[Python-checkins] CANNOT Patch 3.x NEWS [was cpython (2.7): Issue #14707: add news entry\

Ezio Melotti ezio.melotti at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 00:34:58 CET 2013


On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 7:19 PM, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu> wrote:
> On 3/12/2013 2:52 AM, Ezio Melotti wrote:
>> What are the exact commands you used?
> Clicks on TortoiseHg HgWorkbench GUI ;-).

I wonder if TortoiseHg is doing something wrong here.  Maybe you could
try from cmd too.

>> Are your clones up to date (i.e. did you do "hg pull" and "hg up"
>> before "hg graft")?
> There were no other pushes between my last de-double patch and this, and I
> am sure I ran my pull + 3*update .bat first. I have run it multiple times
> since.

Around the time you pushed on 2.7 I also pushed something, so that
might have created some conflict.
How does your .bat look like?  One gotcha of the share extension is
that if you use "hg pull -u" and there's nothing to pull because you
already pulled in one of the shared clones, the update won't be
executed (this is actually normal behaviour of "hg pull", but the
consequences are especially noticeable while using shared clones).

>> Does "hg heads ." show you more than one head?
> The DAG window shows the normal one head per branch as appropriate for the
> particular branch display. At the moment, hg heads shows the four commits
> from Eli, 82628 to 82631 as heads plus old 2.6 and 3.1 heads.
>> Is your clone "clean" (i.e. does "hg status" show anything as 'M')?
> The status window is empty until I edit NEWS and click Refresh, at which
> point M Misc/News shows up with the megadiff.
> Right click/ Revert/yes and the file is reverted.
>> Once your clone is clean you can just edit Misc/NEWS manually
> Since the graft and import failed (producing no diff), I have been editing
> manually and that is when I get the megadiff. I added a couple of blank
> lines to ACKS and got a normal diff. Now, adding a blank line to 2.7 NEWS
> also gives a blank line.
> Could the failed graft have messed up the master copy in my cpython
> repository.

That's possible.  From "hg help graft":
    If a graft merge results in conflicts, the graft process is interrupted so
    that the current merge can be manually resolved. Once all conflicts are
    addressed, the graft process can be continued with the -c/--continue

This doesn't mean that you copy is messed up though.  "hg up -C 3.2"
should restore it.
When I graft/merge and there are conflicts I use kdiff3, and it takes
just a few seconds to solve the conflicts usually (for Misc/NEWS is
ctrl+2, ctrl+3, ctrl+s, alt+f4, that roughly translates too "include
both the conflicting news, save and quit).

> I have tried deleting the NEWS file and reverting the deletion.
> hg update does not restore the file as it apparently thinks I actually want
> the uncommitted deletion.

How did you delete it?  I assume that if you do it from the TortoiseHG
GUI, it will mark it as "deleted" ('D' in "hg status").
If you do it from cmd/file manager hg should see it as missing ('!' in
"hg status") and you can use "hg revert Misc/NEWS" to restore it.

>> it's easier than trying to graft the 2 changesets you made on 2.7 to
>> add and edit the Misc/NEWS entry.
> There was only one 2.7 changeset with only the NEWS patch.

I was referring to the one that added the news + the one that fixed
the issue id.

>> You can also check with "hg in" and "hg out" if there's something you
>> haven't pulled/pushed yet, but that shouldn't be a problem.
> I tried both and got 'no changes'.
>> (If you prefer you can come on #python-dev too.)
> I may try that, but I suspect that my registration/nick has expired again
> and last time is was obnoxiously hard to get re-established.

There's no need to register your nick for #python-dev (there is for
#python though).  You can just fire up your favourite IRC client (or
even http://webchat.freenode.net/) and join.
(Registering the nick shouldn't be difficult though.)

> Terry

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