[Python-checkins] bpo-40187: Refactor typing.TypedDict. (GH-19372)

Serhiy Storchaka webhook-mailer at python.org
Wed Apr 8 04:03:32 EDT 2020

commit: f228bf2300a9d3bf833b1a89336581822e864ae5
branch: master
author: Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com>
committer: GitHub <noreply at github.com>
date: 2020-04-08T11:03:27+03:00

bpo-40187: Refactor typing.TypedDict. (GH-19372)

M Lib/typing.py

diff --git a/Lib/typing.py b/Lib/typing.py
index bcb2233ee50cf..9cacaa840ca35 100644
--- a/Lib/typing.py
+++ b/Lib/typing.py
@@ -1792,44 +1792,20 @@ def _namedtuple_mro_entries(bases):
 NamedTuple.__mro_entries__ = _namedtuple_mro_entries
-def _dict_new(cls, /, *args, **kwargs):
-    return dict(*args, **kwargs)
-def _typeddict_new(cls, typename, fields=None, /, *, total=True, **kwargs):
-    if fields is None:
-        fields = kwargs
-    elif kwargs:
-        raise TypeError("TypedDict takes either a dict or keyword arguments,"
-                        " but not both")
-    ns = {'__annotations__': dict(fields), '__total__': total}
-    try:
-        # Setting correct module is necessary to make typed dict classes pickleable.
-        ns['__module__'] = sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get('__name__', '__main__')
-    except (AttributeError, ValueError):
-        pass
-    return _TypedDictMeta(typename, (), ns)
-def _check_fails(cls, other):
-    # Typed dicts are only for static structural subtyping.
-    raise TypeError('TypedDict does not support instance and class checks')
 class _TypedDictMeta(type):
     def __new__(cls, name, bases, ns, total=True):
         """Create new typed dict class object.
-        This method is called directly when TypedDict is subclassed,
-        or via _typeddict_new when TypedDict is instantiated. This way
+        This method is called when TypedDict is subclassed,
+        or when TypedDict is instantiated. This way
         TypedDict supports all three syntax forms described in its docstring.
-        Subclasses and instances of TypedDict return actual dictionaries
-        via _dict_new.
+        Subclasses and instances of TypedDict return actual dictionaries.
-        ns['__new__'] = _typeddict_new if name == 'TypedDict' else _dict_new
-        tp_dict = super(_TypedDictMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, (dict,), ns)
+        for base in bases:
+            if type(base) is not _TypedDictMeta:
+                raise TypeError('cannot inherit from both a TypedDict type '
+                                'and a non-TypedDict base class')
+        tp_dict = type.__new__(_TypedDictMeta, name, (dict,), ns)
         annotations = {}
         own_annotations = ns.get('__annotations__', {})
@@ -1859,10 +1835,16 @@ def __new__(cls, name, bases, ns, total=True):
             tp_dict.__total__ = total
         return tp_dict
-    __instancecheck__ = __subclasscheck__ = _check_fails
+    __call__ = dict  # static method
+    def __subclasscheck__(cls, other):
+        # Typed dicts are only for static structural subtyping.
+        raise TypeError('TypedDict does not support instance and class checks')
+    __instancecheck__ = __subclasscheck__
-class TypedDict(dict, metaclass=_TypedDictMeta):
+def TypedDict(typename, fields=None, /, *, total=True, **kwargs):
     """A simple typed namespace. At runtime it is equivalent to a plain dict.
     TypedDict creates a dictionary type that expects all of its
@@ -1904,6 +1886,23 @@ class body be required.
     The class syntax is only supported in Python 3.6+, while two other
     syntax forms work for Python 2.7 and 3.2+
+    if fields is None:
+        fields = kwargs
+    elif kwargs:
+        raise TypeError("TypedDict takes either a dict or keyword arguments,"
+                        " but not both")
+    ns = {'__annotations__': dict(fields), '__total__': total}
+    try:
+        # Setting correct module is necessary to make typed dict classes pickleable.
+        ns['__module__'] = sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get('__name__', '__main__')
+    except (AttributeError, ValueError):
+        pass
+    return _TypedDictMeta(typename, (), ns)
+_TypedDict = type.__new__(_TypedDictMeta, 'TypedDict', (), {})
+TypedDict.__mro_entries__ = lambda bases: (_TypedDict,)
 def NewType(name, tp):

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