[Python-checkins] bpo-40279: Add some error-handling to the module initialisation docs example (GH-19705) (GH-19710)

Miss Islington (bot) webhook-mailer at python.org
Sat Apr 25 01:45:56 EDT 2020

commit: 882a7f44da08c6fb210bd9a17f80903cbca84034
branch: 3.8
author: Miss Islington (bot) <31488909+miss-islington at users.noreply.github.com>
committer: GitHub <noreply at github.com>
date: 2020-04-25T07:45:48+02:00

bpo-40279: Add some error-handling to the module initialisation docs example (GH-19705) (GH-19710)

(cherry picked from commit d4f3923d5901ef1ccdbe6ad6c5a753af90832a0f)

Co-authored-by: Cajetan Rodrigues <caje731 at gmail.com>

M Doc/extending/extending.rst

diff --git a/Doc/extending/extending.rst b/Doc/extending/extending.rst
index 5b32a2cdc5506..25dc2934d29ef 100644
--- a/Doc/extending/extending.rst
+++ b/Doc/extending/extending.rst
@@ -395,18 +395,26 @@ optionally followed by an import of the module::
        /* Add a built-in module, before Py_Initialize */
-       PyImport_AppendInittab("spam", PyInit_spam);
+       if (PyImport_AppendInittab("spam", PyInit_spam) == -1) {
+           fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not extend in-built modules table\n");
+           exit(1);
+       }
        /* Pass argv[0] to the Python interpreter */
-       /* Initialize the Python interpreter.  Required. */
+       /* Initialize the Python interpreter.  Required.
+          If this step fails, it will be a fatal error. */
        /* Optionally import the module; alternatively,
           import can be deferred until the embedded script
           imports it. */
-       PyImport_ImportModule("spam");
+       pmodule = PyImport_ImportModule("spam");
+       if (!pmodule) {
+           PyErr_Print();
+           fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not import module 'spam'\n");
+       }

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