[Python-checkins] cpython (3.4): Clean up/refactor the batch scripts used for building on Windows.

zach.ware python-checkins at python.org
Wed Jun 10 08:17:57 CEST 2015

changeset:   96572:a6ceb631c747
branch:      3.4
parent:      96568:20bf84cd38bc
user:        Zachary Ware <zachary.ware at gmail.com>
date:        Tue Jun 09 23:16:52 2015 -0500
  Clean up/refactor the batch scripts used for building on Windows.

This is mostly a backport of issue #21907, but also includes a few
extras necessary to make the bulidbot scripts as thin as possible.

  PCbuild/build.bat                  |  106 +++++++++++++++-
  PCbuild/env.bat                    |    7 +-
  PCbuild/get_externals.bat          |  103 ++++++++++++++++
  PCbuild/rt.bat                     |   16 +-
  Tools/buildbot/README.tcltk-AMD64  |   36 -----
  Tools/buildbot/build-amd64.bat     |    6 +-
  Tools/buildbot/build.bat           |   18 ++-
  Tools/buildbot/clean-amd64.bat     |   10 +-
  Tools/buildbot/clean.bat           |   24 ++-
  Tools/buildbot/external-amd64.bat  |   30 +----
  Tools/buildbot/external-common.bat |   54 --------
  Tools/buildbot/external.bat        |   31 +----
  Tools/buildbot/test-amd64.bat      |    3 +-
  Tools/buildbot/test.bat            |   16 ++-
  14 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 199 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PCbuild/build.bat b/PCbuild/build.bat
--- a/PCbuild/build.bat
+++ b/PCbuild/build.bat
@@ -1,19 +1,107 @@
 @echo off
-rem A batch program to build or rebuild a particular configuration.
+rem A batch program to build or rebuild a particular configuration,
 rem just for convenience.
+rem Arguments:
+rem  -c  Set the configuration (default: Release)
+rem  -p  Set the platform (x64 or Win32, default: Win32)
+rem  -r  Target Rebuild instead of Build
+rem  -t  Set the target manually (Build, Rebuild, or Clean)
+rem  -d  Set the configuration to Debug
+rem  -e  Pull in external libraries using get_externals.bat
+rem  -m  Enable parallel build
+rem  -M  Disable parallel build (disabled by default)
+rem  -v  Increased output messages
+rem  -k  Attempt to kill any running Pythons before building
 set platf=Win32
+set vs_platf=x86
 set conf=Release
-set target=build
+set target=Build
 set dir=%~dp0
+set parallel=
+set verbose=/nologo /v:m
+set kill=
+set build_tkinter=
-if "%1"=="-c" (set conf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
-if "%1"=="-p" (set platf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
-if "%1"=="-r" (set target=rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts
-if "%1"=="-d" (set conf=Debug) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if '%1'=='-c' (set conf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if '%1'=='-p' (set platf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if '%1'=='-r' (set target=Rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if '%1'=='-t' (set target=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if '%1'=='-d' (set conf=Debug) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if '%1'=='-e' call "%dir%get_externals.bat" & (set build_tkinter=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if '%1'=='-m' (set parallel=/m) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if '%1'=='-M' (set parallel=) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if '%1'=='-v' (set verbose=/v:n) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if '%1'=='-k' (set kill=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
-set cmd=msbuild /p:useenv=true %dir%pcbuild.sln /t:%target% /p:Configuration=%conf% /p:Platform=%platf%
-echo %cmd%
+if '%conf%'=='Debug' (set dbg_ext=_d) else (set dbg_ext=)
+if '%platf%'=='x64' (
+    set vs_platf=x86_amd64
+    set builddir=%dir%amd64\
+) else (
+    set builddir=%dir%
+rem Setup the environment
+call "%dir%env.bat" %vs_platf%
+if '%kill%'=='true' (
+    msbuild "%dir%kill_python.vcxproj" %verbose% /p:Configuration=%conf% /p:Platform=%platf% && "%builddir%kill_python%dbg_ext%.exe"
+set externals_dir=%dir%..\externals
+if '%build_tkinter%'=='true' (
+    if '%platf%'=='x64' (
+        set tcltkdir=%externals_dir%\tcltk64
+        set machine=AMD64
+    ) else (
+        set tcltkdir=%externals_dir%\tcltk
+        set machine=IX86
+    )
+    if '%conf%'=='Debug' (
+        set tcl_dbg_ext=g
+        set debug_flag=1
+        set options=symbols
+    ) else (
+        set tcl_dbg_ext=
+        set debug_flag=0
+        set options=
+    )
+    set tcldir=%externals_dir%\tcl-
+    set tkdir=%externals_dir%\tk-
+    set tixdir=%externals_dir%\tix-
+if '%build_tkinter%'=='true' (
+    if not exist "%tcltkdir%\bin\tcl86t%tcl_dbg_ext%.dll" (
+        @rem all and install need to be separate invocations, otherwise nmakehlp is not found on install
+        pushd "%tcldir%\win"
+        nmake -f makefile.vc MACHINE=%machine% OPTS=%options% INSTALLDIR="%tcltkdir%" clean all
+        nmake -f makefile.vc MACHINE=%machine% OPTS=%options% INSTALLDIR="%tcltkdir%" install-binaries install-libraries
+        popd
+    )
+    if not exist "%tcltkdir%\bin\tk86t%tcl_dbg_ext%.dll" (
+        pushd "%tkdir%\win"
+        nmake -f makefile.vc MACHINE=%machine% OPTS=%options% INSTALLDIR="%tcltkdir%" TCLDIR="%tcldir%" clean
+        nmake -f makefile.vc MACHINE=%machine% OPTS=%options% INSTALLDIR="%tcltkdir%" TCLDIR="%tcldir%" all
+        nmake -f makefile.vc MACHINE=%machine% OPTS=%options% INSTALLDIR="%tcltkdir%" TCLDIR="%tcldir%" install-binaries install-libraries
+        popd
+    )
+    if not exist "%tcltkdir%\lib\tix8.4.3\tix84%tcl_dbg_ext%.dll" (
+        pushd "%tixdir%\win"
+        nmake -f python.mak DEBUG=%debug_flag% MACHINE=%machine% TCL_DIR="%tcldir%" TK_DIR="%tkdir%" INSTALL_DIR="%tcltkdir%" clean
+        nmake -f python.mak DEBUG=%debug_flag% MACHINE=%machine% TCL_DIR="%tcldir%" TK_DIR="%tkdir%" INSTALL_DIR="%tcltkdir%" all
+        nmake -f python.mak DEBUG=%debug_flag% MACHINE=%machine% TCL_DIR="%tcldir%" TK_DIR="%tkdir%" INSTALL_DIR="%tcltkdir%" install
+        popd
+    )
+rem Call on MSBuild to do the work, echo the command.
+rem Passing %1-9 is not the preferred option, but argument parsing in
+rem batch is, shall we say, "lackluster"
+echo on
+msbuild "%dir%pcbuild.sln" /t:%target% %parallel% %verbose% /p:Configuration=%conf% /p:Platform=%platf% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
diff --git a/PCbuild/env.bat b/PCbuild/env.bat
--- a/PCbuild/env.bat
+++ b/PCbuild/env.bat
@@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
 @echo off
-set VS10=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0
-IF EXIST "%VS10%" GOTO ok
-set VS10=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0
 echo Build environments: x86, ia64, amd64, x86_amd64, x86_ia64
-call "%VS10%\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %1
+call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %*
diff --git a/PCbuild/get_externals.bat b/PCbuild/get_externals.bat
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCbuild/get_externals.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ at echo off
+rem Simple script to fetch source for external libraries
+if not exist "%~dp0..\externals" mkdir "%~dp0..\externals"
+pushd "%~dp0..\externals"
+if "%SVNROOT%"=="" set SVNROOT=http://svn.python.org/projects/external/
+rem Optionally clean up first.  Be warned that this can be very destructive!
+if not "%1"=="" (
+    for %%c in (-c --clean --clean-only) do (
+        if "%1"=="%%c" goto clean
+    )
+    goto usage
+goto fetch
+echo.Cleaning up external libraries.
+for /D %%d in (
+               bzip2-*
+               db-*
+               nasm-*
+               openssl-*
+               tcl-*
+               tcltk*
+               tk-*
+               tix-*
+               sqlite-*
+               xz-*
+               ) do (
+    echo.Removing %%d
+    rmdir /s /q %%d
+if "%1"=="--clean-only" (
+    goto end
+rem Fetch current versions
+svn --version > nul 2>&1
+if ERRORLEVEL 9009 (
+    echo.svn.exe must be on your PATH.
+    echo.Try TortoiseSVN (http://tortoisesvn.net/^) and be sure to check the
+    echo.command line tools option.
+    popd
+    exit /b 1
+echo.Fetching external libraries...
+for %%e in (
+            bzip2-1.0.6
+            nasm-2.11.06
+            openssl-1.0.2a
+            tcl-
+            tk-
+            tix-
+            sqlite-
+            xz-5.0.5
+            ) do (
+    if exist %%e (
+        echo.%%e already exists, skipping.
+    ) else (
+        echo.Fetching %%e...
+        svn export %SVNROOT%%%e
+    )
+goto end
+echo.invalid argument: %1
+echo.usage: %~n0 [[ -c ^| --clean ] ^| --clean-only ]
+echo.Pull all sources necessary for compiling optional extension modules
+echo.that rely on external libraries.  Requires svn.exe to be on your PATH
+echo.and pulls sources from %SVNROOT%.
+echo.Use the -c or --clean option to clean up all external library sources
+echo.before pulling in the current versions.
+echo.Use the --clean-only option to do the same cleaning, without pulling in
+echo.anything new.
+echo.Only the first argument is checked, all others are ignored.
+echo.**WARNING**: the cleaning options unconditionally remove any directory
+echo.that is a child of
+echo.   %CD%
+echo.and matches wildcard patterns beginning with bzip2-, db-, nasm-, openssl-,
+echo.tcl-, tcltk, tk-, tix-, sqlite-, or xz-, and as such has the potential
+echo.to be very destructive if you are not aware of what it is doing.  Use with
+exit /b -1
+echo Finished.
diff --git a/PCbuild/rt.bat b/PCbuild/rt.bat
--- a/PCbuild/rt.bat
+++ b/PCbuild/rt.bat
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
 rem -x64 Run the 64-bit build of python (or python_d if -d was specified)
 rem      from the 'amd64' dir instead of the 32-bit build in this dir.
 rem All leading instances of these switches are shifted off, and
-rem whatever remains is passed to regrtest.py.  For example,
+rem whatever remains (up to 9 arguments) is passed to regrtest.py.
+rem For example,
 rem     rt -O -d -x test_thread
 rem runs
 rem     python_d -O ../lib/test/regrtest.py -x test_thread
@@ -26,7 +27,8 @@
-set prefix=.\
+set pcbuild=%~dp0
+set prefix=%pcbuild%
 set suffix=
 set qmode=
 set dashO=
@@ -36,15 +38,15 @@
 if "%1"=="-O" (set dashO=-O)     & shift & goto CheckOpts
 if "%1"=="-q" (set qmode=yes)    & shift & goto CheckOpts
 if "%1"=="-d" (set suffix=_d)    & shift & goto CheckOpts
-if "%1"=="-x64" (set prefix=amd64) & (set tcltk=tcltk64) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%1"=="-x64" (set prefix=%prefix%amd64) & (set tcltk=tcltk64) & shift & goto CheckOpts
-PATH %PATH%;%~dp0..\externals\%tcltk%\bin
-set exe=%prefix%\python%suffix%
-set cmd=%exe% %dashO% -Wd -E -bb ../lib/test/regrtest.py %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+PATH %PATH%;%pcbuild%..\externals\%tcltk%\bin
+set exe="%prefix%\python%suffix%"
+set cmd=%exe% %dashO% -Wd -E -bb "%pcbuild%..\lib\test\regrtest.py" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
 if defined qmode goto Qmode
 echo Deleting .pyc/.pyo files ...
-%exe% rmpyc.py
+%exe% "%pcbuild%\rmpyc.py"
 echo on
diff --git a/Tools/buildbot/README.tcltk-AMD64 b/Tools/buildbot/README.tcltk-AMD64
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/Tools/buildbot/README.tcltk-AMD64
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Comments on building tcl/tk for AMD64 with the MS SDK compiler
-I did have to build tcl/tk manually.
-First, I had to build the nmakehlp.exe helper utility manually by executing
-   cl nmakehlp.c /link bufferoverflowU.lib
-in both the tcl8.4.12\win and tk8.4.12\win directories.
-Second, the AMD64 compiler refuses to compile the file
-tcl8.4.12\generic\tclExecute.c because it insists on using intrinsics
-for the 'ceil' and 'floor' functions:
-  ..\generic\tclExecute.c(394) : error C2099: initializer is not a constant
-  ..\generic\tclExecute.c(398) : error C2099: initializer is not a constant
-I did comment out these lines; an alternative would have been to use
-the /Oi- compiler flag to disable the intrinsic functions.
-The commands then used were these:
-   svn export http://svn.python.org/projects/external/tcl8.4.12
-   cd tcl8.4.12\win
-   REM
-   echo patch the tcl8.4.12\generic\tclExecute.c file
-   pause 
-   REM
-   cl nmakehlp.c /link bufferoverflowU.lib
-   nmake -f makefile.vc MACHINE=AMD64
-   nmake -f makefile.vc INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk install
-   cd ..\..
-   svn export http://svn.python.org/projects/external/tk8.4.12
-   cd tk8.4.12\win
-   cl nmakehlp.c /link bufferoverflowU.lib
-   nmake -f makefile.vc TCLDIR=..\..\tcl8.4.12 MACHINE=AMD64
-   nmake -f makefile.vc TCLDIR=..\..\tcl8.4.12 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk install
-   cd ..\..
diff --git a/Tools/buildbot/build-amd64.bat b/Tools/buildbot/build-amd64.bat
--- a/Tools/buildbot/build-amd64.bat
+++ b/Tools/buildbot/build-amd64.bat
@@ -1,6 +1,2 @@
 @rem Used by the buildbot "compile" step.
-cmd /c Tools\buildbot\external-amd64.bat
-call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64
-cmd /c Tools\buildbot\clean-amd64.bat
-msbuild PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64
+call "%~dp0build.bat" -p x64 %*
diff --git a/Tools/buildbot/build.bat b/Tools/buildbot/build.bat
--- a/Tools/buildbot/build.bat
+++ b/Tools/buildbot/build.bat
@@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
 @rem Used by the buildbot "compile" step.
-cmd /c Tools\buildbot\external.bat
-call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat"
-cmd /c Tools\buildbot\clean.bat
-msbuild PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=Win32
+ at rem Clean up
+call "%~dp0clean.bat" %*
+ at rem If you need the buildbots to start fresh (such as when upgrading to
+ at rem a new version of an external library, especially Tcl/Tk):
+ at rem 1) uncomment the following line:
+ at rem    call "%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\get_externals.bat" --clean-only
+ at rem 2) commit and push
+ at rem 3) wait for all Windows bots to start a build with that changeset
+ at rem 4) re-comment, commit and push again
+ at rem Do the build
+call "%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\build.bat" -e -d -k -v %*
diff --git a/Tools/buildbot/clean-amd64.bat b/Tools/buildbot/clean-amd64.bat
--- a/Tools/buildbot/clean-amd64.bat
+++ b/Tools/buildbot/clean-amd64.bat
@@ -1,10 +1,2 @@
 @rem Used by the buildbot "clean" step.
-call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64
- at echo Deleting .pyc/.pyo files ...
-del /s Lib\*.pyc Lib\*.pyo
- at echo Deleting test leftovers ...
-rmdir /s /q build
-cd PCbuild
-msbuild /target:clean pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:PlatformTarget=x64
-msbuild /target:clean pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:PlatformTarget=x64
-cd ..
+call "%~dp0clean.bat" -p x64 %*
diff --git a/Tools/buildbot/clean.bat b/Tools/buildbot/clean.bat
--- a/Tools/buildbot/clean.bat
+++ b/Tools/buildbot/clean.bat
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
- at rem Used by the buildbot "clean" step.
-call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat"
- at echo Deleting test leftovers ...
-rmdir /s /q build
-cd PCbuild
-msbuild /target:clean pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:PlatformTarget=x86
-msbuild /target:clean pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:PlatformTarget=x86
-cd ..
+ at echo off
+rem Used by the buildbot "clean" step.
+set root=%~dp0..\..
+set pcbuild=%root%\PCbuild
+echo Deleting build
+call "%pcbuild%\build.bat" -t Clean -k %*
+call "%pcbuild%\build.bat" -t Clean -k -d %*
+echo Deleting .pyc/.pyo files ...
+del /s "%root%\Lib\*.pyc" "%root%\Lib\*.pyo"
+echo Deleting test leftovers ...
+rmdir /s /q "%root%\build"
diff --git a/Tools/buildbot/external-amd64.bat b/Tools/buildbot/external-amd64.bat
--- a/Tools/buildbot/external-amd64.bat
+++ b/Tools/buildbot/external-amd64.bat
@@ -1,28 +1,2 @@
- at rem Fetches (and builds if necessary) external dependencies
- at rem Assume we start inside the Python source directory
-call "Tools\buildbot\external-common.bat"
-call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64
-if not exist tcltk64\bin\tcl86tg.dll (
-    cd tcl-\win
-    nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 clean core shell dlls
-    nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 install-binaries install-libraries
-    cd ..\..
-if not exist tcltk64\bin\tk86tg.dll (
-    cd tk-\win
-    nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- clean
-    nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- all
-    nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- install-binaries install-libraries
-    cd ..\..
-if not exist tcltk64\lib\tix8.4.3\tix84g.dll (
-    cd tix-\win
-    nmake -f python.mak DEBUG=1 MACHINE=AMD64 TCL_DIR=..\..\tcl- TK_DIR=..\..\tk- INSTALL_DIR=..\..\tcltk64 clean
-    nmake -f python.mak DEBUG=1 MACHINE=AMD64 TCL_DIR=..\..\tcl- TK_DIR=..\..\tk- INSTALL_DIR=..\..\tcltk64 all
-    nmake -f python.mak DEBUG=1 MACHINE=AMD64 TCL_DIR=..\..\tcl- TK_DIR=..\..\tk- INSTALL_DIR=..\..\tcltk64 install
-    cd ..\..
+ at echo Please use PCbuild\get_externals.bat instead.
+@"%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\get_externals.bat" %*
diff --git a/Tools/buildbot/external-common.bat b/Tools/buildbot/external-common.bat
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/Tools/buildbot/external-common.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- at rem Common file shared between external.bat and external-amd64.bat.  Responsible for
- at rem fetching external components into the root\.. buildbot directories.
-if "%SVNROOT%"=="" set SVNROOT=http://svn.python.org/projects/external/
-if not exist externals mkdir externals
-cd externals
- at rem XXX: If you need to force the buildbots to start from a fresh environment, uncomment
- at rem the following, check it in, then check it out, comment it out, then check it back in.
- at rem if exist bzip2-1.0.6 rd /s/q bzip2-1.0.6
- at rem if exist tcltk rd /s/q tcltk
- at rem if exist tcltk64 rd /s/q tcltk64
- at rem if exist tcl- rd /s/q tcl-
- at rem if exist tk- rd /s/q tk-
- at rem if exist tix- rd /s/q tix-
- at rem if exist db-4.4.20 rd /s/q db-4.4.20
- at rem if exist openssl-1.0.2a rd /s/q openssl-1.0.2a
- at rem if exist sqlite-3.7.12 rd /s/q sqlite-3.7.12
- at rem bzip
-if not exist bzip2-1.0.6 (
-   rd /s/q bzip2-1.0.5
-  svn export %SVNROOT%bzip2-1.0.6
- at rem NASM, for OpenSSL build
- at rem if exist nasm-2.11.06 rd /s/q nasm-2.11.06
-if not exist nasm-2.11.06 svn export %SVNROOT%nasm-2.11.06
- at rem OpenSSL
-if not exist openssl-1.0.2a (
-    rd /s/q openssl-1.0.1l
-    svn export %SVNROOT%openssl-1.0.2a
- at rem tcl/tk
-if not exist tcl- (
-   rd /s/q tcltk tcltk64 tcl- tk-
-   svn export %SVNROOT%tcl-
-if not exist tk- svn export %SVNROOT%tk-
-if not exist tix- svn export %SVNROOT%tix-
- at rem sqlite3
-if not exist sqlite- (
-  rd /s/q sqlite-source-3.8.1
-  svn export %SVNROOT%sqlite-
- at rem lzma
-if not exist xz-5.0.5 (
-  rd /s/q xz-5.0.3
-  svn export %SVNROOT%xz-5.0.5
diff --git a/Tools/buildbot/external.bat b/Tools/buildbot/external.bat
--- a/Tools/buildbot/external.bat
+++ b/Tools/buildbot/external.bat
@@ -1,29 +1,2 @@
- at rem Fetches (and builds if necessary) external dependencies
- at rem Assume we start inside the Python source directory
-call "Tools\buildbot\external-common.bat"
-call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat"
-if not exist tcltk\bin\tcl86tg.dll (
-    @rem all and install need to be separate invocations, otherwise nmakehlp is not found on install
-    cd tcl-\win
-    nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk clean core shell dlls
-    nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk install-binaries install-libraries
-    cd ..\..
-if not exist tcltk\bin\tk86tg.dll (
-    cd tk-\win
-    nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- clean
-    nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- all
-    nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- install-binaries install-libraries
-    cd ..\..
-if not exist tcltk\lib\tix8.4.3\tix84g.dll (
-    cd tix-\win
-    nmake -f python.mak DEBUG=1 MACHINE=IX86 TCL_DIR=..\..\tcl- TK_DIR=..\..\tk- INSTALL_DIR=..\..\tcltk clean
-    nmake -f python.mak DEBUG=1 MACHINE=IX86 TCL_DIR=..\..\tcl- TK_DIR=..\..\tk- INSTALL_DIR=..\..\tcltk all
-    nmake -f python.mak DEBUG=1 MACHINE=IX86 TCL_DIR=..\..\tcl- TK_DIR=..\..\tk- INSTALL_DIR=..\..\tcltk install
-    cd ..\..
+ at echo Please use PCbuild\get_externals.bat instead.
+@"%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\get_externals.bat" %*
diff --git a/Tools/buildbot/test-amd64.bat b/Tools/buildbot/test-amd64.bat
--- a/Tools/buildbot/test-amd64.bat
+++ b/Tools/buildbot/test-amd64.bat
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
 @rem Used by the buildbot "test" step.
-cd PCbuild
-call rt.bat -d -q -x64 -uall -rwW -n --timeout=3600 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+call "%~dp0test.bat" -x64 %*
diff --git a/Tools/buildbot/test.bat b/Tools/buildbot/test.bat
--- a/Tools/buildbot/test.bat
+++ b/Tools/buildbot/test.bat
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
 @rem Used by the buildbot "test" step.
-cd PCbuild
-call rt.bat -d -q -uall -rwW -n --timeout=3600 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+ at setlocal
+ at set here=%~dp0
+ at set rt_opts=-q -d
+ at if '%1'=='-x64' (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+ at if '%1'=='-d' (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+ at if '%1'=='-O' (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+ at if '%1'=='-q' (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+ at if '%1'=='+d' (set rt_opts=%rt_opts:-d=%) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+ at if '%1'=='+q' (set rt_opts=%rt_opts:-q=%) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+call "%here%..\..\PCbuild\rt.bat" %rt_opts% -uall -rwW -n --timeout=3600 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

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