[Python-checkins] bpo-38334: Fix seeking backward on an encrypted zipfile.ZipExtFile. (GH-16937)

Miss Skeleton (bot) webhook-mailer at python.org
Sun Oct 27 04:41:31 EDT 2019

commit: ed2db3113d54a5f8af1b419a9f5fdf3642285c82
branch: 3.7
author: Miss Skeleton (bot) <31488909+miss-islington at users.noreply.github.com>
committer: GitHub <noreply at github.com>
date: 2019-10-27T01:41:27-07:00

bpo-38334: Fix seeking backward on an encrypted zipfile.ZipExtFile. (GH-16937)

Test by Daniel Hillier.
(cherry picked from commit 5c32af7522d908e8c7da0243af37618433289cc5)

Co-authored-by: Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com>

A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2019-10-27-00-08-49.bpo-38334.pfLLmc.rst
M Lib/test/test_zipfile.py
M Lib/zipfile.py

diff --git a/Lib/test/test_zipfile.py b/Lib/test/test_zipfile.py
index ac8f64ce22f6b..523a2e1dadcb9 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_zipfile.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_zipfile.py
@@ -1874,6 +1874,44 @@ def test_unicode_password(self):
         self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.zip.open, "test.txt", pwd="python")
         self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.zip.extract, "test.txt", pwd="python")
+    def test_seek_tell(self):
+        self.zip.setpassword(b"python")
+        txt = self.plain
+        test_word = b'encryption'
+        bloc = txt.find(test_word)
+        bloc_len = len(test_word)
+        with self.zip.open("test.txt", "r") as fp:
+            fp.seek(bloc, os.SEEK_SET)
+            self.assertEqual(fp.tell(), bloc)
+            fp.seek(-bloc, os.SEEK_CUR)
+            self.assertEqual(fp.tell(), 0)
+            fp.seek(bloc, os.SEEK_CUR)
+            self.assertEqual(fp.tell(), bloc)
+            self.assertEqual(fp.read(bloc_len), txt[bloc:bloc+bloc_len])
+            # Make sure that the second read after seeking back beyond
+            # _readbuffer returns the same content (ie. rewind to the start of
+            # the file to read forward to the required position).
+            old_read_size = fp.MIN_READ_SIZE
+            fp.MIN_READ_SIZE = 1
+            fp._readbuffer = b''
+            fp._offset = 0
+            fp.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
+            self.assertEqual(fp.tell(), 0)
+            fp.seek(bloc, os.SEEK_CUR)
+            self.assertEqual(fp.read(bloc_len), txt[bloc:bloc+bloc_len])
+            fp.MIN_READ_SIZE = old_read_size
+            fp.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
+            self.assertEqual(fp.tell(), len(txt))
+            fp.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
+            self.assertEqual(fp.tell(), 0)
+            # Read the file completely to definitely call any eof integrity
+            # checks (crc) and make sure they still pass.
+            fp.read()
 class AbstractTestsWithRandomBinaryFiles:
     def setUpClass(cls):
diff --git a/Lib/zipfile.py b/Lib/zipfile.py
index 955d91fd0a2bf..22176126a9b90 100644
--- a/Lib/zipfile.py
+++ b/Lib/zipfile.py
@@ -784,10 +784,10 @@ class ZipExtFile(io.BufferedIOBase):
     # Chunk size to read during seek
     MAX_SEEK_READ = 1 << 24
-    def __init__(self, fileobj, mode, zipinfo, decrypter=None,
+    def __init__(self, fileobj, mode, zipinfo, pwd=None,
         self._fileobj = fileobj
-        self._decrypter = decrypter
+        self._pwd = pwd
         self._close_fileobj = close_fileobj
         self._compress_type = zipinfo.compress_type
@@ -802,11 +802,6 @@ def __init__(self, fileobj, mode, zipinfo, decrypter=None,
         self.newlines = None
-        # Adjust read size for encrypted files since the first 12 bytes
-        # are for the encryption/password information.
-        if self._decrypter is not None:
-            self._compress_left -= 12
         self.mode = mode
         self.name = zipinfo.filename
@@ -827,6 +822,30 @@ def __init__(self, fileobj, mode, zipinfo, decrypter=None,
         except AttributeError:
+        self._decrypter = None
+        if pwd:
+            if zipinfo.flag_bits & 0x8:
+                # compare against the file type from extended local headers
+                check_byte = (zipinfo._raw_time >> 8) & 0xff
+            else:
+                # compare against the CRC otherwise
+                check_byte = (zipinfo.CRC >> 24) & 0xff
+            h = self._init_decrypter()
+            if h != check_byte:
+                raise RuntimeError("Bad password for file %r" % zipinfo.orig_filename)
+    def _init_decrypter(self):
+        self._decrypter = _ZipDecrypter(self._pwd)
+        # The first 12 bytes in the cypher stream is an encryption header
+        #  used to strengthen the algorithm. The first 11 bytes are
+        #  completely random, while the 12th contains the MSB of the CRC,
+        #  or the MSB of the file time depending on the header type
+        #  and is used to check the correctness of the password.
+        header = self._fileobj.read(12)
+        self._compress_left -= 12
+        return self._decrypter(header)[11]
     def __repr__(self):
         result = ['<%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__module__,
@@ -1053,6 +1072,8 @@ def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
             self._decompressor = _get_decompressor(self._compress_type)
             self._eof = False
             read_offset = new_pos
+            if self._decrypter is not None:
+                self._init_decrypter()
         while read_offset > 0:
             read_len = min(self.MAX_SEEK_READ, read_offset)
@@ -1515,32 +1536,16 @@ def open(self, name, mode="r", pwd=None, *, force_zip64=False):
             # check for encrypted flag & handle password
             is_encrypted = zinfo.flag_bits & 0x1
-            zd = None
             if is_encrypted:
                 if not pwd:
                     pwd = self.pwd
                 if not pwd:
                     raise RuntimeError("File %r is encrypted, password "
                                        "required for extraction" % name)
+            else:
+                pwd = None
-                zd = _ZipDecrypter(pwd)
-                # The first 12 bytes in the cypher stream is an encryption header
-                #  used to strengthen the algorithm. The first 11 bytes are
-                #  completely random, while the 12th contains the MSB of the CRC,
-                #  or the MSB of the file time depending on the header type
-                #  and is used to check the correctness of the password.
-                header = zef_file.read(12)
-                h = zd(header[0:12])
-                if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x8:
-                    # compare against the file type from extended local headers
-                    check_byte = (zinfo._raw_time >> 8) & 0xff
-                else:
-                    # compare against the CRC otherwise
-                    check_byte = (zinfo.CRC >> 24) & 0xff
-                if h[11] != check_byte:
-                    raise RuntimeError("Bad password for file %r" % name)
-            return ZipExtFile(zef_file, mode, zinfo, zd, True)
+            return ZipExtFile(zef_file, mode, zinfo, pwd, True)
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2019-10-27-00-08-49.bpo-38334.pfLLmc.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2019-10-27-00-08-49.bpo-38334.pfLLmc.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0d05d3f6e6c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2019-10-27-00-08-49.bpo-38334.pfLLmc.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fixed seeking backward on an encrypted :class:`zipfile.ZipExtFile`.

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