[Python-checkins] cpython (merge 3.2 -> default): Merge: Update out of date docstring.

r.david.murray python-checkins at python.org
Sun Jun 17 21:27:41 CEST 2012

changeset:   77499:6e0ee573ba1e
parent:      77497:2fad115408e9
parent:      77498:6fbbf4ec6db5
user:        R David Murray <rdmurray at bitdance.com>
date:        Sun Jun 17 15:27:21 2012 -0400
  Merge: Update out of date docstring.

  Lib/email/message.py |  12 +++++-------
  1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Lib/email/message.py b/Lib/email/message.py
--- a/Lib/email/message.py
+++ b/Lib/email/message.py
@@ -628,17 +628,15 @@
         the form (CHARSET, LANGUAGE, VALUE).  Note that both CHARSET and
         LANGUAGE can be None, in which case you should consider VALUE to be
         encoded in the us-ascii charset.  You can usually ignore LANGUAGE.
+        The parameter value (either the returned string, or the VALUE item in
+        the 3-tuple) is always unquoted, unless unquote is set to False.
-        Your application should be prepared to deal with 3-tuple return
-        values, and can convert the parameter to a Unicode string like so:
+        If your application doesn't care whether the parameter was RFC 2231
+        encoded, it can turn the return value into a string as follows:
             param = msg.get_param('foo')
-            if isinstance(param, tuple):
-                param = unicode(param[2], param[0] or 'us-ascii')
+            param = email.utils.collapse_rfc2231_value(rawparam)
-        In any case, the parameter value (either the returned string, or the
-        VALUE item in the 3-tuple) is always unquoted, unless unquote is set
-        to False.
         if header not in self:
             return failobj

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