[Python-checkins] peps: Convert PEP 7 and PEP 8 to rst.

georg.brandl python-checkins at python.org
Thu Mar 15 08:20:07 CET 2012

changeset:   4139:c1fd4a5af1c5
user:        Georg Brandl <georg at python.org>
date:        Thu Mar 15 08:18:38 2012 +0100
  Convert PEP 7 and PEP 8 to rst.

  pep-0007.txt |   275 ++++----
  pep-0008.txt |  1178 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
  2 files changed, 753 insertions(+), 700 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pep-0007.txt b/pep-0007.txt
--- a/pep-0007.txt
+++ b/pep-0007.txt
@@ -2,210 +2,221 @@
 Title: Style Guide for C Code
 Version: $Revision$
 Last-Modified: $Date$
-Author: guido at python.org (Guido van Rossum)
+Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>
 Status: Active
 Type: Process
+Content-Type: text/x-rst
 Created: 05-Jul-2001
-    This document gives coding conventions for the C code comprising
-    the C implementation of Python.  Please see the companion
-    informational PEP describing style guidelines for Python code[1].
+This document gives coding conventions for the C code comprising the C
+implementation of Python.  Please see the companion informational PEP
+describing style guidelines for Python code [1]_.
-    Note, rules are there to be broken.  Two good reasons to break a
-    particular rule:
+Note, rules are there to be broken.  Two good reasons to break a
+particular rule:
-    (1) When applying the rule would make the code less readable, even
-        for someone who is used to reading code that follows the rules.
+1. When applying the rule would make the code less readable, even for
+   someone who is used to reading code that follows the rules.
-    (2) To be consistent with surrounding code that also breaks it
-        (maybe for historic reasons) -- although this is also an
-        opportunity to clean up someone else's mess (in true XP style).
+2. To be consistent with surrounding code that also breaks it (maybe
+   for historic reasons) -- although this is also an opportunity to
+   clean up someone else's mess (in true XP style).
 C dialect
-    - Use ANSI/ISO standard C (the 1989 version of the standard).
-      This means (amongst many other things) that all declarations
-      must be at the top of a block (not necessarily at the top of
-      function).
+* Use ANSI/ISO standard C (the 1989 version of the standard).  This
+  means (amongst many other things) that all declarations must be at
+  the top of a block (not necessarily at the top of function).
-    - Don't use GCC extensions (e.g. don't write multi-line strings
-      without trailing backslashes).
+* Don't use GCC extensions (e.g. don't write multi-line strings
+  without trailing backslashes).
-    - All function declarations and definitions must use full
-      prototypes (i.e. specify the types of all arguments).
+* All function declarations and definitions must use full prototypes
+  (i.e. specify the types of all arguments).
-    - Never use C++ style // one-line comments.
+* Never use C++ style // one-line comments.
-    - No compiler warnings with major compilers (gcc, VC++, a few
-      others).
+* No compiler warnings with major compilers (gcc, VC++, a few others).
 Code lay-out
-    - Use 4-space indents and no tabs at all.
+* Use 4-space indents and no tabs at all.
-    - No line should be longer than 79 characters.  If this and the
-      previous rule together don't give you enough room to code, your
-      code is too complicated -- consider using subroutines.
+* No line should be longer than 79 characters.  If this and the
+  previous rule together don't give you enough room to code, your code
+  is too complicated -- consider using subroutines.
-    - No line should end in whitespace.  If you think you need
-      significant trailing whitespace, think again -- somebody's
-      editor might delete it as a matter of routine.
+* No line should end in whitespace.  If you think you need significant
+  trailing whitespace, think again -- somebody's editor might delete
+  it as a matter of routine.
-    - Function definition style: function name in column 1, outermost
-      curly braces in column 1, blank line after local variable
-      declarations.
+* Function definition style: function name in column 1, outermost
+  curly braces in column 1, blank line after local variable
+  declarations.  ::
-	static int
-	extra_ivars(PyTypeObject *type, PyTypeObject *base)
-	{
-	    int t_size = PyType_BASICSIZE(type);
-	    int b_size = PyType_BASICSIZE(base);
+      static int
+      extra_ivars(PyTypeObject *type, PyTypeObject *base)
+      {
+          int t_size = PyType_BASICSIZE(type);
+          int b_size = PyType_BASICSIZE(base);
-	    assert(t_size >= b_size); /* type smaller than base! */
-	    ...
-	    return 1;
-	}
+          assert(t_size >= b_size); /* type smaller than base! */
+          ...
+          return 1;
+      }
-    - Code structure: one space between keywords like 'if', 'for' and
-      the following left paren; no spaces inside the paren; braces may be
-      omitted where C permits but when present, they should be formatted as
-      shown:
+* Code structure: one space between keywords like ``if``, ``for`` and
+  the following left paren; no spaces inside the paren; braces may be
+  omitted where C permits but when present, they should be formatted
+  as shown::
-	if (mro != NULL) {
-	    ...
-	}
-	else {
-	    ...
-	}
+      if (mro != NULL) {
+          ...
+      }
+      else {
+          ...
+      }
-    - The return statement should *not* get redundant parentheses:
+* The return statement should *not* get redundant parentheses::
-	return Py_None; /* correct */
-	return(Py_None); /* incorrect */
+      return Py_None; /* correct */
+      return(Py_None); /* incorrect */
-    - Function and macro call style: foo(a, b, c) -- no space before
-      the open paren, no spaces inside the parens, no spaces before
-      commas, one space after each comma.
+* Function and macro call style: ``foo(a, b, c)`` -- no space before
+  the open paren, no spaces inside the parens, no spaces before
+  commas, one space after each comma.
-    - Always put spaces around assignment, Boolean and comparison
-      operators.  In expressions using a lot of operators, add spaces
-      around the outermost (lowest-priority) operators.
+* Always put spaces around assignment, Boolean and comparison
+  operators.  In expressions using a lot of operators, add spaces
+  around the outermost (lowest-priority) operators.
-    - Breaking long lines: if you can, break after commas in the
-      outermost argument list.  Always indent continuation lines
-      appropriately, e.g.:
+* Breaking long lines: if you can, break after commas in the outermost
+  argument list.  Always indent continuation lines appropriately,
+  e.g.::
-	PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
-	             "cannot create '%.100s' instances",
-	             type->tp_name);
+      PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
+                   "cannot create '%.100s' instances",
+                   type->tp_name);
-    - When you break a long expression at a binary operator, the
-      operator goes at the end of the previous line, e.g.:
+* When you break a long expression at a binary operator, the
+  operator goes at the end of the previous line, e.g.::
-	if (type->tp_dictoffset != 0 && base->tp_dictoffset == 0 &&
-	    type->tp_dictoffset == b_size &&
-	    (size_t)t_size == b_size + sizeof(PyObject *))
-	    return 0; /* "Forgive" adding a __dict__ only */
+      if (type->tp_dictoffset != 0 && base->tp_dictoffset == 0 &&
+          type->tp_dictoffset == b_size &&
+          (size_t)t_size == b_size + sizeof(PyObject *))
+          return 0; /* "Forgive" adding a __dict__ only */
-    - Put blank lines around functions, structure definitions, and
-      major sections inside functions.
+* Put blank lines around functions, structure definitions, and major
+  sections inside functions.
-    - Comments go before the code they describe.
+* Comments go before the code they describe.
-    - All functions and global variables should be declared static
-      unless they are to be part of a published interface
+* All functions and global variables should be declared static unless
+  they are to be part of a published interface
-    - For external functions and variables, we always have a
-      declaration in an appropriate header file in the "Include"
-      directory, which uses the PyAPI_FUNC() macro, like this:
+* For external functions and variables, we always have a declaration
+  in an appropriate header file in the "Include" directory, which uses
+  the ``PyAPI_FUNC()`` macro, like this::
-	PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_Repr(PyObject *);
+      PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_Repr(PyObject *);
 Naming conventions
-    - Use a Py prefix for public functions; never for static
-      functions.  The Py_ prefix is reserved for global service
-      routines like Py_FatalError; specific groups of routines
-      (e.g. specific object type APIs) use a longer prefix,
-      e.g. PyString_ for string functions.
+* Use a ``Py`` prefix for public functions; never for static
+  functions.  The ``Py_`` prefix is reserved for global service
+  routines like ``Py_FatalError``; specific groups of routines
+  (e.g. specific object type APIs) use a longer prefix,
+  e.g. ``PyString_`` for string functions.
-    - Public functions and variables use MixedCase with underscores,
-      like this: PyObject_GetAttr, Py_BuildValue, PyExc_TypeError.
+* Public functions and variables use MixedCase with underscores, like
+  this: ``PyObject_GetAttr``, ``Py_BuildValue``, ``PyExc_TypeError``.
-    - Occasionally an "internal" function has to be visible to the
-      loader; we use the _Py prefix for this, e.g.: _PyObject_Dump.
+* Occasionally an "internal" function has to be visible to the loader;
+  we use the ``_Py`` prefix for this, e.g.: ``_PyObject_Dump``.
-    - Macros should have a MixedCase prefix and then use upper case,
-      for example: PyString_AS_STRING, Py_PRINT_RAW.
+* Macros should have a MixedCase prefix and then use upper case, for
+  example: ``PyString_AS_STRING``, ``Py_PRINT_RAW``.
 Documentation Strings
-    - Use the PyDoc_STR() or PyDoc_STRVAR() macro for docstrings to
-      support building Python without docstrings (./configure
-      --without-doc-strings).
+* Use the ``PyDoc_STR()`` or ``PyDoc_STRVAR()`` macro for docstrings
+  to support building Python without docstrings (``./configure
+  --without-doc-strings``).
-      For C code that needs to support versions of Python older than
-      2.3, you can include this after including Python.h:
+  For C code that needs to support versions of Python older than 2.3,
+  you can include this after including ``Python.h``::
-        #ifndef PyDoc_STR
-        #define PyDoc_VAR(name)         static char name[]
-        #define PyDoc_STR(str)          (str)
-        #define PyDoc_STRVAR(name, str) PyDoc_VAR(name) = PyDoc_STR(str)
-        #endif
+      #ifndef PyDoc_STR
+      #define PyDoc_VAR(name)         static char name[]
+      #define PyDoc_STR(str)          (str)
+      #define PyDoc_STRVAR(name, str) PyDoc_VAR(name) = PyDoc_STR(str)
+      #endif
-    - The first line of each fuction docstring should be a "signature
-      line" that gives a brief synopsis of the arguments and return
-      value.  For example:
+* The first line of each fuction docstring should be a "signature
+  line" that gives a brief synopsis of the arguments and return value.
+  For example::
-        PyDoc_STRVAR(myfunction__doc__,
-        "myfunction(name, value) -> bool\n\n\
-        Determine whether name and value make a valid pair.");
+      PyDoc_STRVAR(myfunction__doc__,
+      "myfunction(name, value) -> bool\n\n\
+      Determine whether name and value make a valid pair.");
-      Always include a blank line between the signature line and the
-      text of the description.
+  Always include a blank line between the signature line and the text
+  of the description.
-      If the return value for the function is always None (because
-      there is no meaningful return value), do not include the
-      indication of the return type.
+  If the return value for the function is always None (because there
+  is no meaningful return value), do not include the indication of the
+  return type.
-    - When writing multi-line docstrings, be sure to always use
-      backslash continuations, as in the example above, or string
-      literal concatenation:
+* When writing multi-line docstrings, be sure to always use backslash
+  continuations, as in the example above, or string literal
+  concatenation::
-        PyDoc_STRVAR(myfunction__doc__,
-        "myfunction(name, value) -> bool\n\n"
-        "Determine whether name and value make a valid pair.");
+      PyDoc_STRVAR(myfunction__doc__,
+      "myfunction(name, value) -> bool\n\n"
+      "Determine whether name and value make a valid pair.");
-      Though some C compilers accept string literals without either:
+  Though some C compilers accept string literals without either::
-        /* BAD -- don't do this! */
-        PyDoc_STRVAR(myfunction__doc__,
-        "myfunction(name, value) -> bool\n\n
-        Determine whether name and value make a valid pair.");
+      /* BAD -- don't do this! */
+      PyDoc_STRVAR(myfunction__doc__,
+      "myfunction(name, value) -> bool\n\n
+      Determine whether name and value make a valid pair.");
-      not all do; the MSVC compiler is known to complain about this.
+  not all do; the MSVC compiler is known to complain about this.
-    [1] PEP 8, Style Guide for Python Code, van Rossum, Warsaw
-        http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
+.. [1] PEP 8, "Style Guide for Python Code", van Rossum, Warsaw
+       (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008)
-    This document has been placed in the public domain.
+This document has been placed in the public domain.
-Local Variables:
-mode: indented-text
-indent-tabs-mode: nil
+   Local Variables:
+   mode: indented-text
+   indent-tabs-mode: nil
+   sentence-end-double-space: t
+   fill-column: 70
+   coding: utf-8
+   End:
diff --git a/pep-0008.txt b/pep-0008.txt
--- a/pep-0008.txt
+++ b/pep-0008.txt
@@ -2,130 +2,145 @@
 Title: Style Guide for Python Code
 Version: $Revision$
 Last-Modified: $Date$
-Author: guido at python.org (Guido van Rossum),
-    barry at python.org (Barry Warsaw)
+Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>,
+        Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>
 Status: Active
 Type: Process
+Content-Type: text/x-rst
 Created: 05-Jul-2001
 Post-History: 05-Jul-2001
-    This document gives coding conventions for the Python code comprising the
-    standard library in the main Python distribution.  Please see the
-    companion informational PEP describing style guidelines for the C code in
-    the C implementation of Python[1].
+This document gives coding conventions for the Python code comprising
+the standard library in the main Python distribution.  Please see the
+companion informational PEP describing style guidelines for the C code
+in the C implementation of Python [1]_.
-    This document was adapted from Guido's original Python Style Guide
-    essay[2], with some additions from Barry's style guide[5].  Where there's
-    conflict, Guido's style rules for the purposes of this PEP.  This PEP may
-    still be incomplete (in fact, it may never be finished <wink>).
+This document was adapted from Guido's original Python Style Guide
+essay [2]_, with some additions from Barry's style guide [3]_.  Where
+there's conflict, Guido's style rules for the purposes of this PEP.
+This PEP may still be incomplete (in fact, it may never be finished
 A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds
-    One of Guido's key insights is that code is read much more often than it
-    is written.  The guidelines provided here are intended to improve the
-    readability of code and make it consistent across the wide spectrum of
-    Python code.  As PEP 20 [6] says, "Readability counts".
+One of Guido's key insights is that code is read much more often than
+it is written.  The guidelines provided here are intended to improve
+the readability of code and make it consistent across the wide
+spectrum of Python code.  As PEP 20 says, "Readability counts".
-    A style guide is about consistency.  Consistency with this style guide is
-    important.  Consistency within a project is more important. Consistency
-    within one module or function is most important.
+A style guide is about consistency.  Consistency with this style guide
+is important.  Consistency within a project is more important.
+Consistency within one module or function is most important.
-    But most importantly: know when to be inconsistent -- sometimes the style
-    guide just doesn't apply.  When in doubt, use your best judgment.  Look
-    at other examples and decide what looks best.  And don't hesitate to ask!
+But most importantly: know when to be inconsistent -- sometimes the
+style guide just doesn't apply.  When in doubt, use your best
+judgment.  Look at other examples and decide what looks best.  And
+don't hesitate to ask!
-    Two good reasons to break a particular rule:
+Two good reasons to break a particular rule:
-    (1) When applying the rule would make the code less readable, even for
-        someone who is used to reading code that follows the rules.
+1. When applying the rule would make the code less readable, even for
+   someone who is used to reading code that follows the rules.
-    (2) To be consistent with surrounding code that also breaks it (maybe for
-        historic reasons) -- although this is also an opportunity to clean up
-        someone else's mess (in true XP style).
+2. To be consistent with surrounding code that also breaks it (maybe
+   for historic reasons) -- although this is also an opportunity to
+   clean up someone else's mess (in true XP style).
 Code lay-out
-  Indentation
-    Use 4 spaces per indentation level.
+Use 4 spaces per indentation level.
-    For really old code that you don't want to mess up, you can continue to
-    use 8-space tabs.
+For really old code that you don't want to mess up, you can continue
+to use 8-space tabs.
-    Continuation lines should align wrapped elements either vertically using
-    Python's implicit line joining inside parentheses, brackets and braces, or
-    using a hanging indent.  When using a hanging indent the following
-    considerations should be applied; there should be no arguments on the
-    first line and further indentation should be used to clearly distinguish
-    itself as a continuation line.
+Continuation lines should align wrapped elements either vertically
+using Python's implicit line joining inside parentheses, brackets and
+braces, or using a hanging indent.  When using a hanging indent the
+following considerations should be applied; there should be no
+arguments on the first line and further indentation should be used to
+clearly distinguish itself as a continuation line.
-    Yes:  # Aligned with opening delimiter
-          foo = long_function_name(var_one, var_two,
-                                   var_three, var_four)
-          # More indentation included to distinguish this from the rest.
-          def long_function_name(
-                  var_one, var_two, var_three,
-                  var_four):
-              print(var_one)
+    # Aligned with opening delimiter
+    foo = long_function_name(var_one, var_two,
+                             var_three, var_four)
-    No:   # Arguments on first line forbidden when not using vertical alignment
-          foo = long_function_name(var_one, var_two,
-              var_three, var_four)
+    # More indentation included to distinguish this from the rest.
+    def long_function_name(
+            var_one, var_two, var_three,
+            var_four):
+        print(var_one)
-          # Further indentation required as indentation is not distinguishable
-          def long_function_name(
-              var_one, var_two, var_three,
-              var_four):
-              print(var_one)
-    Optional:
-          # Extra indentation is not necessary.
-          foo = long_function_name(
-            var_one, var_two,
-            var_three, var_four)
+    # Arguments on first line forbidden when not using vertical alignment
+    foo = long_function_name(var_one, var_two,
+        var_three, var_four)
-  Tabs or Spaces?
+    # Further indentation required as indentation is not distinguishable
+    def long_function_name(
+        var_one, var_two, var_three,
+        var_four):
+        print(var_one)
-    Never mix tabs and spaces.
-    The most popular way of indenting Python is with spaces only.  The
-    second-most popular way is with tabs only.  Code indented with a mixture
-    of tabs and spaces should be converted to using spaces exclusively.  When
-    invoking the Python command line interpreter with the -t option, it issues
-    warnings about code that illegally mixes tabs and spaces.  When using -tt
-    these warnings become errors.  These options are highly recommended!
+    # Extra indentation is not necessary.
+    foo = long_function_name(
+      var_one, var_two,
+      var_three, var_four)
-    For new projects, spaces-only are strongly recommended over tabs.  Most
-    editors have features that make this easy to do.
+Tabs or Spaces?
-  Maximum Line Length
+Never mix tabs and spaces.
-    Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.
+The most popular way of indenting Python is with spaces only.  The
+second-most popular way is with tabs only.  Code indented with a
+mixture of tabs and spaces should be converted to using spaces
+exclusively.  When invoking the Python command line interpreter with
+the ``-t`` option, it issues warnings about code that illegally mixes
+tabs and spaces.  When using ``-tt`` these warnings become errors.
+These options are highly recommended!
-    There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
-    lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to have
-    several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such devices
-    disrupts the visual structure of the code, making it more difficult to
-    understand.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum of 79
-    characters.  For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or comments),
-    limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.
+For new projects, spaces-only are strongly recommended over tabs.
+Most editors have features that make this easy to do.
-    The preferred way of wrapping long lines is by using Python's implied line
-    continuation inside parentheses, brackets and braces.  Long lines can be
-    broken over multiple lines by wrapping expressions in parentheses. These
-    should be used in preference to using a backslash for line continuation.
-    Make sure to indent the continued line appropriately.  The preferred place
-    to break around a binary operator is *after* the operator, not before it.
-    Some examples:
+Maximum Line Length
+Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.
+There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
+lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
+have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
+devices disrupts the visual structure of the code, making it more
+difficult to understand.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a
+maximum of 79 characters.  For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings
+or comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.
+The preferred way of wrapping long lines is by using Python's implied
+line continuation inside parentheses, brackets and braces.  Long lines
+can be broken over multiple lines by wrapping expressions in
+parentheses. These should be used in preference to using a backslash
+for line continuation.  Make sure to indent the continued line
+appropriately.  The preferred place to break around a binary operator
+is *after* the operator, not before it.  Some examples::
     class Rectangle(Blob):
         def __init__(self, width, height,
                      color='black', emphasis=None, highlight=0):
             if (width == 0 and height == 0 and
@@ -139,282 +154,294 @@
             Blob.__init__(self, width, height,
                           color, emphasis, highlight)
-  Blank Lines
+Blank Lines
-    Separate top-level function and class definitions with two blank lines.
+Separate top-level function and class definitions with two blank
-    Method definitions inside a class are separated by a single blank line.
+Method definitions inside a class are separated by a single blank
-    Extra blank lines may be used (sparingly) to separate groups of related
-    functions.  Blank lines may be omitted between a bunch of related
-    one-liners (e.g. a set of dummy implementations).
+Extra blank lines may be used (sparingly) to separate groups of
+related functions.  Blank lines may be omitted between a bunch of
+related one-liners (e.g. a set of dummy implementations).
-    Use blank lines in functions, sparingly, to indicate logical sections.
+Use blank lines in functions, sparingly, to indicate logical sections.
-    Python accepts the control-L (i.e. ^L) form feed character as whitespace;
-    Many tools treat these characters as page separators, so you may use them
-    to separate pages of related sections of your file.  Note, some editors
-    and web-based code viewers may not recognize control-L as a form feed
-    and will show another glyph in its place.
+Python accepts the control-L (i.e. ^L) form feed character as
+whitespace; Many tools treat these characters as page separators, so
+you may use them to separate pages of related sections of your file.
+Note, some editors and web-based code viewers may not recognize
+control-L as a form feed and will show another glyph in its place.
-  Encodings (PEP 263)
+Encodings (PEP 263)
-    Code in the core Python distribution should always use the ASCII or
-    Latin-1 encoding (a.k.a. ISO-8859-1).  For Python 3.0 and beyond,
-    UTF-8 is preferred over Latin-1, see PEP 3120.
+Code in the core Python distribution should always use the ASCII or
+Latin-1 encoding (a.k.a. ISO-8859-1).  For Python 3.0 and beyond,
+UTF-8 is preferred over Latin-1, see PEP 3120.
-    Files using ASCII should not have a coding cookie.  Latin-1 (or
-    UTF-8) should only be used when a comment or docstring needs to
-    mention an author name that requires Latin-1; otherwise, using
-    \x, \u or \U escapes is the preferred way to include non-ASCII
-    data in string literals.
+Files using ASCII should not have a coding cookie.  Latin-1 (or UTF-8)
+should only be used when a comment or docstring needs to mention an
+author name that requires Latin-1; otherwise, using ``\x``, ``\u`` or
+``\U`` escapes is the preferred way to include non-ASCII data in
+string literals.
-    For Python 3.0 and beyond, the following policy is prescribed for
-    the standard library (see PEP 3131): All identifiers in the Python
-    standard library MUST use ASCII-only identifiers, and SHOULD use
-    English words wherever feasible (in many cases, abbreviations and
-    technical terms are used which aren't English). In addition,
-    string literals and comments must also be in ASCII. The only
-    exceptions are (a) test cases testing the non-ASCII features, and
-    (b) names of authors. Authors whose names are not based on the
-    latin alphabet MUST provide a latin transliteration of their
-    names.
+For Python 3.0 and beyond, the following policy is prescribed for the
+standard library (see PEP 3131): All identifiers in the Python
+standard library MUST use ASCII-only identifiers, and SHOULD use
+English words wherever feasible (in many cases, abbreviations and
+technical terms are used which aren't English). In addition, string
+literals and comments must also be in ASCII. The only exceptions are
+(a) test cases testing the non-ASCII features, and
+(b) names of authors. Authors whose names are not based on the
+latin alphabet MUST provide a latin transliteration of their
-    Open source projects with a global audience are encouraged to
-    adopt a similar policy.
+Open source projects with a global audience are encouraged to adopt a
+similar policy.
-    - Imports should usually be on separate lines, e.g.:
+- Imports should usually be on separate lines, e.g.::
-        Yes: import os
-             import sys
+      Yes: import os
+           import sys
-        No:  import sys, os
+      No:  import sys, os
-      it's okay to say this though:
+  It's okay to say this though::
-        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+      from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-    - Imports are always put at the top of the file, just after any module
-      comments and docstrings, and before module globals and constants.
+- Imports are always put at the top of the file, just after any module
+  comments and docstrings, and before module globals and constants.
-      Imports should be grouped in the following order:
+  Imports should be grouped in the following order:
-      1. standard library imports
-      2. related third party imports
-      3. local application/library specific imports
+  1. standard library imports
+  2. related third party imports
+  3. local application/library specific imports
-      You should put a blank line between each group of imports.
+  You should put a blank line between each group of imports.
-      Put any relevant __all__ specification after the imports.
+  Put any relevant ``__all__`` specification after the imports.
-    - Relative imports for intra-package imports are highly discouraged.
-      Always use the absolute package path for all imports.
-      Even now that PEP 328 [7] is fully implemented in Python 2.5,
-      its style of explicit relative imports is actively discouraged;
-      absolute imports are more portable and usually more readable.
+- Relative imports for intra-package imports are highly discouraged.
+  Always use the absolute package path for all imports.  Even now that
+  PEP 328 is fully implemented in Python 2.5, its style of explicit
+  relative imports is actively discouraged; absolute imports are more
+  portable and usually more readable.
-    - When importing a class from a class-containing module, it's usually okay
-      to spell this
+- When importing a class from a class-containing module, it's usually
+  okay to spell this::
-        from myclass import MyClass
-        from foo.bar.yourclass import YourClass
+      from myclass import MyClass
+      from foo.bar.yourclass import YourClass
-      If this spelling causes local name clashes, then spell them
+  If this spelling causes local name clashes, then spell them ::
-        import myclass
-        import foo.bar.yourclass
+      import myclass
+      import foo.bar.yourclass
-      and use "myclass.MyClass" and "foo.bar.yourclass.YourClass"
+  and use "myclass.MyClass" and "foo.bar.yourclass.YourClass".
 Whitespace in Expressions and Statements
-  Pet Peeves
+Pet Peeves
-    Avoid extraneous whitespace in the following situations:
+Avoid extraneous whitespace in the following situations:
-    - Immediately inside parentheses, brackets or braces.
+- Immediately inside parentheses, brackets or braces. ::
       Yes: spam(ham[1], {eggs: 2})
       No:  spam( ham[ 1 ], { eggs: 2 } )
-    - Immediately before a comma, semicolon, or colon:
+- Immediately before a comma, semicolon, or colon::
       Yes: if x == 4: print x, y; x, y = y, x
       No:  if x == 4 : print x , y ; x , y = y , x
-    - Immediately before the open parenthesis that starts the argument
-      list of a function call:
+- Immediately before the open parenthesis that starts the argument
+  list of a function call::
       Yes: spam(1)
       No:  spam (1)
-    - Immediately before the open parenthesis that starts an indexing or
-      slicing:
+- Immediately before the open parenthesis that starts an indexing or
+  slicing::
       Yes: dict['key'] = list[index]
       No:  dict ['key'] = list [index]
-    - More than one space around an assignment (or other) operator to
-      align it with another.
+- More than one space around an assignment (or other) operator to
+  align it with another.
-      Yes:
+  Yes::
-          x = 1
-          y = 2
-          long_variable = 3
+      x = 1
+      y = 2
+      long_variable = 3
-      No:
+  No::
-          x             = 1
-          y             = 2
-          long_variable = 3
+      x             = 1
+      y             = 2
+      long_variable = 3
-  Other Recommendations
+Other Recommendations
-    - Always surround these binary operators with a single space on
-      either side: assignment (=), augmented assignment (+=, -= etc.),
-      comparisons (==, <, >, !=, <>, <=, >=, in, not in, is, is not),
-      Booleans (and, or, not).
+- Always surround these binary operators with a single space on either
+  side: assignment (``=``), augmented assignment (``+=``, ``-=``
+  etc.), comparisons (``==``, ``<``, ``>``, ``!=``, ``<>``, ``<=``,
+  ``>=``, ``in``, ``not in``, ``is``, ``is not``), Booleans (``and``,
+  ``or``, ``not``).
-    - Use spaces around arithmetic operators:
+- Use spaces around arithmetic operators:
-      Yes:
+  Yes::
-          i = i + 1
-          submitted += 1
-          x = x * 2 - 1
-          hypot2 = x * x + y * y
-          c = (a + b) * (a - b)
+      i = i + 1
+      submitted += 1
+      x = x * 2 - 1
+      hypot2 = x * x + y * y
+      c = (a + b) * (a - b)
-      No:
+  No::
-          i=i+1
-          submitted +=1
-          x = x*2 - 1
-          hypot2 = x*x + y*y
-          c = (a+b) * (a-b)
+      i=i+1
+      submitted +=1
+      x = x*2 - 1
+      hypot2 = x*x + y*y
+      c = (a+b) * (a-b)
-    - Don't use spaces around the '=' sign when used to indicate a
-      keyword argument or a default parameter value.
+- Don't use spaces around the ``=`` sign when used to indicate a
+  keyword argument or a default parameter value.
-      Yes:
+  Yes::
-          def complex(real, imag=0.0):
-              return magic(r=real, i=imag)
+      def complex(real, imag=0.0):
+          return magic(r=real, i=imag)
-      No:
+  No::
-          def complex(real, imag = 0.0):
-              return magic(r = real, i = imag)
+      def complex(real, imag = 0.0):
+          return magic(r = real, i = imag)
-    - Compound statements (multiple statements on the same line) are
-      generally discouraged.
+- Compound statements (multiple statements on the same line) are
+  generally discouraged.
-      Yes:
+  Yes::
-          if foo == 'blah':
-              do_blah_thing()
-          do_one()
-          do_two()
-          do_three()
+      if foo == 'blah':
+          do_blah_thing()
+      do_one()
+      do_two()
+      do_three()
-      Rather not:
+  Rather not::
-          if foo == 'blah': do_blah_thing()
-          do_one(); do_two(); do_three()
+      if foo == 'blah': do_blah_thing()
+      do_one(); do_two(); do_three()
-    - While sometimes it's okay to put an if/for/while with a small
-      body on the same line, never do this for multi-clause
-      statements.  Also avoid folding such long lines!
+- While sometimes it's okay to put an if/for/while with a small body
+  on the same line, never do this for multi-clause statements.  Also
+  avoid folding such long lines!
-      Rather not:
+  Rather not::
-          if foo == 'blah': do_blah_thing()
-          for x in lst: total += x
-          while t < 10: t = delay()
+      if foo == 'blah': do_blah_thing()
+      for x in lst: total += x
+      while t < 10: t = delay()
-      Definitely not:
+  Definitely not::
-          if foo == 'blah': do_blah_thing()
-          else: do_non_blah_thing()
+      if foo == 'blah': do_blah_thing()
+      else: do_non_blah_thing()
-          try: something()
-          finally: cleanup()
+      try: something()
+      finally: cleanup()
-          do_one(); do_two(); do_three(long, argument,
-                                       list, like, this)
+      do_one(); do_two(); do_three(long, argument,
+                                   list, like, this)
-          if foo == 'blah': one(); two(); three()
+      if foo == 'blah': one(); two(); three()
-    Comments that contradict the code are worse than no comments.  Always make
-    a priority of keeping the comments up-to-date when the code changes!
+Comments that contradict the code are worse than no comments.  Always
+make a priority of keeping the comments up-to-date when the code
-    Comments should be complete sentences.  If a comment is a phrase or
-    sentence, its first word should be capitalized, unless it is an identifier
-    that begins with a lower case letter (never alter the case of
-    identifiers!).
+Comments should be complete sentences.  If a comment is a phrase or
+sentence, its first word should be capitalized, unless it is an
+identifier that begins with a lower case letter (never alter the case
+of identifiers!).
-    If a comment is short, the period at the end can be omitted.  Block
-    comments generally consist of one or more paragraphs built out of complete
-    sentences, and each sentence should end in a period.
+If a comment is short, the period at the end can be omitted.  Block
+comments generally consist of one or more paragraphs built out of
+complete sentences, and each sentence should end in a period.
-    You should use two spaces after a sentence-ending period.
+You should use two spaces after a sentence-ending period.
-    When writing English, Strunk and White apply.
+When writing English, Strunk and White apply.
-    Python coders from non-English speaking countries: please write
-    your comments in English, unless you are 120% sure that the code
-    will never be read by people who don't speak your language.
+Python coders from non-English speaking countries: please write your
+comments in English, unless you are 120% sure that the code will never
+be read by people who don't speak your language.
+Block Comments
-  Block Comments
+Block comments generally apply to some (or all) code that follows
+them, and are indented to the same level as that code.  Each line of a
+block comment starts with a ``#`` and a single space (unless it is
+indented text inside the comment).
-    Block comments generally apply to some (or all) code that follows them,
-    and are indented to the same level as that code.  Each line of a block
-    comment starts with a # and a single space (unless it is indented text
-    inside the comment).
+Paragraphs inside a block comment are separated by a line containing a
+single ``#``.
-    Paragraphs inside a block comment are separated by a line containing a
-    single #.
+Inline Comments
-  Inline Comments
+Use inline comments sparingly.
-    Use inline comments sparingly.
+An inline comment is a comment on the same line as a statement.
+Inline comments should be separated by at least two spaces from the
+statement.  They should start with a # and a single space.
-    An inline comment is a comment on the same line as a statement.  Inline
-    comments should be separated by at least two spaces from the statement.
-    They should start with a # and a single space.
+Inline comments are unnecessary and in fact distracting if they state
+the obvious.  Don't do this::
-    Inline comments are unnecessary and in fact distracting if they state
-    the obvious.  Don't do this:
+    x = x + 1                 # Increment x
-        x = x + 1                 # Increment x
+But sometimes, this is useful::
-    But sometimes, this is useful:
-        x = x + 1                 # Compensate for border
+    x = x + 1                 # Compensate for border
 Documentation Strings
-    Conventions for writing good documentation strings (a.k.a. "docstrings")
-    are immortalized in PEP 257 [3].
+Conventions for writing good documentation strings
+(a.k.a. "docstrings") are immortalized in PEP 257.
-    - Write docstrings for all public modules, functions, classes, and
-      methods.  Docstrings are not necessary for non-public methods, but you
-      should have a comment that describes what the method does.  This comment
-      should appear after the "def" line.
+- Write docstrings for all public modules, functions, classes, and
+  methods.  Docstrings are not necessary for non-public methods, but
+  you should have a comment that describes what the method does.  This
+  comment should appear after the ``def`` line.
-    - PEP 257 describes good docstring conventions.  Note that most
-      importantly, the """ that ends a multiline docstring should be on a line
-      by itself, and preferably preceded by a blank line, e.g.:
+- PEP 257 describes good docstring conventions.  Note that most
+  importantly, the ``"""`` that ends a multiline docstring should be
+  on a line by itself, and preferably preceded by a blank line, e.g.::
       """Return a foobang
@@ -422,405 +449,422 @@
-    - For one liner docstrings, it's okay to keep the closing """ on the same
-      line.
+- For one liner docstrings, it's okay to keep the closing ``"""`` on
+  the same line.
 Version Bookkeeping
-    If you have to have Subversion, CVS, or RCS crud in your source file, do
-    it as follows.
+If you have to have Subversion, CVS, or RCS crud in your source file,
+do it as follows. ::
-        __version__ = "$Revision$"
-        # $Source$
+    __version__ = "$Revision$"
+    # $Source$
-    These lines should be included after the module's docstring, before any
-    other code, separated by a blank line above and below.
+These lines should be included after the module's docstring, before
+any other code, separated by a blank line above and below.
 Naming Conventions
-    The naming conventions of Python's library are a bit of a mess, so we'll
-    never get this completely consistent -- nevertheless, here are the
-    currently recommended naming standards.  New modules and packages
-    (including third party frameworks) should be written to these standards,
-    but where an existing library has a different style, internal consistency
-    is preferred.
+The naming conventions of Python's library are a bit of a mess, so
+we'll never get this completely consistent -- nevertheless, here are
+the currently recommended naming standards.  New modules and packages
+(including third party frameworks) should be written to these
+standards, but where an existing library has a different style,
+internal consistency is preferred.
-  Descriptive: Naming Styles
+Descriptive: Naming Styles
-    There are a lot of different naming styles.  It helps to be able to
-    recognize what naming style is being used, independently from what they
-    are used for.
+There are a lot of different naming styles.  It helps to be able to
+recognize what naming style is being used, independently from what
+they are used for.
-    The following naming styles are commonly distinguished:
+The following naming styles are commonly distinguished:
-    - b (single lowercase letter)
+- ``b`` (single lowercase letter)
+- ``B`` (single uppercase letter)
+- ``lowercase``
+- ``lower_case_with_underscores``
+- ``CapitalizedWords`` (or CapWords, or CamelCase -- so named because
+  of the bumpy look of its letters [4]_).  This is also sometimes known
+  as StudlyCaps.
-    - B (single uppercase letter)
+  Note: When using abbreviations in CapWords, capitalize all the
+  letters of the abbreviation.  Thus HTTPServerError is better than
+  HttpServerError.
+- ``mixedCase`` (differs from CapitalizedWords by initial lowercase
+  character!)
+- ``Capitalized_Words_With_Underscores`` (ugly!)
-    - lowercase
+There's also the style of using a short unique prefix to group related
+names together.  This is not used much in Python, but it is mentioned
+for completeness.  For example, the ``os.stat()`` function returns a
+tuple whose items traditionally have names like ``st_mode``,
+``st_size`, ``st_mtime`` and so on.  (This is done to emphasize the
+correspondence with the fields of the POSIX system call struct, which
+helps programmers familiar with that.)
-    - lower_case_with_underscores
+The X11 library uses a leading X for all its public functions.  In
+Python, this style is generally deemed unnecessary because attribute
+and method names are prefixed with an object, and function names are
+prefixed with a module name.
+In addition, the following special forms using leading or trailing
+underscores are recognized (these can generally be combined with any
+case convention):
+- ``_single_leading_underscore``: weak "internal use" indicator.
+  E.g. ``from M import *`` does not import objects whose name starts
+  with an underscore.
-    - CapitalizedWords (or CapWords, or CamelCase -- so named because
-      of the bumpy look of its letters[4]).  This is also sometimes known as
-      StudlyCaps.
-      Note: When using abbreviations in CapWords, capitalize all the letters
-      of the abbreviation.  Thus HTTPServerError is better than
-      HttpServerError.
-    - mixedCase (differs from CapitalizedWords by initial lowercase
-      character!)
-    - Capitalized_Words_With_Underscores (ugly!)
-    There's also the style of using a short unique prefix to group related
-    names together.  This is not used much in Python, but it is mentioned for
-    completeness.  For example, the os.stat() function returns a tuple whose
-    items traditionally have names like st_mode, st_size, st_mtime and so on.
-    (This is done to emphasize the correspondence with the fields of the
-    POSIX system call struct, which helps programmers familiar with that.)
-    The X11 library uses a leading X for all its public functions.  In Python,
-    this style is generally deemed unnecessary because attribute and method
-    names are prefixed with an object, and function names are prefixed with a
-    module name.
-    In addition, the following special forms using leading or trailing
-    underscores are recognized (these can generally be combined with any case
-    convention):
-    - _single_leading_underscore: weak "internal use" indicator.  E.g. "from M
-      import *" does not import objects whose name starts with an underscore.
-    - single_trailing_underscore_: used by convention to avoid conflicts with
-      Python keyword, e.g.
+- ``single_trailing_underscore_``: used by convention to avoid
+  conflicts with Python keyword, e.g. ::
       Tkinter.Toplevel(master, class_='ClassName')
-    - __double_leading_underscore: when naming a class attribute, invokes name
-      mangling (inside class FooBar, __boo becomes _FooBar__boo; see below).
+- ``__double_leading_underscore``: when naming a class attribute,
+  invokes name mangling (inside class FooBar, ``__boo`` becomes
+  ``_FooBar__boo``; see below).
-    - __double_leading_and_trailing_underscore__: "magic" objects or
-      attributes that live in user-controlled namespaces.  E.g. __init__,
-      __import__ or __file__.  Never invent such names; only use them
-      as documented.
+- ``__double_leading_and_trailing_underscore__``: "magic" objects or
+  attributes that live in user-controlled namespaces.
+  E.g. ``__init__``, ``__import__`` or ``__file__``.  Never invent
+  such names; only use them as documented.
-  Prescriptive: Naming Conventions
+Prescriptive: Naming Conventions
-    Names to Avoid
+Names to Avoid
-      Never use the characters `l' (lowercase letter el), `O' (uppercase
-      letter oh), or `I' (uppercase letter eye) as single character variable
-      names.
+Never use the characters `l' (lowercase letter el), `O' (uppercase
+letter oh), or `I' (uppercase letter eye) as single character variable
-      In some fonts, these characters are indistinguishable from the numerals
-      one and zero.  When tempted to use `l', use `L' instead.
+In some fonts, these characters are indistinguishable from the
+numerals one and zero.  When tempted to use `l', use `L' instead.
-    Package and Module Names
+Package and Module Names
-      Modules should have short, all-lowercase names.  Underscores can be used
-      in the module name if it improves readability.  Python packages should
-      also have short, all-lowercase names, although the use of underscores is
-      discouraged.
+Modules should have short, all-lowercase names.  Underscores can be
+used in the module name if it improves readability.  Python packages
+should also have short, all-lowercase names, although the use of
+underscores is discouraged.
-      Since module names are mapped to file names, and some file systems are
-      case insensitive and truncate long names, it is important that module
-      names be chosen to be fairly short -- this won't be a problem on Unix,
-      but it may be a problem when the code is transported to older Mac or
-      Windows versions, or DOS.
+Since module names are mapped to file names, and some file systems are
+case insensitive and truncate long names, it is important that module
+names be chosen to be fairly short -- this won't be a problem on Unix,
+but it may be a problem when the code is transported to older Mac or
+Windows versions, or DOS.
-      When an extension module written in C or C++ has an accompanying Python
-      module that provides a higher level (e.g. more object oriented)
-      interface, the C/C++ module has a leading underscore (e.g. _socket).
+When an extension module written in C or C++ has an accompanying
+Python module that provides a higher level (e.g. more object oriented)
+interface, the C/C++ module has a leading underscore
+(e.g. ``_socket``).
-    Class Names
+Class Names
-      Almost without exception, class names use the CapWords convention.
-      Classes for internal use have a leading underscore in addition.
+Almost without exception, class names use the CapWords convention.
+Classes for internal use have a leading underscore in addition.
-    Exception Names
+Exception Names
-      Because exceptions should be classes, the class naming convention
-      applies here.  However, you should use the suffix "Error" on your
-      exception names (if the exception actually is an error).
+Because exceptions should be classes, the class naming convention
+applies here.  However, you should use the suffix "Error" on your
+exception names (if the exception actually is an error).
-    Global Variable Names
+Global Variable Names
-      (Let's hope that these variables are meant for use inside one module
-      only.)  The conventions are about the same as those for functions.
+(Let's hope that these variables are meant for use inside one module
+only.)  The conventions are about the same as those for functions.
-      Modules that are designed for use via "from M import *" should use the
-      __all__ mechanism to prevent exporting globals, or use the older
-      convention of prefixing such globals with an underscore (which you might
-      want to do to indicate these globals are "module non-public").
+Modules that are designed for use via "from M import *" should use the
+``__all__`` mechanism to prevent exporting globals, or use the older
+convention of prefixing such globals with an underscore (which you
+might want to do to indicate these globals are "module non-public").
-    Function Names
+Function Names
-      Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores
-      as necessary to improve readability.
+Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by
+underscores as necessary to improve readability.
-      mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the
-      prevailing style (e.g. threading.py), to retain backwards compatibility.
+mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the
+prevailing style (e.g. threading.py), to retain backwards
-    Function and method arguments
+Function and method arguments
-      Always use 'self' for the first argument to instance methods.
+Always use ``self`` for the first argument to instance methods.
-      Always use 'cls' for the first argument to class methods.
+Always use ``cls`` for the first argument to class methods.
-      If a function argument's name clashes with a reserved keyword, it is
-      generally better to append a single trailing underscore rather than use
-      an abbreviation or spelling corruption.  Thus "print_" is better than
-      "prnt".  (Perhaps better is to avoid such clashes by using a synonym.)
+If a function argument's name clashes with a reserved keyword, it is
+generally better to append a single trailing underscore rather than
+use an abbreviation or spelling corruption.  Thus ``class_`` is better
+than ``clss``.  (Perhaps better is to avoid such clashes by using a
-    Method Names and Instance Variables
+Method Names and Instance Variables
-      Use the function naming rules: lowercase with words separated by
-      underscores as necessary to improve readability.
+Use the function naming rules: lowercase with words separated by
+underscores as necessary to improve readability.
-      Use one leading underscore only for non-public methods and instance
-      variables.
+Use one leading underscore only for non-public methods and instance
-      To avoid name clashes with subclasses, use two leading underscores to
-      invoke Python's name mangling rules.
+To avoid name clashes with subclasses, use two leading underscores to
+invoke Python's name mangling rules.
-      Python mangles these names with the class name: if class Foo has an
-      attribute named __a, it cannot be accessed by Foo.__a.  (An insistent
-      user could still gain access by calling Foo._Foo__a.)  Generally, double
-      leading underscores should be used only to avoid name conflicts with
-      attributes in classes designed to be subclassed.
+Python mangles these names with the class name: if class Foo has an
+attribute named ``__a``, it cannot be accessed by ``Foo.__a``.  (An
+insistent user could still gain access by calling ``Foo._Foo__a``.)
+Generally, double leading underscores should be used only to avoid
+name conflicts with attributes in classes designed to be subclassed.
-      Note: there is some controversy about the use of __names (see below).
+Note: there is some controversy about the use of __names (see below).
-    Constants
-       Constants are usually defined on a module level and written in all
-       capital letters with underscores separating words.  Examples include
+Constants are usually defined on a module level and written in all
+capital letters with underscores separating words.  Examples include
+``MAX_OVERFLOW`` and ``TOTAL``.
-    Designing for inheritance
+Designing for inheritance
-      Always decide whether a class's methods and instance variables
-      (collectively: "attributes") should be public or non-public.  If in
-      doubt, choose non-public; it's easier to make it public later than to
-      make a public attribute non-public.
+Always decide whether a class's methods and instance variables
+(collectively: "attributes") should be public or non-public.  If in
+doubt, choose non-public; it's easier to make it public later than to
+make a public attribute non-public.
-      Public attributes are those that you expect unrelated clients of your
-      class to use, with your commitment to avoid backward incompatible
-      changes.  Non-public attributes are those that are not intended to be
-      used by third parties; you make no guarantees that non-public attributes
-      won't change or even be removed.
+Public attributes are those that you expect unrelated clients of your
+class to use, with your commitment to avoid backward incompatible
+changes.  Non-public attributes are those that are not intended to be
+used by third parties; you make no guarantees that non-public
+attributes won't change or even be removed.
-      We don't use the term "private" here, since no attribute is really
-      private in Python (without a generally unnecessary amount of work).
+We don't use the term "private" here, since no attribute is really
+private in Python (without a generally unnecessary amount of work).
-      Another category of attributes are those that are part of the "subclass
-      API" (often called "protected" in other languages).  Some classes are
-      designed to be inherited from, either to extend or modify aspects of the
-      class's behavior.  When designing such a class, take care to make
-      explicit decisions about which attributes are public, which are part of
-      the subclass API, and which are truly only to be used by your base
-      class.
+Another category of attributes are those that are part of the
+"subclass API" (often called "protected" in other languages).  Some
+classes are designed to be inherited from, either to extend or modify
+aspects of the class's behavior.  When designing such a class, take
+care to make explicit decisions about which attributes are public,
+which are part of the subclass API, and which are truly only to be
+used by your base class.
-      With this in mind, here are the Pythonic guidelines:
+With this in mind, here are the Pythonic guidelines:
-      - Public attributes should have no leading underscores.
+- Public attributes should have no leading underscores.
-      - If your public attribute name collides with a reserved keyword, append
-        a single trailing underscore to your attribute name.  This is
-        preferable to an abbreviation or corrupted spelling.  (However,
-        notwithstanding this rule, 'cls' is the preferred spelling for any
-        variable or argument which is known to be a class, especially the
-        first argument to a class method.)
+- If your public attribute name collides with a reserved keyword,
+  append a single trailing underscore to your attribute name.  This is
+  preferable to an abbreviation or corrupted spelling.  (However,
+  notwithstanding this rule, 'cls' is the preferred spelling for any
+  variable or argument which is known to be a class, especially the
+  first argument to a class method.)
-        Note 1: See the argument name recommendation above for class methods.
+  Note 1: See the argument name recommendation above for class methods.
-      - For simple public data attributes, it is best to expose just the
-        attribute name, without complicated accessor/mutator methods.  Keep in
-        mind that Python provides an easy path to future enhancement, should
-        you find that a simple data attribute needs to grow functional
-        behavior.  In that case, use properties to hide functional
-        implementation behind simple data attribute access syntax.
+- For simple public data attributes, it is best to expose just the
+  attribute name, without complicated accessor/mutator methods.  Keep
+  in mind that Python provides an easy path to future enhancement,
+  should you find that a simple data attribute needs to grow
+  functional behavior.  In that case, use properties to hide
+  functional implementation behind simple data attribute access
+  syntax.
-        Note 1: Properties only work on new-style classes.
+  Note 1: Properties only work on new-style classes.
-        Note 2: Try to keep the functional behavior side-effect free, although
-        side-effects such as caching are generally fine.
+  Note 2: Try to keep the functional behavior side-effect free,
+  although side-effects such as caching are generally fine.
-        Note 3: Avoid using properties for computationally expensive
-        operations; the attribute notation makes the caller believe
-        that access is (relatively) cheap.
+  Note 3: Avoid using properties for computationally expensive
+  operations; the attribute notation makes the caller believe that
+  access is (relatively) cheap.
-      - If your class is intended to be subclassed, and you have attributes
-        that you do not want subclasses to use, consider naming them with
-        double leading underscores and no trailing underscores.  This invokes
-        Python's name mangling algorithm, where the name of the class is
-        mangled into the attribute name.  This helps avoid attribute name
-        collisions should subclasses inadvertently contain attributes with the
-        same name.
+- If your class is intended to be subclassed, and you have attributes
+  that you do not want subclasses to use, consider naming them with
+  double leading underscores and no trailing underscores.  This
+  invokes Python's name mangling algorithm, where the name of the
+  class is mangled into the attribute name.  This helps avoid
+  attribute name collisions should subclasses inadvertently contain
+  attributes with the same name.
-        Note 1: Note that only the simple class name is used in the mangled
-        name, so if a subclass chooses both the same class name and attribute
-        name, you can still get name collisions.
+  Note 1: Note that only the simple class name is used in the mangled
+  name, so if a subclass chooses both the same class name and attribute
+  name, you can still get name collisions.
-        Note 2: Name mangling can make certain uses, such as debugging and
-        __getattr__(), less convenient.  However the name mangling algorithm
-        is well documented and easy to perform manually.
+  Note 2: Name mangling can make certain uses, such as debugging and
+  ``__getattr__()``, less convenient.  However the name mangling
+  algorithm is well documented and easy to perform manually.
-        Note 3: Not everyone likes name mangling.  Try to balance the
-        need to avoid accidental name clashes with potential use by
-        advanced callers.
+  Note 3: Not everyone likes name mangling.  Try to balance the
+  need to avoid accidental name clashes with potential use by
+  advanced callers.
 Programming Recommendations
-    - Code should be written in a way that does not disadvantage other
-      implementations of Python (PyPy, Jython, IronPython, Pyrex, Psyco,
-      and such).
+- Code should be written in a way that does not disadvantage other
+  implementations of Python (PyPy, Jython, IronPython, Cython, Psyco,
+  and such).
-      For example, do not rely on CPython's efficient implementation of
-      in-place string concatenation for statements in the form a+=b or a=a+b.
-      Those statements run more slowly in Jython.  In performance sensitive
-      parts of the library, the ''.join() form should be used instead.  This
-      will ensure that concatenation occurs in linear time across various
-      implementations.
+  For example, do not rely on CPython's efficient implementation of
+  in-place string concatenation for statements in the form ``a += b``
+  or ``a = a + b``.  Those statements run more slowly in Jython.  In
+  performance sensitive parts of the library, the ``''.join()`` form
+  should be used instead.  This will ensure that concatenation occurs
+  in linear time across various implementations.
-    - Comparisons to singletons like None should always be done with
-      'is' or 'is not', never the equality operators.
+- Comparisons to singletons like None should always be done with
+  ``is`` or ``is not``, never the equality operators.
-      Also, beware of writing "if x" when you really mean "if x is not None"
-      -- e.g. when testing whether a variable or argument that defaults to
-      None was set to some other value.  The other value might have a type
-      (such as a container) that could be false in a boolean context!
+  Also, beware of writing ``if x`` when you really mean ``if x is not
+  None`` -- e.g. when testing whether a variable or argument that
+  defaults to None was set to some other value.  The other value might
+  have a type (such as a container) that could be false in a boolean
+  context!
-    - When implementing ordering operations with rich comparisons, it is best to
-      implement all six operations (__eq__, __ne__, __lt__, __le__, __gt__,
-      __ge__) rather than relying on other code to only exercise a particular
-      comparison.
+- When implementing ordering operations with rich comparisons, it is
+  best to implement all six operations (``__eq__``, ``__ne__``,
+  ``__lt__``, ``__le__``, ``__gt__``, ``__ge__``) rather than relying
+  on other code to only exercise a particular comparison.
-      To minimize the effort involved, the functools.total_ordering() decorator
-      provides a tool to generate missing comparison methods.
+  To minimize the effort involved, the ``functools.total_ordering()``
+  decorator provides a tool to generate missing comparison methods.
-      PEP 207 indicates that reflexivity rules *are* assumed by Python.  Thus,
-      the interpreter may swap y>x with x<y, y>=x with x<=y, and may swap the
-      arguments of x==y and x!=y.  The sort() and min() operations are
-      guaranteed to use the < operator and the max() function uses the >
-      operator.  However, it is best to implement all six operations so that
-      confusion doesn't arise in other contexts.
+  PEP 207 indicates that reflexivity rules *are* assumed by Python.
+  Thus, the interpreter may swap ``y > x`` with ``x < y``, ``y >= x``
+  with ``x <= y``, and may swap the arguments of ``x == y`` and ``x !=
+  y``.  The ``sort()`` and ``min()`` operations are guaranteed to use
+  the ``<`` operator and the ``max()`` function uses the ``>``
+  operator.  However, it is best to implement all six operations so
+  that confusion doesn't arise in other contexts.
-    - Use class-based exceptions.
+- Use class-based exceptions.
-      String exceptions in new code are forbidden, because this language
-      feature is being removed in Python 2.6.
+  String exceptions in new code are forbidden, because this language
+  feature is being removed in Python 2.6.
-      Modules or packages should define their own domain-specific base
-      exception class, which should be subclassed from the built-in Exception
-      class.  Always include a class docstring.  E.g.:
+  Modules or packages should define their own domain-specific base
+  exception class, which should be subclassed from the built-in
+  Exception class.  Always include a class docstring.  E.g.::
-        class MessageError(Exception):
-            """Base class for errors in the email package."""
+      class MessageError(Exception):
+          """Base class for errors in the email package."""
-      Class naming conventions apply here, although you should add the suffix
-      "Error" to your exception classes, if the exception is an error.
-      Non-error exceptions need no special suffix.
+  Class naming conventions apply here, although you should add the
+  suffix "Error" to your exception classes, if the exception is an
+  error.  Non-error exceptions need no special suffix.
-    - When raising an exception, use "raise ValueError('message')" instead of
-      the older form "raise ValueError, 'message'".
+- When raising an exception, use ``raise ValueError('message')``
+  instead of the older form ``raise ValueError, 'message'``.
-      The paren-using form is preferred because when the exception arguments
-      are long or include string formatting, you don't need to use line
-      continuation characters thanks to the containing parentheses.  The older
-      form will be removed in Python 3000.
+  The paren-using form is preferred because when the exception
+  arguments are long or include string formatting, you don't need to
+  use line continuation characters thanks to the containing
+  parentheses.  The older form will be removed in Python 3.
-    - When catching exceptions, mention specific exceptions
-      whenever possible instead of using a bare 'except:' clause.
+- When catching exceptions, mention specific exceptions whenever
+  possible instead of using a bare ``except:`` clause.
-      For example, use:
+  For example, use::
-          try:
-              import platform_specific_module
-          except ImportError:
-              platform_specific_module = None
+      try:
+          import platform_specific_module
+      except ImportError:
+          platform_specific_module = None
-      A bare 'except:' clause will catch SystemExit and KeyboardInterrupt
-      exceptions, making it harder to interrupt a program with Control-C,
-      and can disguise other problems.  If you want to catch all
-      exceptions that signal program errors, use 'except Exception:'.
+  A bare ``except:`` clause will catch SystemExit and
+  KeyboardInterrupt exceptions, making it harder to interrupt a
+  program with Control-C, and can disguise other problems.  If you
+  want to catch all exceptions that signal program errors, use
+  ``except Exception:`` (bare except is equivalent to ``except
+  BaseException:``).
-      A good rule of thumb is to limit use of bare 'except' clauses to two
-      cases:
+  A good rule of thumb is to limit use of bare 'except' clauses to two
+  cases:
-         1) If the exception handler will be printing out or logging
-            the traceback; at least the user will be aware that an
-            error has occurred.
+  1. If the exception handler will be printing out or logging the
+     traceback; at least the user will be aware that an error has
+     occurred.
-         2) If the code needs to do some cleanup work, but then lets
-            the exception propagate upwards with 'raise'.
-            'try...finally' is a better way to handle this case.
+  2. If the code needs to do some cleanup work, but then lets the
+     exception propagate upwards with ``raise``.  ``try...finally``
+     can be a better way to handle this case.
-    - Additionally, for all try/except clauses, limit the 'try' clause
-      to the absolute minimum amount of code necessary.  Again, this
-      avoids masking bugs.
+- Additionally, for all try/except clauses, limit the ``try`` clause
+  to the absolute minimum amount of code necessary.  Again, this
+  avoids masking bugs.
-      Yes:
+  Yes::
-          try:
-              value = collection[key]
-          except KeyError:
-              return key_not_found(key)
-          else:
-              return handle_value(value)
+      try:
+          value = collection[key]
+      except KeyError:
+          return key_not_found(key)
+      else:
+          return handle_value(value)
-      No:
+  No::
-          try:
-              # Too broad!
-              return handle_value(collection[key])
-          except KeyError:
-              # Will also catch KeyError raised by handle_value()
-              return key_not_found(key)
+      try:
+          # Too broad!
+          return handle_value(collection[key])
+      except KeyError:
+          # Will also catch KeyError raised by handle_value()
+          return key_not_found(key)
-    - Use string methods instead of the string module.
+- Use string methods instead of the string module.
-      String methods are always much faster and share the same API with
-      unicode strings.  Override this rule if backward compatibility with
-      Pythons older than 2.0 is required.
+  String methods are always much faster and share the same API with
+  unicode strings.  Override this rule if backward compatibility with
+  Pythons older than 2.0 is required.
-    - Use ''.startswith() and ''.endswith() instead of string slicing to check
-      for prefixes or suffixes.
+- Use ``''.startswith()`` and ``''.endswith()`` instead of string
+  slicing to check for prefixes or suffixes.
-      startswith() and endswith() are cleaner and less error prone.  For
-      example:
+  startswith() and endswith() are cleaner and less error prone.  For
+  example::
-        Yes: if foo.startswith('bar'):
+      Yes: if foo.startswith('bar'):
+      No:  if foo[:3] == 'bar':
-        No:  if foo[:3] == 'bar':
+  The exception is if your code must work with Python 1.5.2 (but let's
+  hope not!).
-      The exception is if your code must work with Python 1.5.2 (but let's
-      hope not!).
+- Object type comparisons should always use isinstance() instead of
+  comparing types directly. ::
-    - Object type comparisons should always use isinstance() instead
-      of comparing types directly.
+      Yes: if isinstance(obj, int):
-        Yes: if isinstance(obj, int):
+      No:  if type(obj) is type(1):
-        No:  if type(obj) is type(1):
+  When checking if an object is a string, keep in mind that it might
+  be a unicode string too!  In Python 2.3, str and unicode have a
+  common base class, basestring, so you can do::
-      When checking if an object is a string, keep in mind that it might be a
-      unicode string too!  In Python 2.3, str and unicode have a common base
-      class, basestring, so you can do:
+      if isinstance(obj, basestring):
-        if isinstance(obj, basestring):
-    - For sequences, (strings, lists, tuples), use the fact that empty
-      sequences are false.
+- For sequences, (strings, lists, tuples), use the fact that empty
+  sequences are false. ::
       Yes: if not seq:
            if seq:
@@ -828,44 +872,42 @@
       No: if len(seq)
           if not len(seq)
-    - Don't write string literals that rely on significant trailing
-      whitespace.  Such trailing whitespace is visually indistinguishable and
-      some editors (or more recently, reindent.py) will trim them.
+- Don't write string literals that rely on significant trailing
+  whitespace.  Such trailing whitespace is visually indistinguishable
+  and some editors (or more recently, reindent.py) will trim them.
-    - Don't compare boolean values to True or False using ==
+- Don't compare boolean values to True or False using ``==``. ::
-        Yes:   if greeting:
-        No:    if greeting == True:
-        Worse: if greeting is True:
+      Yes:   if greeting:
+      No:    if greeting == True:
+      Worse: if greeting is True:
-    [1] PEP 7, Style Guide for C Code, van Rossum
+.. [1] PEP 7, Style Guide for C Code, van Rossum
-    [2] http://www.python.org/doc/essays/styleguide.html
+.. [2] http://www.python.org/doc/essays/styleguide.html
-    [3] PEP 257, Docstring Conventions, Goodger, van Rossum
+.. [3] Barry's GNU Mailman style guide
+       http://barry.warsaw.us/software/STYLEGUIDE.txt
-    [4] http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/CamelCase
-    [5] Barry's GNU Mailman style guide
-        http://barry.warsaw.us/software/STYLEGUIDE.txt
-    [6] PEP 20, The Zen of Python
-    [7] PEP 328, Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
+.. [4] http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/CamelCase
-    This document has been placed in the public domain.
+This document has been placed in the public domain.
-Local Variables:
-mode: indented-text
-indent-tabs-mode: nil
+   Local Variables:
+   mode: indented-text
+   indent-tabs-mode: nil
+   sentence-end-double-space: t
+   fill-column: 70
+   coding: utf-8
+   End:

Repository URL: http://hg.python.org/peps

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