+                        lookup_lines=lookup_lines,
+                        capture_locals=capture_locals,
+                        _seen=_seen)
+                else:
+                    cause = None
+                if (e and e.__context__ is not None
+                    and id(e.__context__) not in _seen):
+                    context = TracebackException(
+                        type(e.__context__),
+                        e.__context__,
+                        e.__context__.__traceback__,
+                        limit=limit,
+                        lookup_lines=lookup_lines,
+                        capture_locals=capture_locals,
+                        _seen=_seen)
+                else:
+                    context = None
+                te.__cause__ = cause
+                te.__context__ = context
+                if cause:
+                    queue.append((te.__cause__, e.__cause__))
+                if context:
+                    queue.append((te.__context__, e.__context__))
     def from_exception(cls, exc, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -542,10 +552,6 @@ def _load_lines(self):
         """Private API. force all lines in the stack to be loaded."""
         for frame in self.stack:
-        if self.__context__:
-            self.__context__._load_lines()
-        if self.__cause__:
-            self.__cause__._load_lines()
     def __eq__(self, other):
         if isinstance(other, TracebackException):
@@ -622,15 +628,32 @@ def format(self, *, chain=True):
         The message indicating which exception occurred is always the last
         string in the output.
-        if chain:
-            if self.__cause__ is not None:
-                yield from self.__cause__.format(chain=chain)
-                yield _cause_message
-            elif (self.__context__ is not None and
-                not self.__suppress_context__):
-                yield from self.__context__.format(chain=chain)
-                yield _context_message
-        if self.stack:
-            yield 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n'
-            yield from self.stack.format()
-        yield from self.format_exception_only()
+        output = []
+        exc = self
+        while exc:
+            if chain:
+                if exc.__cause__ is not None:
+                    chained_msg = _cause_message
+                    chained_exc = exc.__cause__
+                elif (exc.__context__  is not None and
+                      not exc.__suppress_context__):
+                    chained_msg = _context_message
+                    chained_exc = exc.__context__
+                else:
+                    chained_msg = None
+                    chained_exc = None
+                output.append((chained_msg, exc))
+                exc = chained_exc
+            else:
+                output.append((None, exc))
+                exc = None
+        for msg, exc in reversed(output):
+            if msg is not None:
+                yield msg
+            if exc.stack:
+                yield 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n'
+                yield from exc.stack.format()
+            yield from exc.format_exception_only()
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2021-01-12-19-34-06.bpo-42848.5G8oBl.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2021-01-12-19-34-06.bpo-42848.5G8oBl.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4490b6ae3405e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2021-01-12-19-34-06.bpo-42848.5G8oBl.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Removed recursion from :class:`~traceback.TracebackException` to allow it to handle long exception chains.
\ No newline at end of file

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