[Python-checkins] bpo-31234: Join threads in test_hashlib (#3573)

Victor Stinner webhook-mailer at python.org
Thu Sep 14 11:43:25 EDT 2017

commit: 8dcf22f442320e4c1a5408e67b4c9002ad105f17
branch: master
author: Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>
committer: GitHub <noreply at github.com>
date: 2017-09-14T08:43:22-07:00

bpo-31234: Join threads in test_hashlib (#3573)

* bpo-31234: Join threads in test_hashlib

Use thread.join() to wait until the parallel hash tasks complete
rather than using events. Calling thread.join() prevent "dangling
thread" warnings.

* test_hashlib: minor PEP 8 coding style fixes

M Lib/test/test_hashlib.py

diff --git a/Lib/test/test_hashlib.py b/Lib/test/test_hashlib.py
index 5c8f090116f..90e6a563a72 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_hashlib.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_hashlib.py
@@ -746,28 +746,28 @@ def test_threaded_hashing(self):
         hasher = hashlib.sha1()
         num_threads = 5
         smallest_data = b'swineflu'
-        data = smallest_data*200000
+        data = smallest_data * 200000
         expected_hash = hashlib.sha1(data*num_threads).hexdigest()
-        def hash_in_chunks(chunk_size, event):
+        def hash_in_chunks(chunk_size):
             index = 0
             while index < len(data):
-                hasher.update(data[index:index+chunk_size])
+                hasher.update(data[index:index + chunk_size])
                 index += chunk_size
-            event.set()
-        events = []
+        threads = []
         for threadnum in range(num_threads):
-            chunk_size = len(data) // (10**threadnum)
+            chunk_size = len(data) // (10 ** threadnum)
             self.assertGreater(chunk_size, 0)
             self.assertEqual(chunk_size % len(smallest_data), 0)
-            event = threading.Event()
-            events.append(event)
-            threading.Thread(target=hash_in_chunks,
-                             args=(chunk_size, event)).start()
-        for event in events:
-            event.wait()
+            thread = threading.Thread(target=hash_in_chunks,
+                                      args=(chunk_size,))
+            threads.append(thread)
+        for thread in threads:
+            thread.start()
+        for thread in threads:
+            thread.join()
         self.assertEqual(expected_hash, hasher.hexdigest())

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