[Python-checkins] peps: PEP 511: add the text of the PEP

victor.stinner python-checkins at python.org
Tue Jan 12 19:26:36 EST 2016

changeset:   6176:3a461b846ace
user:        Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>
date:        Wed Jan 13 00:57:21 2016 +0100
  PEP 511: add the text of the PEP

  pep-0511.txt |  297 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
  1 files changed, 292 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pep-0511.txt b/pep-0511.txt
--- a/pep-0511.txt
+++ b/pep-0511.txt
@@ -12,14 +12,301 @@
-Propose an API to support AST transformers.
+Propose an API to support AST transformers. Add also ``-o OPTIM_TAG``
+command line option to change ``.pyc`` filenames. Raise an
+``ImportError`` exception on import if the ``.pyc`` file is missing and
+the AST transformers required to transform the code are missing.
+AST transformers are not needed code transformed ahead of time (loaded
+from ``.pyc`` files).
-Work In Progress
-This document is just to reserve a PEP number, the PEP is not ready for a
-public review yet.
+Python does not provide a standard way to transform the code. Projects
+transforming the code use various hooks. The MacroPy project uses an
+import hook: it adds its own module finder in ``sys.meta_path`` to
+hook its AST transformer. Another option is to monkey-patch the
+builtin ``compile()`` function. There are even more options to
+hook a code transformer.
+Transforming the code allows to extend the Python language for specific
+use cases. Transforming an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is a convenient
+way to implement an optimizer. It's easier to work on the AST than
+working on the bytecode, AST contains more information and is more high
+Python 3.6 optimizes the code using a peephole optimizer. By
+definition, a peephole optimizer has a narrow view of the code and so
+can only implement basic optimizations. The optimizer rewrites the
+bytecode. It is difficult to enhance it, because it written in C.
+This PEP proposes to add an API to register AST transformers.
+A new ``-o OPTIM_TAG`` command line option is added to only load
+transformed code: it changes the name of searched ``.pyc`` files. If the
+``.pyc`` file of a module is missing and the ``.py`` is available, an
+``ImportError`` exception is raised import if the AST transformers
+required to transform the code are missing. The import behaviour with
+the default optimizer tag (``'opt'``) is unchanged.
+The transformation can done ahead of time. It allows to implement
+powerful but expensive transformations.
+Use Cases
+This section give examples of use cases explaining when and how AST
+transformers will be used.
+Interactive interpreter
+It will be possible to use AST transformers with the interactive
+interpreter which is popular in Python and commonly used to demonstrate
+The code is transformed at runtime and so the interpreter can be slower
+when expensive AST transformers are used.
+Build a transformed package
+It will be possible to build a package of the transformed code.
+A transformer can have a configuration. The configuration is not stored
+in the package.
+All ``.pyc`` files of the package must be transformed with the same AST
+transformers and the same transformers configuration.
+It is possible to build different ``.pyc`` files using different
+optimizer tags. Example: ``fat`` for the default configuration and
+``fat_inline`` for a different configuration with function inlining
+A package can contain ``.pyc`` files with different optimizer tags.
+Install a package containing transformed .pyc files
+It will be possible to install a package which contains transformed
+``.pyc`` files.
+All ``.pyc`` files with any optimizer tag contained in the package are
+installed, not only for the current optimizer tag.
+Build .pyc files when installing a package
+If a package does not contain any ``.pyc`` files of the current
+optimizer tag (or some ``.pyc`` files are missing), the ``.pyc`` are
+created during the installation.
+AST transformers of the optimizer tag are required. Otherwise, the
+installation fails with an error.
+Execute transformed code
+It will be possible to execute transformed code.
+Raise an ``ImportError`` exception on import if the ``.pyc`` file of the
+current optimizer tag is missing and the AST transformers required to
+transform the code are missing.
+The interesting point here is that AST transformers are not needed to
+execute the transformed code if all required ``.pyc`` files are already
+API to support AST transformers:
+* Add ``sys.ast_transformers``: list of AST transformers used to rewrite
+  an AST tree. The list is empty by default: no AST transformer.
+* Add ``sys.implementation.ast_transformers``: name of AST
+  transformers registered in ``sys.ast_transformers``
+* Add ``sys.implementation.optim_tag`` (``str``): optimization tag.
+  The default optimization tag is ``'opt'``.
+* Use the optimizer tag in ``.pyc`` filenames in ``importlib``.
+  Remove also the special case for the optimizer level ``0`` with the
+  default optimizer tag ``'opt'`` to simplify the code.
+* Add a new ``-o OPTIM_TAG`` command line option to set
+  ``sys.implementation.optim_tag``
+.. note::
+   FIXME: There is a design issue: ``sys.ast_transformers`` and
+   ``sys.implementation.ast_transformers`` can be inconsistent.
+   ``sys.implementation.ast_transformers`` is required at runtime in
+   some corner cases to have specific code depending if a specific AST
+   transformer was used. Do you have a better suggestion?
+API of an AST transformer (from ``sys.ast_transformers``):
+* An AST transformer is a callable object with the prototype::
+    def ast_transformer(tree, context):
+        ...
+        return tree
+  where *tree* is an AST tree and *context* is an object with a
+  ``filename`` attribute (``str``). New attributes may be added to
+  *context* in the future.
+* It must return an AST tree.
+* It must have a ``name`` attribute (``str``): short string used to identify an
+  optimizer. The name must not contain ``.`` (dot) nor ``-`` (dash) characters:
+  ``.`` is used to separated fields in a ``.pyc`` filename and ``-`` is used
+  to join AST transformer names to build the optimizer tag.
+* The transformer is called after the creation of the AST by the parser
+  and before the compilation to bytecode
+* It can modify the AST tree in place, or create a new AST tree.
+.. note::
+   It would be nice to pass the fully qualified name of a module in the
+   *context*  when an AST transformer is used to transform a module, but
+   it looks like the information is not available currently.
+AST transformer changes:
+* Add a new compiler flag ``PyCF_TRANSFORMED_AST`` to get the
+  transformed AST. ``PyCF_ONLY_AST`` returns the AST before the
+  transformers.
+* Add ``ast.Constant``: this type is not emited by the compiler, but
+  can be used in an AST transformer to simplify the code. It does not
+  contain line number and column offset informations on tuple or
+  frozenset items.
+* ``PyCodeObject.co_lnotab``: line number delta becomes signed to
+  support moving instructions (note: need to modify MAGIC_NUMBER in
+  importlib).
+* Enhance the bytecode compiler to support ``tuple`` and ``frozenset``
+  constants. Currently, ``tuple`` and ``frozenset`` constants are
+  created by the peephole transformer, after the bytecode compilation.
+* ``marshal`` module: fix serialization of the empty frozenset singleton
+* update ``Tools/parser/unparse.py`` to support the new ``ast.Constant``
+  node type
+.pyc filenames
+Example of ``.pyc`` filenames of the ``os`` module.
+With the default optimizer tag ``'opt'``:
+===========================   ==================
+.pyc filename                 Optimization level
+===========================   ==================
+``os.cpython-36.opt-0.pyc``                    0
+``os.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc``                    1
+``os.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc``                    2
+===========================   ==================
+With the ``'fat'`` optimizer tag:
+===========================   ==================
+.pyc filename                 Optimization level
+===========================   ==================
+``os.cpython-36.fat-0.pyc``                    0
+``os.cpython-36.fat-1.pyc``                    1
+``os.cpython-36.fat-2.pyc``                    2
+===========================   ==================
+AST transformer
+Scary AST transformer replacing all strings with ``"Ni! Ni! Ni!"``::
+    import ast
+    import sys
+    class KnightsWhoSayNi(ast.NodeTransformer):
+        def visit_Str(self, node):
+            node.s = 'Ni! Ni! Ni!'
+            return node
+    class ASTTransformer:
+        name = "knights_who_say_ni"
+        def __call__(self, tree, context):
+            KnightsWhoSayNi().visit(tree)
+            return tree
+    # register the AST transformer
+    sys.ast_transformers.append(ASTTransformer())
+    # execute code which will be transformed by ast_transformer()
+    exec("print('Hello World!')")
+    Ni! Ni! Ni!
+Prior Art
+AST optimizers
+In 2011, Eugene Toder proposed to rewrite some peephole optimizations in
+a new AST optimizer: issue #11549, `Build-out an AST optimizer, moving
+some functionality out of the peephole optimizer
+<https://bugs.python.org/issue11549>`_.  The patch adds ``ast.Lit`` (it
+was proposed to rename it to ``ast.Literal``).
+In 2012, Victor Stinner wrote the `astoptimizer
+<https://bitbucket.org/haypo/astoptimizer/>`_ project, an AST optimizer
+implementing various optimizations. Most interesting optimizations break
+the Python semantics since no guard is used to disable optimization if
+something changes.
+Issue #17515: `Add sys.setasthook() to allow to use a custom AST
+optimizer <https://bugs.python.org/issue17515>`_.
+Python Preprocessors
+* `MacroPy <https://github.com/lihaoyi/macropy>`_: MacroPy is an
+  implementation of Syntactic Macros in the Python Programming Language.
+  MacroPy provides a mechanism for user-defined functions (macros) to
+  perform transformations on the abstract syntax tree (AST) of a Python
+  program at import time.
+* `pypreprocessor <https://code.google.com/p/pypreprocessor/>`_: C-style
+  preprocessor directives in Python, like ``#define`` and ``#ifdef``
+Modify the bytecode
+* `codetransformer <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/codetransformer>`_:
+  Bytecode transformers for CPython inspired by the ``ast`` module’s
+  ``NodeTransformer``.
+* `byteplay <http://code.google.com/p/byteplay/>`_: Byteplay lets you
+  convert Python code objects into equivalent objects which are easy to
+  play with, and lets you convert those objects back into living Python
+  code objects. It's useful for applying crazy transformations on Python
+  functions, and is also useful in learning Python byte code
+  intricacies. See `byteplay documentation
+  <http://wiki.python.org/moin/ByteplayDoc>`_.
+See also `BytecodeAssembler

Repository URL: https://hg.python.org/peps

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