[Python-checkins] distutils2: Update installer tests.

tarek.ziade python-checkins at python.org
Sun Jan 30 10:43:57 CET 2011

tarek.ziade pushed 30c453712740 to distutils2:

changeset:   926:30c453712740
user:        Alexis Metaireau <alexis at notmyidea.org>
date:        Sat Jan 29 16:37:11 2011 +0100
  Update installer tests.


diff --git a/distutils2/index/xmlrpc.py b/distutils2/index/xmlrpc.py
--- a/distutils2/index/xmlrpc.py
+++ b/distutils2/index/xmlrpc.py
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
         Return a ReleaseInfo object, with metadata informations filled in.
-        # to be case-insensitive
+        # to be case-insensitive, get the informations from the XMLRPC API
         projects = [d['name'] for d in
                     self.proxy.search({'name': project_name})
                     if d['name'].lower() == project_name]
diff --git a/distutils2/install.py b/distutils2/install.py
--- a/distutils2/install.py
+++ b/distutils2/install.py
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
             # reverting
             for d in installed_dists:
-                _uninstall(d)
+                uninstall(d)
             raise e
     return installed_files
@@ -226,8 +226,6 @@
     Conflict contains all the conflicting distributions, if there is a
-    from ipdb import set_trace
-    set_trace()
     if not installed:
         logger.info('Reading installed distributions')
         installed = get_distributions(use_egg_info=True)
@@ -237,16 +235,20 @@
     predicate = get_version_predicate(requirements)
     found = False
     installed = list(installed)
+    # check that the project isnt already installed
     for installed_project in installed:
         # is it a compatible project ?
         if predicate.name.lower() != installed_project.name.lower():
         found = True
         logger.info('Found %s %s' % (installed_project.name,
-                                     installed_project.metadata.version))
-        if predicate.match(installed_project.metadata.version):
+                                     installed_project.version))
+        # if we already have something installed, check it matches the
+        # requirements
+        if predicate.match(installed_project.version):
             return infos
     if not found:
@@ -260,7 +262,7 @@
         releases = index.get_releases(requirements)
     except (ReleaseNotFound, ProjectNotFound), e:
         raise InstallationException('Release not found: "%s"' % requirements)
     # Pick up a release, and try to get the dependency tree
     release = releases.get_last(requirements, prefer_final=prefer_final)
@@ -284,7 +286,7 @@
     # Get what the missing deps are
     dists = depgraph.missing[release]
     if dists:
-        logger.info("missing dependencies found, installing them")
+        logger.info("missing dependencies found, retrieving metadata")
         # we have missing deps
         for dist in dists:
             _update_infos(infos, get_infos(dist, index, installed))
@@ -333,7 +335,7 @@
     except InstallationConflict, e:
-        projects = ['%s %s' % (p.name, p.metadata.version) for p in e.args[0]]
+        projects = ['%s %s' % (p.name, p.version) for p in e.args[0]]
         logger.info('"%s" conflicts with "%s"' % (project, ','.join(projects)))
diff --git a/distutils2/tests/pypi_server.py b/distutils2/tests/pypi_server.py
--- a/distutils2/tests/pypi_server.py
+++ b/distutils2/tests/pypi_server.py
@@ -375,6 +375,7 @@
     def __init__(self, dists=[]):
         self._dists = dists
+        self._search_result = []
     def add_distributions(self, dists):
         for dist in dists:
diff --git a/distutils2/tests/test_install.py b/distutils2/tests/test_install.py
--- a/distutils2/tests/test_install.py
+++ b/distutils2/tests/test_install.py
@@ -29,27 +29,16 @@
 class ToInstallDist(object):
     """Distribution that will be installed"""
-    def __init__(self, raise_error=False, files=False):
-        self._raise_error = raise_error
+    def __init__(self, files=False):
         self._files = files
-        self.install_called = False
-        self.install_called_with = {}
         self.uninstall_called = False
         self._real_files = []
+        self.name = "fake"
+        self.version = "fake"
         if files:
             for f in range(0,3):
-    def install(self, *args):
-        self.install_called = True
-        self.install_called_with = args
-        if self._raise_error:
-            raise Exception('Oops !')
-        return ['/path/to/foo', '/path/to/bar']
-    def uninstall(self, **args):
-        self.uninstall_called = True
     def get_installed_files(self, **args):
         if self._files:
             return [f[1] for f in self._real_files]
@@ -58,7 +47,49 @@
         return self.get_installed_files()
+class MagicMock(object):
+    def __init__(self, return_value=None, raise_exception=False):
+        self.called = False
+        self._times_called = 0
+        self._called_with = []
+        self._return_value = return_value
+        self._raise = raise_exception
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.called = True
+        self._times_called = self._times_called + 1
+        self._called_with.append((args, kwargs))
+        iterable = hasattr(self._raise, '__iter__')
+        if self._raise:
+            if ((not iterable and self._raise) 
+                    or self._raise[self._times_called - 1]):
+                raise Exception
+        return self._return_value
+    def called_with(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return (args, kwargs) in self._called_with
+def patch(parent, to_patch):
+    """monkey match a module"""
+    def wrapper(func):
+        print func
+        print dir(func)
+        old_func = getattr(parent, to_patch)
+        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
+            parent.__dict__[to_patch] = MagicMock()
+            try:
+                out = func(*args, **kwargs)
+            finally:
+                setattr(parent, to_patch, old_func)
+            return out
+        return wrapped
+    return wrapper
 def get_installed_dists(dists):
+    """Return a list of fake installed dists. 
+    The list is name, version, deps"""
     objects = []
     for (name, version, deps) in dists:
         objects.append(InstalledDist(name, version, deps))
@@ -69,6 +100,12 @@
     def _get_client(self, server, *args, **kwargs):
         return Client(server.full_address, *args, **kwargs)
+    def _patch_run_install(self):
+        """Patch run install"""
+    def _unpatch_run_install(self):
+        """Unpatch run install for d2 and d1"""
     def _get_results(self, output):
         """return a list of results"""
         installed = [(o.name, '%s' % o.version) for o in output['install']]
@@ -150,6 +187,8 @@
         # Tests that conflicts are detected
         client = self._get_client(server)
         archive_path = '%s/distribution.tar.gz' % server.full_address
+        # choxie depends on towel-stuff, which depends on bacon.
              'version': '',
@@ -164,7 +203,9 @@
              'requires_dist': [],
              'url': archive_path},
-        already_installed = [('bacon', '0.1', []),
+        # name, version, deps.
+        already_installed = [('bacon', '0.1', []), 
                              ('chicken', '1.1', ['bacon (0.1)'])]
         output = install.get_infos("choxie", index=client, installed=
@@ -221,23 +262,39 @@
         # if one of the distribution installation fails, call uninstall on all
         # installed distributions.
-        d1 = ToInstallDist()
-        d2 = ToInstallDist(raise_error=True)
-        self.assertRaises(Exception, install.install_dists, [d1, d2])
-        for dist in (d1, d2):
-            self.assertTrue(dist.install_called)
-        self.assertTrue(d1.uninstall_called)
-        self.assertFalse(d2.uninstall_called)
+        old_install_dist = install._install_dist
+        old_uninstall = getattr(install, 'uninstall', None)
+        install._install_dist = MagicMock(return_value=[], 
+                raise_exception=(False, True))
+        install.uninstall = MagicMock()
+        try:
+            d1 = ToInstallDist()
+            d2 = ToInstallDist()
+            path = self.mkdtemp()
+            self.assertRaises(Exception, install.install_dists, [d1, d2], path)
+            self.assertTrue(install._install_dist.called_with(d1, path))
+            self.assertTrue(install.uninstall.called)
+        finally:
+            install._install_dist = old_install_dist
+            install.uninstall = old_uninstall
     def test_install_dists_success(self):
-        # test that the install method is called on each of the distributions.
-        d1 = ToInstallDist()
-        d2 = ToInstallDist()
-        install.install_dists([d1, d2])
-        for dist in (d1, d2):
-            self.assertTrue(dist.install_called)
-        self.assertFalse(d1.uninstall_called)
-        self.assertFalse(d2.uninstall_called)
+        old_install_dist = install._install_dist
+        install._install_dist = MagicMock(return_value=[])
+        try:
+            # test that the install method is called on each of the distributions.
+            d1 = ToInstallDist()
+            d2 = ToInstallDist()
+            # should call install
+            path = self.mkdtemp()
+            install.install_dists([d1, d2], path)
+            for dist in (d1, d2):
+                self.assertTrue(install._install_dist.called_with(dist, path))
+        finally:
+            install._install_dist = old_install_dist
     def test_install_from_infos_conflict(self):
         # assert conflicts raise an exception
@@ -262,29 +319,46 @@
             install.install_dists = old_install_dists
     def test_install_from_infos_remove_rollback(self):
-        # assert that if an error occurs, the removed files are restored.
-        remove = []
-        for i in range(0,2):
-            remove.append(ToInstallDist(files=True, raise_error=True))
-        to_install = [ToInstallDist(raise_error=True),
-                   ToInstallDist()]
+        old_install_dist = install._install_dist
+        old_uninstall = getattr(install, 'uninstall', None)
-        install.install_from_infos(remove=remove, install=to_install)
-        # assert that the files are in the same place
-        # assert that the files have been removed
-        for dist in remove:
-            for f in dist.get_installed_files():
-                self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(f))
+        install._install_dist = MagicMock(return_value=[], 
+                raise_exception=(False, True))
+        install.uninstall = MagicMock()
+        try:
+            # assert that if an error occurs, the removed files are restored.
+            remove = []
+            for i in range(0,2):
+                remove.append(ToInstallDist(files=True))
+            to_install = [ToInstallDist(), ToInstallDist()]
+            self.assertRaises(Exception, install.install_from_infos, 
+                    remove=remove, install=to_install)
+            # assert that the files are in the same place
+            # assert that the files have been removed
+            for dist in remove:
+                for f in dist.get_installed_files():
+                    self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(f))
+        finally:
+            install.install_dist = old_install_dist
+            install.uninstall = old_uninstall
     def test_install_from_infos_install_succes(self):
-        # assert that the distribution can be installed
-        install_path = "my_install_path"
-        to_install = [ToInstallDist(), ToInstallDist()]
+        old_install_dist = install._install_dist
+        install._install_dist = MagicMock([])
+        try:
+            # assert that the distribution can be installed
+            install_path = "my_install_path"
+            to_install = [ToInstallDist(), ToInstallDist()]
-        install.install_from_infos(install=to_install,
-                                         install_path=install_path)
-        for dist in to_install:
-            self.assertEqual(dist.install_called_with, (install_path,))
+            install.install_from_infos(install=to_install,
+                                             install_path=install_path)
+            for dist in to_install:
+                install._install_dist.called_with(install_path)
+        finally:
+            install._install_dist = old_install_dist
 def test_suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()

Repository URL: http://hg.python.org/distutils2

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