[Python-checkins] Update macOS installer ReadMe for 3.7.7. (GH-18775)

Ned Deily webhook-mailer at python.org
Wed Mar 4 12:32:17 EST 2020

commit: 0814411ea6ba846b33a65c79ff235f6f35f46b70
branch: 3.7
author: Ned Deily <nad at python.org>
committer: GitHub <noreply at github.com>
date: 2020-03-04T12:32:09-05:00

Update macOS installer ReadMe for 3.7.7. (GH-18775)

M Mac/BuildScript/resources/ReadMe.rtf

diff --git a/Mac/BuildScript/resources/ReadMe.rtf b/Mac/BuildScript/resources/ReadMe.rtf
index b71bd642902a2..10e9b2d64ca56 100644
--- a/Mac/BuildScript/resources/ReadMe.rtf
+++ b/Mac/BuildScript/resources/ReadMe.rtf
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica-Bold;\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica-Oblique;
+\cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica-Bold;\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica-Oblique;
 \f3\fmodern\fcharset0 CourierNewPSMT;}
@@ -11,9 +11,10 @@
 \cf0 \
-\f1\b \cf0 \ul Certificate verification and OpenSSL\
+\f1\b \cf0 \ul \ulc0 Certificate verification and OpenSSL\
-\f0\b0 \ulnone \
+\f0\b0 \cf0 \ulnone \
 This package includes its own private copy of OpenSSL 1.1.1.   The trust certificates in system and user keychains managed by the 
 \f2\i Keychain Access 
 \f0\i0 application and the 
@@ -32,36 +33,26 @@ The bundled
 \f3 pip
 \f0  has its own default certificate store for verifying download connections.\
-\f1\b \ul Which installer variant should I use?
+\f1\b \cf0 \ul \ulc0 Which installer variant should I use?
 \f0\b0 \ulnone \
-\cf0 In almost all cases, you should use the 
+\cf0 Use the 
 \f1\b macOS 64-bit installer for OS X 10.9 and later
-\f0\b0 .\
-The legacy 
+\f0\b0 . As of 3.7.7, the deprecated 
 \f1\b macOS 64-bit/32-bit installer for Mac OS X 10.6 and later 
-\f0\b0 variant  is now deprecated.  
-\f1\b Python 3.8.0
-\f0\b0  will 
-\f1\b not
-\f0\b0  include a binary installer for the 10.6+ variant and 
-\f1\b future bugfix releases of 3.7.x
-\f0\b0  may not, either.  macOS 10.6 Snow Leopard was released in 2009 and has not been supported by Apple for many years including lack of security updates.  It is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure new Python features and bug fixes are compatible with such old systems.  Note that, due to recent Apple installer packaging changes, the 10.6+ installer pkg we provide can no longer be opened by the Apple system installer application on 10.6;  10.7 and 10.8 are not affected.  We believe that there is now very little usage of this installer variant and so we would like to focus our resources on supporting newer systems.  We do not plan to intentionally break Python support on 10.6 through 10.8 and we will consider bug fixes for problems found when building from source on those systems.  
-\f1\b macOS 10.15 Catalina
-\f0\b0  removes support for running 32-bit architecture programs; we do not recommend trying to use the 10.6+ variant on it and it may not install on 10.15 systems without intervention. \
+\f0\b0 variant  is no longer provided.   \
-\f1\b \cf0 \ul \
+\f1\b \cf0 \ul \ulc0 \
 Using IDLE or other Tk applications 
 \f0\b0 \ulnone \
 This package includes its own private version of Tcl/Tk 8.6. It does not use any system-supplied or third-party supplied versions of Tcl/Tk.\
-\cf0 Due to new security checks on macOS 10.15 Catalina, when launching IDLE macOS may open a window with a message 
+Due to new security checks on macOS 10.15 Catalina, when launching IDLE macOS may open a window with a message 
 \f1\b "Python" would like to access files in your Documents folder
 \f0\b0 .  This is normal as IDLE uses your 
 \f1\b Documents

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