[Python-checkins] GH-42128: Add Pattern Matching to What's New (#24667)

willingc webhook-mailer at python.org
Sun Feb 28 18:43:25 EST 2021

commit: 41934b399bf688c8674c386e22c43f080bf10d66
branch: master
author: Carol Willing <carolcode at willingconsulting.com>
committer: willingc <carolcode at willingconsulting.com>
date: 2021-02-28T15:43:17-08:00

GH-42128: Add Pattern Matching to What's New (#24667)

* Add Pattern Matching to What's New

* add review suggestions

* fix stray indent

* Add suggestions from gvr and lr

* trim whitespace

M Doc/whatsnew/3.10.rst

diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/3.10.rst b/Doc/whatsnew/3.10.rst
index 12db463008132..26b7076420c87 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/3.10.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/3.10.rst
@@ -225,6 +225,281 @@ See :class:`typing.Callable`, :class:`typing.ParamSpec`,
 (Contributed by Ken Jin in :issue:`41559`.)
+PEP 634: Structural Pattern Matching
+Structural pattern matching has been added in the form of a *match statement*
+and *case statements* of patterns with associated actions. Patterns
+consist of sequences, mappings, primitive data types as well as class instances.
+Pattern matching enables programs to extract information from complex data types,
+branch on the structure of data, and apply specific actions based on different
+forms of data.
+Syntax and operations
+The generic syntax of pattern matching is::
+      match subject:
+          case <pattern_1>:
+              <action_1>
+          case <pattern_2>:
+              <action_2>
+          case <pattern_3>:
+              <action_3>
+          case _:
+              <action_wildcard>
+A match statement takes an expression and compares its value to successive
+patterns given as one or more case blocks.  Specifically, pattern matching
+operates by:
+    1. using data with type and shape (the ``subject``)
+    2. evaluating the ``subject`` in the ``match`` statement
+    3. comparing the subject with each pattern in a ``case`` statement
+       from top to bottom until a match is confirmed.
+    4. executing the action associated with the pattern of the confirmed
+       match
+    5. If an exact match is not confirmed, the last case, a wildcard ``_``,
+       if provided, will be used as the matching case. If an exact match is
+       not confirmed and a wildcard case does not exists, the entire match
+       block is a no-op.
+Declarative approach
+Readers may be aware of pattern matching through the simple example of matching
+a subject (data object) to a literal (pattern) with the switch statement found
+in C, Java or JavaScript (and many other languages). Often the switch statement
+is used for comparison of an object/expression with case statements containing
+More powerful examples of pattern matching can be found in languages, such as
+Scala and Elixir. With structural pattern matching, the approach is "declarative" and
+explicitly states the conditions (the patterns) for data to match.
+While an "imperative" series of instructions using nested "if" statements
+could be used to accomplish something similar to structural pattern matching,
+it is less clear than the "declarative" approach. Instead the "declarative"
+approach states the conditions to meet for a match and is more readable through
+its explicit patterns. While structural pattern matching can be used in its
+simplest form comparing a variable to a literal in a case statement, its
+true value for Python lies in its handling of the subject's type and shape.
+Simple pattern: match to a literal
+Let's look at this example as pattern matching in its simplest form: a value,
+the subject, being matched to several literals, the patterns. In the example
+below, ``status`` is the subject of the match statement. The patterns are
+each of the case statements, where literals represent request status codes.
+The associated action to the case is executed after a match::
+    def http_error(status):
+        match status:
+            case 400:
+                return "Bad request"
+            case 404:
+                return "Not found"
+            case 418:
+                return "I'm a teapot"
+            case _:
+                return "Something's wrong with the Internet"
+If the above function is passed a ``status`` of 418, "I'm a teapot" is returned.
+If the above function is passed a ``status`` of 500, the case statement with
+``_`` will match as a wildcard, and "Something's wrong with the Internet" is
+Note the last block: the variable name, ``_``, acts as a *wildcard* and insures
+the subject will always match. The use of ``_`` is optional.
+You can combine several literals in a single pattern using ``|`` ("or")::
+            case 401 | 403 | 404:
+                return "Not allowed"
+Behavior without the wildcard
+If we modify the above example by removing the last case block, the example
+    def http_error(status):
+        match status:
+            case 400:
+                return "Bad request"
+            case 404:
+                return "Not found"
+            case 418:
+                return "I'm a teapot"
+Without the use of ``_`` in a case statement, a match may not exist. If no
+match exists, the behavior is a no-op. For example, if ``status`` of 500 is
+passed, a no-op occurs.
+Pattterns with a literal and variable
+Patterns can look like unpacking assignments, and a pattern may be used to bind
+variables. In this example, a data point can be unpacked to its x-coordinate
+and y-coordinate::
+    # point is an (x, y) tuple
+    match point:
+        case (0, 0):
+            print("Origin")
+        case (0, y):
+            print(f"Y={y}")
+        case (x, 0):
+            print(f"X={x}")
+        case (x, y):
+            print(f"X={x}, Y={y}")
+        case _:
+            raise ValueError("Not a point")
+The first pattern has two literals, ``(0, 0)``, and may be thought of as an
+extension of the literal pattern shown above. The next two patterns combine a
+literal and a variable, and the variable *binds* a value from the subject
+(``point``).  The fourth pattern captures two values, which makes it
+conceptually similar to the unpacking assignment ``(x, y) = point``.
+Patterns and classes
+If you are using classes to structure your data, you can use as a pattern
+the class name followed by an argument list resembling a constructor. This
+pattern has the ability to capture class attributes into variables::
+    class Point:
+        x: int
+        y: int
+    def location(point):
+        match point:
+            case Point(x=0, y=0):
+                print("Origin is the point's location.")
+            case Point(x=0, y=y):
+                print(f"Y={y} and the point is on the y-axis.")
+            case Point(x=x, y=0):
+                print(f"X={x} and the point is on the x-axis.")
+            case Point():
+                print("The point is located somewhere else on the plane.")
+            case _:
+                print("Not a point")
+Patterns with positional parameters
+You can use positional parameters with some builtin classes that provide an
+ordering for their attributes (e.g. dataclasses). You can also define a specific
+position for attributes in patterns by setting the ``__match_args__`` special
+attribute in your classes. If it's set to ("x", "y"), the following patterns
+are all equivalent (and all bind the ``y`` attribute to the ``var`` variable)::
+    Point(1, var)
+    Point(1, y=var)
+    Point(x=1, y=var)
+    Point(y=var, x=1)
+Nested patterns
+Patterns can be arbitrarily nested.  For example, if our data is a short
+list of points, it could be matched like this::
+    match points:
+        case []:
+            print("No points in the list.")
+        case [Point(0, 0)]:
+            print("The origin is the only point in the list.")
+        case [Point(x, y)]:
+            print(f"A single point {x}, {y} is in the list.")
+        case [Point(0, y1), Point(0, y2)]:
+            print(f"Two points on the Y axis at {y1}, {y2} are in the list.")
+        case _:
+            print("Something else is found in the list.")
+Complex patterns and the wildcard
+To this point, the examples have used ``_`` alone in the last case statement.
+A wildcard can be used in more complex patterns, such as ``('error', code, _)``.
+For example::
+   match test_variable:
+       case ('warning', code, 40):
+           print("A warning has been received.")
+       case ('error', code, _):
+           print(f"An error {code} occured.")
+In the above case, ``test_variable`` will match for ('error', code, 100) and
+('error', code, 800).
+We can add an ``if`` clause to a pattern, known as a "guard".  If the
+guard is false, ``match`` goes on to try the next case block.  Note
+that value capture happens before the guard is evaluated::
+    match point:
+        case Point(x, y) if x == y:
+            print(f"The point is located on the diagonal Y=X at {x}.")
+        case Point(x, y):
+            print(f"Point is not on the diagonal.")
+Other Key Features
+Several other key features:
+- Like unpacking assignments, tuple and list patterns have exactly the
+  same meaning and actually match arbitrary sequences. Technically,
+  the subject must be an instance of ``collections.abc.Sequence``.
+  Therefore, an important exception is that patterns don't match iterators.
+  Also, to prevent a common mistake, sequence patterns don't match strings.
+- Sequence patterns support wildcards: ``[x, y, *rest]`` and ``(x, y,
+  *rest)`` work similar to wildcards in unpacking assignments.  The
+  name after ``*`` may also be ``_``, so ``(x, y, *_)`` matches a sequence
+  of at least two items without binding the remaining items.
+- Mapping patterns: ``{"bandwidth": b, "latency": l}`` captures the
+  ``"bandwidth"`` and ``"latency"`` values from a dict.  Unlike sequence
+  patterns, extra keys are ignored.  A wildcard ``**rest`` is also
+  supported.  (But ``**_`` would be redundant, so it not allowed.)
+- Subpatterns may be captured using the ``as`` keyword::
+      case (Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2) as p2): ...
+  This binds x1, y1, x2, y2 like you would expect without the ``as`` clause,
+  and p2 to the entire second item of the subject.
+- Most literals are compared by equality. However, the singletons ``True``,
+  ``False`` and ``None`` are compared by identity.
+- Named constants may be used in patterns.  These named constants must be
+  dotted names to prevent the constant from being interpreted as a capture
+  variable::
+      from enum import Enum
+      class Color(Enum):
+          RED = 0
+          GREEN = 1
+          BLUE = 2
+      match color:
+          case Color.RED:
+              print("I see red!")
+          case Color.GREEN:
+              print("Grass is green")
+          case Color.BLUE:
+              print("I'm feeling the blues :(")
+For the full specification see :pep:`634`.  Motivation and rationale
+are in :pep:`635`, and a longer tutorial is in :pep:`636`.
 Better error messages in the parser

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