[Python-checkins] peps: PEP for updating the URL layout on docs.python.org

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Sun Oct 28 13:34:29 CET 2012

Am 28.10.2012 13:08, schrieb Nick Coghlan:

>>> It might be worth clarifying what "latest" means for both the "x" and
>>> "x.y" forms.  For example, should "http://docs.python.org/3/" today
>>> link to the released 3.3.0 version, the in-progress 3.3.1 version, or
>>> the in-progress 3.4.0?
>> I understand "latest" to mean "latest stable plus bugfixes".
>> I.e., /3/ is 3.3.0+. /dev and /3.4 is 3.4a0.  It might need clarifying
>> in the PEP.
> Yes, I realised last night that it would be good to be more explicit
> about this. The "release" hierarchy should be for versions exactly as
> they were released, while the shorter ones draw directly from source
> control (and thus may contain fixes which otherwise haven't been
> released yet).
> I updated the PEP to describe what Georg has put in place more
> explicitly (initially I was going to propose a change to the way /dev/
> URLs are handled, but then I realised what is already there made more
> sense).

Thanks Nick, it reads fine now in the PEP.

One thing that could go in there as well: we have two obsolete redirection

* docs3.python.org -- never has been advertised publicy except mentioned on
  python-dev.  I've now created a logfile, so that we can see the amount of
  traffic there.  I expect it to be negligible, and would like to remove the
  virtual host in the future.

* We have a whole lot of redirection in place for pre-2.6 URLs, i.e.
  d.p.o/tut/..., d.p.o/lib/...  etc.
  How long do we want to keep supporting these?

  If the mapping was stable, there would be basically no cost to keeping it.
  However, since the pages in the docs can easily be, and are, renamed,
  sections moved, and so on, the mapping slowly becomes outdated (and I don't
  think anyone is interested in keeping it up to date).  So I would argue not
  keeping it indefinitely.  Maybe it should be removed once 2.7 goes out of

In addition, there is also doc.python.org (no "s") which I would keep because
it relieves you of remembering if the s is there or not :)


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