[Python-checkins] Add a warning block around the get_referrers() documentation (GH-24511)

pablogsal webhook-mailer at python.org
Mon Feb 15 18:03:41 EST 2021

commit: 813db24f7c2c536d587d1832c3c52b44fa9e242e
branch: master
author: Pablo Galindo <Pablogsal at gmail.com>
committer: pablogsal <Pablogsal at gmail.com>
date: 2021-02-15T23:03:38Z

Add a warning block around the get_referrers() documentation (GH-24511)

M Doc/library/gc.rst

diff --git a/Doc/library/gc.rst b/Doc/library/gc.rst
index 2d85cd3431711..a3d201d5055c8 100644
--- a/Doc/library/gc.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/gc.rst
@@ -135,10 +135,11 @@ The :mod:`gc` module provides the following functions:
    resulting referrers.  To get only currently live objects, call :func:`collect`
    before calling :func:`get_referrers`.
-   Care must be taken when using objects returned by :func:`get_referrers` because
-   some of them could still be under construction and hence in a temporarily
-   invalid state. Avoid using :func:`get_referrers` for any purpose other than
-   debugging.
+   .. warning::
+      Care must be taken when using objects returned by :func:`get_referrers` because
+      some of them could still be under construction and hence in a temporarily
+      invalid state. Avoid using :func:`get_referrers` for any purpose other than
+      debugging.
 .. function:: get_referents(*objs)

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