[Python-checkins] cpython (merge 3.5 -> default): merge from 3.5

senthil.kumaran python-checkins at python.org
Thu Jan 21 12:38:39 EST 2016

changeset:   100024:739e1b0032c6
parent:      100022:c6fb1651ea2e
parent:      100023:e57949f5d0a9
user:        Senthil Kumaran <senthil at uthcode.com>
date:        Thu Jan 21 09:38:02 2016 -0800
  merge from 3.5

issue25909 - Correct the documentation of PyMapping_Items, PyMapping_Keys and
PyMapping_Values in Include/abstract.h and Doc/c-api/mapping.rst.

Patch contributed by Sonali Gupta.

  Doc/c-api/mapping.rst |  14 +++++++-------
  Include/abstract.h    |  14 +++++++-------
  2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Doc/c-api/mapping.rst b/Doc/c-api/mapping.rst
--- a/Doc/c-api/mapping.rst
+++ b/Doc/c-api/mapping.rst
@@ -50,21 +50,21 @@
 .. c:function:: PyObject* PyMapping_Keys(PyObject *o)
-   On success, return a list of the keys in object *o*.  On failure, return *NULL*.
-   This is equivalent to the Python expression ``list(o.keys())``.
+   On success, return a list, a tuple or a dictionary view in case of a dict,
+   of the keys in object *o*. On failure, return *NULL*.
 .. c:function:: PyObject* PyMapping_Values(PyObject *o)
-   On success, return a list of the values in object *o*.  On failure, return
-   *NULL*. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``list(o.values())``.
+   On success, return a list, a tuple or a dictionary view in case of a dict, of
+   the values in object *o*. On failure, return *NULL*.
 .. c:function:: PyObject* PyMapping_Items(PyObject *o)
-   On success, return a list of the items in object *o*, where each item is a tuple
-   containing a key-value pair.  On failure, return *NULL*. This is equivalent to
-   the Python expression ``list(o.items())``.
+   On success, return a list, a tuple or a dictionary view in case of a dict, of
+   the items in object *o*, where each item is a tuple containing a key-value
+   pair.  On failure, return *NULL*.
 .. c:function:: PyObject* PyMapping_GetItemString(PyObject *o, const char *key)
diff --git a/Include/abstract.h b/Include/abstract.h
--- a/Include/abstract.h
+++ b/Include/abstract.h
@@ -1216,23 +1216,23 @@
      PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMapping_Keys(PyObject *o);
-     On success, return a list or tuple of the keys in object o.
-     On failure, return NULL.
+     On success, return a list, a tuple or a dictionary view in case of a dict,
+     of the keys in object o. On failure, return NULL.
      PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMapping_Values(PyObject *o);
-     On success, return a list or tuple of the values in object o.
-     On failure, return NULL.
+     On success, return a list, a tuple or a dictionary view in case of a dict,
+     of the values in object o. On failure, return NULL.
      PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMapping_Items(PyObject *o);
-     On success, return a list or tuple of the items in object o,
-     where each item is a tuple containing a key-value pair.
-     On failure, return NULL.
+     On success, return a list, a tuple or a dictionary view in case of a dict,
+     of the items in object o, where each item is a tuple containing a key-value
+     pair. On failure, return NULL.

Repository URL: https://hg.python.org/cpython

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