[Python-checkins] bpo-39199: Add descriptions of non-deprecated nodes to the AST module documentation (GH-17812)

Pablo Galindo webhook-mailer at python.org
Sun Mar 1 22:14:13 EST 2020

commit: 114081f8adafa16283df30c456716a1bef4758d0
branch: master
author: Pablo Galindo <Pablogsal at gmail.com>
committer: GitHub <noreply at github.com>
date: 2020-03-02T03:14:06Z

bpo-39199: Add descriptions of non-deprecated nodes to the AST module documentation (GH-17812)

Adapted from https://greentreesnakes.readthedocs.io

Co-authored-by: Karthikeyan Singaravelan <tir.karthi at gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carol Willing <carolcode at willingconsulting.com>

M Doc/library/ast.rst

diff --git a/Doc/library/ast.rst b/Doc/library/ast.rst
index bfd571deb4fd1..ea3057867b0f0 100644
--- a/Doc/library/ast.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/ast.rst
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
 .. sectionauthor:: Martin v. Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de>
 .. sectionauthor:: Georg Brandl <georg at python.org>
+.. testsetup::
+    import ast
 **Source code:** :source:`Lib/ast.py`
@@ -23,6 +27,17 @@ classes all inherit from :class:`ast.AST`.  An abstract syntax tree can be
 compiled into a Python code object using the built-in :func:`compile` function.
+.. _abstract-grammar:
+Abstract Grammar
+The abstract grammar is currently defined as follows:
+.. literalinclude:: ../../Parser/Python.asdl
+   :language: none
 Node classes
@@ -112,16 +127,1492 @@ Node classes
    but they will be removed in future Python releases.  In the meanwhile,
    instantiating them will return an instance of a different class.
+.. class:: Constant(value)
+   A constant value. The ``value`` attribute of the ``Constant`` literal contains the
+   Python object it represents. The values represented can be simple types
+   such as a number, string or ``None``, but also immutable container types
+   (tuples and frozensets) if all of their elements are constant.
+   .. doctest::
+       >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("123"), indent=4))
+       Module(
+           body=[
+               Expr(
+                   value=Constant(value=123, kind=None))],
+           type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: FormattedValue(value, conversion, format_spec)
+   Node representing a single formatting field in an f-string. If the string
+   contains a single formatting field and nothing else the node can be
+   isolated otherwise it appears in :class:`JoinedStr`.
+   * ``value`` is any expression node (such as a literal, a variable, or a
+     function call).
+   * ``conversion`` is an integer:
+     * -1: no formatting
+     * 115: ``!s`` string formatting
+     * 114: ``!r`` repr formatting
+     * 97: ``!a`` ascii formatting
+   * ``format_spec`` is a :class:`JoinedStr` node representing the formatting
+     of the value, or ``None`` if no format was specified. Both
+     ``conversion`` and ``format_spec`` can be set at the same time.
+.. class:: JoinedStr(values)
+   An f-string, comprising a series of :class:`FormattedValue` and :class:`Constant`
+   nodes.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse('f"sin({a}) is {sin(a):.3}"'), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=JoinedStr(
+                        values=[
+                            Constant(value='sin(', kind=None),
+                            FormattedValue(
+                                value=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()),
+                                conversion=-1,
+                                format_spec=None),
+                            Constant(value=') is ', kind=None),
+                            FormattedValue(
+                                value=Call(
+                                    func=Name(id='sin', ctx=Load()),
+                                    args=[
+                                        Name(id='a', ctx=Load())],
+                                    keywords=[]),
+                                conversion=-1,
+                                format_spec=JoinedStr(
+                                    values=[
+                                        Constant(value='.3', kind=None)]))]))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: List(elts, ctx)
+           Tuple(elts, ctx)
+   A list or tuple. ``elts`` holds a list of nodes representing the elements.
+   ``ctx`` is :class:`Store` if the container is an assignment target (i.e.
+   ``(x,y)=something``), and :class:`Load` otherwise.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("[1, 2, 3]"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=List(
+                        elts=[
+                            Constant(value=1, kind=None),
+                            Constant(value=2, kind=None),
+                            Constant(value=3, kind=None)],
+                        ctx=Load()))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("(1, 2, 3)"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=Tuple(
+                        elts=[
+                            Constant(value=1, kind=None),
+                            Constant(value=2, kind=None),
+                            Constant(value=3, kind=None)],
+                        ctx=Load()))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Set(elts)
+   A set. ``elts`` holds a list of nodes representing the set's elements.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("{1, 2, 3}"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=Set(
+                        elts=[
+                            Constant(value=1, kind=None),
+                            Constant(value=2, kind=None),
+                            Constant(value=3, kind=None)]))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Dict(keys, values)
+   A dictionary. ``keys`` and ``values`` hold lists of nodes representing the
+   keys and the values respectively, in matching order (what would be returned
+   when calling :code:`dictionary.keys()` and :code:`dictionary.values()`).
+   When doing dictionary unpacking using dictionary literals the expression to be
+   expanded goes in the ``values`` list, with a ``None`` at the corresponding
+   position in ``keys``.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("{'a':1, **d}"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=Dict(
+                        keys=[
+                            Constant(value='a', kind=None),
+                            None],
+                        values=[
+                            Constant(value=1, kind=None),
+                            Name(id='d', ctx=Load())]))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Name(id, ctx)
+   A variable name. ``id`` holds the name as a string, and ``ctx`` is one of
+   the following types.
+.. class:: Load()
+           Store()
+           Del()
+   Variable references can be used to load the value of a variable, to assign
+   a new value to it, or to delete it. Variable references are given a context
+   to distinguish these cases.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse('a'), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse('a = 1'), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Assign(
+                    targets=[
+                        Name(id='a', ctx=Store())],
+                    value=Constant(value=1, kind=None),
+                    type_comment=None)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse('del a'), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Delete(
+                    targets=[
+                        Name(id='a', ctx=Del())])],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Starred(value, ctx)
+   A ``*var`` variable reference. ``value`` holds the variable, typically a
+   :class:`Name` node. This type must be used when building a :class:`Call`
+   node with ``*args``.
+   .. doctest::
-.. _abstract-grammar:
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse('a, *b = it'), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Assign(
+                    targets=[
+                        Tuple(
+                            elts=[
+                                Name(id='a', ctx=Store()),
+                                Starred(
+                                    value=Name(id='b', ctx=Store()),
+                                    ctx=Store())],
+                            ctx=Store())],
+                    value=Name(id='it', ctx=Load()),
+                    type_comment=None)],
+            type_ignores=[])
-Abstract Grammar
-The abstract grammar is currently defined as follows:
-.. literalinclude:: ../../Parser/Python.asdl
-   :language: none
+.. class:: Expr(value)
+   When an expression, such as a function call, appears as a statement by itself
+   with its return value not used or stored, it is wrapped in this container.
+   ``value`` holds one of the other nodes in this section, a :class:`Constant`, a
+   :class:`Name`, a :class:`Lambda`, a :class:`Yield` or :class:`YieldFrom` node.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse('-a'), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=UnaryOp(
+                        op=USub(),
+                        operand=Name(id='a', ctx=Load())))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: UnaryOp(op, operand)
+   A unary operation. ``op`` is the operator, and ``operand`` any expression
+   node.
+.. class:: UAdd
+           USub
+           Not
+           Invert
+   Unary operator tokens. :class:`Not` is the ``not`` keyword, :class:`Invert`
+   is the ``~`` operator.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("not x"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=UnaryOp(
+                        op=Not(),
+                        operand=Name(id='x', ctx=Load())))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: BinOp(left, op, right)
+   A binary operation (like addition or division). ``op`` is the operator, and
+   ``left`` and ``right`` are any expression nodes.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("x + y"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=BinOp(
+                        left=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+                        op=Add(),
+                        right=Name(id='y', ctx=Load())))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Add
+           Sub
+           Mult
+           Div
+           FloorDiv
+           Mod
+           Pow
+           LShift
+           RShift
+           BitOr
+           BitXor
+           BitAnd
+           MatMult
+   Binary operator tokens.
+.. class:: BoolOp(op, values)
+   A boolean operation, 'or' or 'and'. ``op`` is :class:`Or` or :class:`And`.
+   ``values`` are the values involved. Consecutive operations with the same
+   operator, such as ``a or b or c``, are collapsed into one node with several
+   values.
+   This doesn't include ``not``, which is a :class:`UnaryOp`.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("x or y"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=BoolOp(
+                        op=Or(),
+                        values=[
+                            Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+                            Name(id='y', ctx=Load())]))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: And
+           Or
+   Boolean operator tokens.
+.. class:: Compare(left, ops, comparators)
+   A comparison of two or more values. ``left`` is the first value in the
+   comparison, ``ops`` the list of operators, and ``comparators`` the list
+   of values after the first element in the comparison.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("1 < a < 10"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=Compare(
+                        left=Constant(value=1, kind=None),
+                        ops=[
+                            Lt(),
+                            Lt()],
+                        comparators=[
+                            Name(id='a', ctx=Load()),
+                            Constant(value=10, kind=None)]))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Eq
+           NotEq
+           Lt
+           LtE
+           Gt
+           GtE
+           Is
+           IsNot
+           In
+           NotIn
+   Comparison operator tokens.
+.. class:: Call(func, args, keywords, starargs, kwargs)
+   A function call. ``func`` is the function, which will often be a
+   :class:`Name` or :class:`Attribute` object. Of the arguments:
+   * ``args`` holds a list of the arguments passed by position.
+   * ``keywords`` holds a list of :class:`keyword` objects representing
+     arguments passed by keyword.
+   When creating a ``Call`` node, ``args`` and ``keywords`` are required, but
+   they can be empty lists. ``starargs`` and ``kwargs`` are optional.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse('func(a, b=c, *d, **e)'), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=Call(
+                        func=Name(id='func', ctx=Load()),
+                        args=[
+                            Name(id='a', ctx=Load()),
+                            Starred(
+                                value=Name(id='d', ctx=Load()),
+                                ctx=Load())],
+                        keywords=[
+                            keyword(
+                                arg='b',
+                                value=Name(id='c', ctx=Load())),
+                            keyword(
+                                arg=None,
+                                value=Name(id='e', ctx=Load()))]))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: keyword(arg, value)
+   A keyword argument to a function call or class definition. ``arg`` is a raw
+   string of the parameter name, ``value`` is a node to pass in.
+.. class:: IfExp(test, body, orelse)
+   An expression such as ``a if b else c``. Each field holds a single node, so
+   in the following example, all three are :class:`Name` nodes.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("a if b else c"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=IfExp(
+                        test=Name(id='b', ctx=Load()),
+                        body=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()),
+                        orelse=Name(id='c', ctx=Load())))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Attribute(value, attr, ctx)
+   Attribute access, e.g. ``d.keys``. ``value`` is a node, typically a
+   :class:`Name`. ``attr`` is a bare string giving the name of the attribute,
+   and ``ctx`` is :class:`Load`, :class:`Store` or :class:`Del` according to how
+   the attribute is acted on.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse('snake.colour'), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=Attribute(
+                        value=Name(id='snake', ctx=Load()),
+                        attr='colour',
+                        ctx=Load()))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: NamedExpr(target, value)
+    A named expression. This AST node is produced by the assignment expressions
+    operator (also known as the walrus operator). As opposed to the :class:`Assign`
+    node in which the first argument can be multiple nodes, in this case both
+    ``target`` and ``value`` must be single nodes.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("(x := 4)"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=NamedExpr(
+                        target=Name(id='x', ctx=Store()),
+                        value=Constant(value=4, kind=None)))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Subscript(value, slice, ctx)
+   A subscript, such as ``l[1]``. ``value`` is the object, often a
+   :class:`Name`. ``slice`` is one of :class:`Index`, :class:`Slice` or
+   :class:`ExtSlice`. ``ctx`` is :class:`Load`, :class:`Store` or :class:`Del`
+   according to the action performed with the subscript.
+.. class:: Index(value)
+   Simple subscripting with a single value
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse('l[1]'), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=Subscript(
+                        value=Name(id='l', ctx=Load()),
+                        slice=Index(
+                            value=Constant(value=1, kind=None)),
+                        ctx=Load()))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Slice(lower, upper, step)
+   Regular slicing (on the form x:y).
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse('l[1:2]'), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=Subscript(
+                        value=Name(id='l', ctx=Load()),
+                        slice=Slice(
+                            lower=Constant(value=1, kind=None),
+                            upper=Constant(value=2, kind=None),
+                            step=None),
+                        ctx=Load()))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: ExtSlice(dims)
+   Advanced slicing. ``dims`` holds a list of :class:`Slice` and
+   :class:`Index` nodes
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse('l[1:2, 3]'), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=Subscript(
+                        value=Name(id='l', ctx=Load()),
+                        slice=ExtSlice(
+                            dims=[
+                                Slice(
+                                    lower=Constant(value=1, kind=None),
+                                    upper=Constant(value=2, kind=None),
+                                    step=None),
+                                Index(
+                                    value=Constant(value=3, kind=None))]),
+                        ctx=Load()))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: ListComp(elt, generators)
+           SetComp(elt, generators)
+           GeneratorExp(elt, generators)
+           DictComp(key, value, generators)
+   List and set comprehensions, generator expressions, and dictionary
+   comprehensions. ``elt`` (or ``key`` and ``value``) is a single node
+   representing the part that will be evaluated for each item.
+   ``generators`` is a list of :class:`comprehension` nodes.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("[x for x in numbers]"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=ListComp(
+                        elt=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+                        generators=[
+                            comprehension(
+                                target=Name(id='x', ctx=Store()),
+                                iter=Name(id='numbers', ctx=Load()),
+                                ifs=[],
+                                is_async=0)]))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("{x: x**2 for x in numbers}"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=DictComp(
+                        key=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+                        value=BinOp(
+                            left=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+                            op=Pow(),
+                            right=Constant(value=2, kind=None)),
+                        generators=[
+                            comprehension(
+                                target=Name(id='x', ctx=Store()),
+                                iter=Name(id='numbers', ctx=Load()),
+                                ifs=[],
+                                is_async=0)]))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("{x for x in numbers}"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=SetComp(
+                        elt=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+                        generators=[
+                            comprehension(
+                                target=Name(id='x', ctx=Store()),
+                                iter=Name(id='numbers', ctx=Load()),
+                                ifs=[],
+                                is_async=0)]))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: comprehension(target, iter, ifs, is_async)
+   One ``for`` clause in a comprehension. ``target`` is the reference to use for
+   each element - typically a :class:`Name` or :class:`Tuple` node. ``iter``
+   is the object to iterate over. ``ifs`` is a list of test expressions: each
+   ``for`` clause can have multiple ``ifs``.
+   ``is_async`` indicates a comprehension is asynchronous (using an
+   ``async for`` instead of ``for``). The value is an integer (0 or 1).
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("[ord(c) for line in file for c in line]", mode='eval'),
+        ...                indent=4)) # Multiple comprehensions in one.
+        Expression(
+            body=ListComp(
+                elt=Call(
+                    func=Name(id='ord', ctx=Load()),
+                    args=[
+                        Name(id='c', ctx=Load())],
+                    keywords=[]),
+                generators=[
+                    comprehension(
+                        target=Name(id='line', ctx=Store()),
+                        iter=Name(id='file', ctx=Load()),
+                        ifs=[],
+                        is_async=0),
+                    comprehension(
+                        target=Name(id='c', ctx=Store()),
+                        iter=Name(id='line', ctx=Load()),
+                        ifs=[],
+                        is_async=0)]))
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("(n**2 for n in it if n>5 if n<10)", mode='eval'),
+        ...                indent=4)) # generator comprehension
+        Expression(
+            body=GeneratorExp(
+                elt=BinOp(
+                    left=Name(id='n', ctx=Load()),
+                    op=Pow(),
+                    right=Constant(value=2, kind=None)),
+                generators=[
+                    comprehension(
+                        target=Name(id='n', ctx=Store()),
+                        iter=Name(id='it', ctx=Load()),
+                        ifs=[
+                            Compare(
+                                left=Name(id='n', ctx=Load()),
+                                ops=[
+                                    Gt()],
+                                comparators=[
+                                    Constant(value=5, kind=None)]),
+                            Compare(
+                                left=Name(id='n', ctx=Load()),
+                                ops=[
+                                    Lt()],
+                                comparators=[
+                                    Constant(value=10, kind=None)])],
+                        is_async=0)]))
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("async def f():"
+        ...                          "   return [i async for i in soc]"),
+        ...                indent=4)) # Async comprehension
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                AsyncFunctionDef(
+                    name='f',
+                    args=arguments(
+                        posonlyargs=[],
+                        args=[],
+                        vararg=None,
+                        kwonlyargs=[],
+                        kw_defaults=[],
+                        kwarg=None,
+                        defaults=[]),
+                    body=[
+                        Return(
+                            value=ListComp(
+                                elt=Name(id='i', ctx=Load()),
+                                generators=[
+                                    comprehension(
+                                        target=Name(id='i', ctx=Store()),
+                                        iter=Name(id='soc', ctx=Load()),
+                                        ifs=[],
+                                        is_async=1)]))],
+                    decorator_list=[],
+                    returns=None,
+                    type_comment=None)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Assign(targets, value, type_comment)
+   An assignment. ``targets`` is a list of nodes, and ``value`` is a single node.
+   Multiple nodes in ``targets`` represents assigning the same value to each.
+   Unpacking is represented by putting a :class:`Tuple` or :class:`List`
+   within ``targets``.
+   .. attribute:: type_comment
+       ``type_comment`` is an optional string with the type annotation as a comment.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("a = b = 1"), indent=4)) # Multiple assignment
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Assign(
+                    targets=[
+                        Name(id='a', ctx=Store()),
+                        Name(id='b', ctx=Store())],
+                    value=Constant(value=1, kind=None),
+                    type_comment=None)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("a,b = c"), indent=4)) # Unpacking
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Assign(
+                    targets=[
+                        Tuple(
+                            elts=[
+                                Name(id='a', ctx=Store()),
+                                Name(id='b', ctx=Store())],
+                            ctx=Store())],
+                    value=Name(id='c', ctx=Load()),
+                    type_comment=None)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: AnnAssign(target, annotation, value, simple)
+   An assignment with a type annotation. ``target`` is a single node and can
+   be a :class:`Name`, a :class:`Attribute` or a :class:`Subscript`.
+   ``annotation`` is the annotation, such as a :class:`Constant` or :class:`Name`
+   node. ``value`` is a single optional node. ``simple`` is a boolean integer
+   set to True for a :class:`Name` node in ``target`` that do not appear in
+   between parenthesis and are hence pure names and not expressions.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("c: int"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                AnnAssign(
+                    target=Name(id='c', ctx=Store()),
+                    annotation=Name(id='int', ctx=Load()),
+                    value=None,
+                    simple=1)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("(a): int = 1"), indent=4)) # Annotation with parenthesis
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                AnnAssign(
+                    target=Name(id='a', ctx=Store()),
+                    annotation=Name(id='int', ctx=Load()),
+                    value=Constant(value=1, kind=None),
+                    simple=0)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("a.b: int"), indent=4)) # Attribute annotation
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                AnnAssign(
+                    target=Attribute(
+                        value=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()),
+                        attr='b',
+                        ctx=Store()),
+                    annotation=Name(id='int', ctx=Load()),
+                    value=None,
+                    simple=0)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("a[1]: int"), indent=4)) # Subscript annotation
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                AnnAssign(
+                    target=Subscript(
+                        value=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()),
+                        slice=Index(
+                            value=Constant(value=1, kind=None)),
+                        ctx=Store()),
+                    annotation=Name(id='int', ctx=Load()),
+                    value=None,
+                    simple=0)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: AugAssign(target, op, value)
+   Augmented assignment, such as ``a += 1``. In the following example,
+   ``target`` is a :class:`Name` node for ``x`` (with the :class:`Store`
+   context), ``op`` is :class:`Add`, and ``value`` is a :class:`Constant` with
+   value for 1.
+   The ``target`` attribute connot be of class :class:`Tuple` or :class:`List`,
+   unlike the targets of :class:`Assign`.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("x += 2"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                AugAssign(
+                    target=Name(id='x', ctx=Store()),
+                    op=Add(),
+                    value=Constant(value=2, kind=None))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Raise(exc, cause)
+   A ``raise`` statement. ``exc`` is the exception object to be raised, normally a
+   :class:`Call` or :class:`Name`, or ``None`` for a standalone ``raise``.
+   ``cause`` is the optional part for ``y`` in ``raise x from y``.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("raise x from y"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Raise(
+                    exc=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+                    cause=Name(id='y', ctx=Load()))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Assert(test, msg)
+   An assertion. ``test`` holds the condition, such as a :class:`Compare` node.
+   ``msg`` holds the failure message.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("assert x,y"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Assert(
+                    test=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+                    msg=Name(id='y', ctx=Load()))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Delete(targets)
+   Represents a ``del`` statement. ``targets`` is a list of nodes, such as
+   :class:`Name`, :class:`Attribute` or :class:`Subscript` nodes.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("del x,y,z"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Delete(
+                    targets=[
+                        Name(id='x', ctx=Del()),
+                        Name(id='y', ctx=Del()),
+                        Name(id='z', ctx=Del())])],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Pass()
+   A ``pass`` statement.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("pass"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Pass()],
+            type_ignores=[])
+Other statements which are only applicable inside functions or loops are
+described in other sections.
+.. class:: Import(names)
+   An import statement. ``names`` is a list of :class:`alias` nodes.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("import x,y,z"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Import(
+                    names=[
+                        alias(name='x', asname=None),
+                        alias(name='y', asname=None),
+                        alias(name='z', asname=None)])],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: ImportFrom(module, names, level)
+   Represents ``from x import y``. ``module`` is a raw string of the 'from' name,
+   without any leading dots, or ``None`` for statements such as ``from . import foo``.
+   ``level`` is an integer holding the level of the relative import (0 means
+   absolute import).
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("from y import x,y,z"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                ImportFrom(
+                    module='y',
+                    names=[
+                        alias(name='x', asname=None),
+                        alias(name='y', asname=None),
+                        alias(name='z', asname=None)],
+                    level=0)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: alias(name, asname)
+   Both parameters are raw strings of the names. ``asname`` can be ``None`` if
+   the regular name is to be used.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("from ..foo.bar import a as b, c"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                ImportFrom(
+                    module='foo.bar',
+                    names=[
+                        alias(name='a', asname='b'),
+                        alias(name='c', asname=None)],
+                    level=2)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+Control flow
+.. note::
+   Optional clauses such as ``else`` are stored as an empty list if they're
+   not present.
+.. class:: If(test, body, orelse)
+   An ``if`` statement. ``test`` holds a single node, such as a :class:`Compare`
+   node. ``body`` and ``orelse`` each hold a list of nodes.
+   ``elif`` clauses don't have a special representation in the AST, but rather
+   appear as extra :class:`If` nodes within the ``orelse`` section of the
+   previous one.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+        ... if x:
+        ...    ...
+        ... elif y:
+        ...    ...
+        ... else:
+        ...    ...
+        ... """), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                If(
+                    test=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+                    body=[
+                        Expr(
+                            value=Constant(value=Ellipsis, kind=None))],
+                    orelse=[
+                        If(
+                            test=Name(id='y', ctx=Load()),
+                            body=[
+                                Expr(
+                                    value=Constant(value=Ellipsis, kind=None))],
+                            orelse=[
+                                Expr(
+                                    value=Constant(value=Ellipsis, kind=None))])])],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: For(target, iter, body, orelse, type_comment)
+   A ``for`` loop. ``target`` holds the variable(s) the loop assigns to, as a
+   single :class:`Name`, :class:`Tuple` or :class:`List` node. ``iter`` holds
+   the item to be looped over, again as a single node. ``body`` and ``orelse``
+   contain lists of nodes to execute. Those in ``orelse`` are executed if the
+   loop finishes normally, rather than via a ``break`` statement.
+   .. attribute:: type_comment
+       ``type_comment`` is an optional string with the type annotation as a comment.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+        ... for x in y:
+        ...     ...
+        ... else:
+        ...     ...
+        ... """), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                For(
+                    target=Name(id='x', ctx=Store()),
+                    iter=Name(id='y', ctx=Load()),
+                    body=[
+                        Expr(
+                            value=Constant(value=Ellipsis, kind=None))],
+                    orelse=[
+                        Expr(
+                            value=Constant(value=Ellipsis, kind=None))],
+                    type_comment=None)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: While(test, body, orelse)
+   A ``while`` loop. ``test`` holds the condition, such as a :class:`Compare`
+   node.
+   .. doctest::
+        >> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+        ... while x:
+        ...    ...
+        ... else:
+        ...    ...
+        ... """), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                While(
+                    test=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),
+                    body=[
+                        Expr(
+                            value=Constant(value=Ellipsis, kind=None))],
+                    orelse=[
+                        Expr(
+                            value=Constant(value=Ellipsis, kind=None))])],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Break
+           Continue
+   The ``break`` and ``continue`` statements.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""\
+        ... for a in b:
+        ...     if a > 5:
+        ...         break
+        ...     else:
+        ...         continue
+        ...
+        ... """), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                For(
+                    target=Name(id='a', ctx=Store()),
+                    iter=Name(id='b', ctx=Load()),
+                    body=[
+                        If(
+                            test=Compare(
+                                left=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()),
+                                ops=[
+                                    Gt()],
+                                comparators=[
+                                    Constant(value=5, kind=None)]),
+                            body=[
+                                Break()],
+                            orelse=[
+                                Continue()])],
+                    orelse=[],
+                    type_comment=None)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Try(body, handlers, orelse, finalbody)
+   ``try`` blocks. All attributes are list of nodes to execute, except for
+   ``handlers``, which is a list of :class:`ExceptHandler` nodes.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""
+        ... try:
+        ...    ...
+        ... except Exception:
+        ...    ...
+        ... except OtherException as e:
+        ...    ...
+        ... else:
+        ...    ...
+        ... finally:
+        ...    ...
+        ... """), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Try(
+                    body=[
+                        Expr(
+                            value=Constant(value=Ellipsis, kind=None))],
+                    handlers=[
+                        ExceptHandler(
+                            type=Name(id='Exception', ctx=Load()),
+                            name=None,
+                            body=[
+                                Expr(
+                                    value=Constant(value=Ellipsis, kind=None))]),
+                        ExceptHandler(
+                            type=Name(id='OtherException', ctx=Load()),
+                            name='e',
+                            body=[
+                                Expr(
+                                    value=Constant(value=Ellipsis, kind=None))])],
+                    orelse=[
+                        Expr(
+                            value=Constant(value=Ellipsis, kind=None))],
+                    finalbody=[
+                        Expr(
+                            value=Constant(value=Ellipsis, kind=None))])],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: ExceptHandler(type, name, body)
+   A single ``except`` clause. ``type`` is the exception type it will match,
+   typically a :class:`Name` node (or ``None`` for a catch-all ``except:`` clause).
+   ``name`` is a raw string for the name to hold the exception, or ``None`` if
+   the clause doesn't have ``as foo``. ``body`` is a list of nodes.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""\
+        ... try:
+        ...     a + 1
+        ... except TypeError:
+        ...     pass
+        ... """), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Try(
+                    body=[
+                        Expr(
+                            value=BinOp(
+                                left=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()),
+                                op=Add(),
+                                right=Constant(value=1, kind=None)))],
+                    handlers=[
+                        ExceptHandler(
+                            type=Name(id='TypeError', ctx=Load()),
+                            name=None,
+                            body=[
+                                Pass()])],
+                    orelse=[],
+                    finalbody=[])],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: With(items, body, type_comment)
+   A ``with`` block. ``items`` is a list of :class:`withitem` nodes representing
+   the context managers, and ``body`` is the indented block inside the context.
+   .. attribute:: type_comment
+       ``type_comment`` is an optional string with the type annotation as a comment.
+.. class:: withitem(context_expr, optional_vars)
+   A single context manager in a ``with`` block. ``context_expr`` is the context
+   manager, often a :class:`Call` node. ``optional_vars`` is a :class:`Name`,
+   :class:`Tuple` or :class:`List` for the ``as foo`` part, or ``None`` if that
+   isn't used.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""\
+        ... with a as b, c as d:
+        ...    something(b, d)
+        ... """), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                With(
+                    items=[
+                        withitem(
+                            context_expr=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()),
+                            optional_vars=Name(id='b', ctx=Store())),
+                        withitem(
+                            context_expr=Name(id='c', ctx=Load()),
+                            optional_vars=Name(id='d', ctx=Store()))],
+                    body=[
+                        Expr(
+                            value=Call(
+                                func=Name(id='something', ctx=Load()),
+                                args=[
+                                    Name(id='b', ctx=Load()),
+                                    Name(id='d', ctx=Load())],
+                                keywords=[]))],
+                    type_comment=None)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+Function and class definitions
+.. class:: FunctionDef(name, args, body, decorator_list, returns, type_comment)
+   A function definition.
+   * ``name`` is a raw string of the function name.
+   * ``args`` is a :class:`arguments` node.
+   * ``body`` is the list of nodes inside the function.
+   * ``decorator_list`` is the list of decorators to be applied, stored outermost
+     first (i.e. the first in the list will be applied last).
+   * ``returns`` is the return annotation.
+   .. attribute:: type_comment
+       ``type_comment`` is an optional string with the type annotation as a comment.
+.. class:: Lambda(args, body)
+   ``lambda`` is a minimal function definition that can be used inside an
+   expression. Unlike :class:`FunctionDef`, ``body`` holds a single node.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("lambda x,y: ..."), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=Lambda(
+                        args=arguments(
+                            posonlyargs=[],
+                            args=[
+                                arg(arg='x', annotation=None, type_comment=None),
+                                arg(arg='y', annotation=None, type_comment=None)],
+                            vararg=None,
+                            kwonlyargs=[],
+                            kw_defaults=[],
+                            kwarg=None,
+                            defaults=[]),
+                        body=Constant(value=Ellipsis, kind=None)))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: arguments(posonlyargs, args, vararg, kwonlyargs, kw_defaults, kwarg, defaults)
+   The arguments for a function.
+   * ``posonlyargs``, ``args`` and ``kwonlyargs`` are lists of :class:`arg` nodes.
+   * ``vararg`` and ``kwarg`` are single :class:`arg` nodes, referring to the
+     ``*args, **kwargs`` parameters.
+   * ``kw_defaults`` is a list of default values for keyword-only arguments. If
+     one is ``None``, the corresponding argument is required.
+   * ``defaults`` is a list of default values for arguments that can be passed
+     positionally. If there are fewer defaults, they correspond to the last n
+     arguments.
+.. class:: arg(arg, annotation, type_comment)
+   A single argument in a list. ``arg`` is a raw string of the argument
+   name, ``annotation`` is its annotation, such as a :class:`Str` or
+   :class:`Name` node.
+   .. attribute:: type_comment
+       ``type_comment`` is an optional string with the type annotation as a comment
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""\
+        ... @decorator1
+        ... @decorator2
+        ... def f(a: 'annotation', b=1, c=2, *d, e, f=3, **g) -> 'return annotation':
+        ...     pass
+        ... """), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                FunctionDef(
+                    name='f',
+                    args=arguments(
+                        posonlyargs=[],
+                        args=[
+                            arg(
+                                arg='a',
+                                annotation=Constant(value='annotation', kind=None),
+                                type_comment=None),
+                            arg(arg='b', annotation=None, type_comment=None),
+                            arg(arg='c', annotation=None, type_comment=None)],
+                        vararg=arg(arg='d', annotation=None, type_comment=None),
+                        kwonlyargs=[
+                            arg(arg='e', annotation=None, type_comment=None),
+                            arg(arg='f', annotation=None, type_comment=None)],
+                        kw_defaults=[
+                            None,
+                            Constant(value=3, kind=None)],
+                        kwarg=arg(arg='g', annotation=None, type_comment=None),
+                        defaults=[
+                            Constant(value=1, kind=None),
+                            Constant(value=2, kind=None)]),
+                    body=[
+                        Pass()],
+                    decorator_list=[
+                        Name(id='decorator1', ctx=Load()),
+                        Name(id='decorator2', ctx=Load())],
+                    returns=Constant(value='return annotation', kind=None),
+                    type_comment=None)],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Return(value)
+   A ``return`` statement.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("return 4"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Return(
+                    value=Constant(value=4, kind=None))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Yield(value)
+           YieldFrom(value)
+   A ``yield`` or ``yield from`` expression. Because these are expressions, they
+   must be wrapped in a :class:`Expr` node if the value sent back is not used.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("yield x"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=Yield(
+                        value=Name(id='x', ctx=Load())))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("yield from x"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Expr(
+                    value=YieldFrom(
+                        value=Name(id='x', ctx=Load())))],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: Global(names)
+           Nonlocal(names)
+   ``global`` and ``nonlocal`` statements. ``names`` is a list of raw strings.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("global x,y,z"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Global(
+                    names=[
+                        'x',
+                        'y',
+                        'z'])],
+            type_ignores=[])
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("nonlocal x,y,z"), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                Nonlocal(
+                    names=[
+                        'x',
+                        'y',
+                        'z'])],
+            type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: ClassDef(name, bases, keywords, starargs, kwargs, body, decorator_list)
+   A class definition.
+   * ``name`` is a raw string for the class name
+   * ``bases`` is a list of nodes for explicitly specified base classes.
+   * ``keywords`` is a list of :class:`keyword` nodes, principally for 'metaclass'.
+     Other keywords will be passed to the metaclass, as per `PEP-3115
+     <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3115/>`_.
+   * ``starargs`` and ``kwargs`` are each a single node, as in a function call.
+     starargs will be expanded to join the list of base classes, and kwargs will
+     be passed to the metaclass.
+   * ``body`` is a list of nodes representing the code within the class
+     definition.
+   * ``decorator_list`` is a list of nodes, as in :class:`FunctionDef`.
+   .. doctest::
+        >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""\
+        ... @decorator1
+        ... @decorator2
+        ... class Foo(base1, base2, metaclass=meta):
+        ...     pass
+        ... """), indent=4))
+        Module(
+            body=[
+                ClassDef(
+                    name='Foo',
+                    bases=[
+                        Name(id='base1', ctx=Load()),
+                        Name(id='base2', ctx=Load())],
+                    keywords=[
+                        keyword(
+                            arg='metaclass',
+                            value=Name(id='meta', ctx=Load()))],
+                    body=[
+                        Pass()],
+                    decorator_list=[
+                        Name(id='decorator1', ctx=Load()),
+                        Name(id='decorator2', ctx=Load())])],
+            type_ignores=[])
+Async and await
+.. class:: AsyncFunctionDef(name, args, body, decorator_list, returns, type_comment)
+   An ``async def`` function definition. Has the same fields as
+   :class:`FunctionDef`.
+.. class:: Await(value)
+   An ``await`` expression. ``value`` is what it waits for.
+   Only valid in the body of an :class:`AsyncFunctionDef`.
+.. doctest::
+    >>> print(ast.dump(ast.parse("""\
+    ... async def f():
+    ...     await other_func()
+    ... """), indent=4))
+    Module(
+        body=[
+            AsyncFunctionDef(
+                name='f',
+                args=arguments(
+                    posonlyargs=[],
+                    args=[],
+                    vararg=None,
+                    kwonlyargs=[],
+                    kw_defaults=[],
+                    kwarg=None,
+                    defaults=[]),
+                body=[
+                    Expr(
+                        value=Await(
+                            value=Call(
+                                func=Name(id='other_func', ctx=Load()),
+                                args=[],
+                                keywords=[])))],
+                decorator_list=[],
+                returns=None,
+                type_comment=None)],
+        type_ignores=[])
+.. class:: AsyncFor(target, iter, body, orelse, type_comment)
+           AsyncWith(items, body, type_comment)
+   ``async for`` loops and ``async with`` context managers. They have the same
+   fields as :class:`For` and :class:`With`, respectively. Only valid in the
+   body of an :class:`AsyncFunctionDef`.
 :mod:`ast` Helpers

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