[Python-checkins] devguide: Add links for IRC and the python-dev ML

antoine.pitrou python-checkins at python.org
Tue Jan 25 23:53:47 CET 2011

antoine.pitrou pushed 03b8f3f67c75 to devguide:

changeset:   205:03b8f3f67c75
tag:         tip
user:        Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net>
date:        Tue Jan 25 23:53:44 2011 +0100
  Add links for IRC and the python-dev ML


diff --git a/help.rst b/help.rst
--- a/help.rst
+++ b/help.rst
@@ -23,10 +23,13 @@
 Ask (#)python-dev
 You have two avenues of communication out of the :ref:`myriad of options
 available <communication>`. If you are comfortable with IRC you can try asking
-in #python-dev. Typically there are a couple of experienced developers, ranging
-from triagers to core developers, who can answer questions about developing for
-Python. If you prefer email you can email python-dev for help with your
+on ``#python-dev`` (on the `freenode <http://freenode.net/>`_ network).
+Typically there are a couple of experienced developers, ranging from
+triagers to core developers, who can answer questions about developing for
+Python. If you prefer email you can ask the `python-dev mailing-list
+<http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-dev>`_ for help with your
 question. Just remember that both avenues are for questions involving the
 development *of* Python, **not** for development *with* Python.

Repository URL: http://hg.python.org/devguide

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