[Python-checkins] Typo fix: "throuhgh" should be "through". (GH-16704)

Benjamin Peterson webhook-mailer at python.org
Thu Oct 10 23:43:25 EDT 2019

commit: a8e0d3141e271b3c0fbb7399a911f0c3aa567e30
branch: master
author: Hansraj Das <raj.das.136 at gmail.com>
committer: Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at python.org>
date: 2019-10-10T20:43:13-07:00

Typo fix: "throuhgh" should be "through". (GH-16704)

M Python/condvar.h

diff --git a/Python/condvar.h b/Python/condvar.h
index f54adc5ea8e82..8cba19b84612d 100644
--- a/Python/condvar.h
+++ b/Python/condvar.h
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ _PyCOND_WAIT_MS(PyCOND_T *cv, PyMUTEX_T *cs, DWORD ms)
          * just means an extra spurious wakeup for a waiting thread.
          * ('waiting' corresponds to the semaphore's "negative" count and
          * we may end up with e.g. (waiting == -1 && sem.count == 1).  When
-         * a new thread comes along, it will pass right throuhgh, having
+         * a new thread comes along, it will pass right through, having
          * adjusted it to (waiting == 0 && sem.count == 0).

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