[Python-checkins] devguide: Expand explanations about gdb support

antoine.pitrou python-checkins at python.org
Thu Jan 20 21:03:11 CET 2011

antoine.pitrou pushed 61f9ea1067df to devguide:

changeset:   162:61f9ea1067df
tag:         tip
user:        Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net>
date:        Thu Jan 20 21:03:06 2011 +0100
  Expand explanations about gdb support


diff --git a/gdb.rst b/gdb.rst
--- a/gdb.rst
+++ b/gdb.rst
@@ -3,17 +3,33 @@
 gdb Support
+If you experience low-level problems such as crashes or deadlocks
+(e.g. when tinkering with parts of CPython which are written in C),
+it can be convenient to use a low-level debugger such as gdb in
+order to diagnose and fix the issue.  By default, however, gdb (or any
+of its front-ends) doesn't know about high-level information specific to the
+CPython interpreter, such as which Python function is currently executing,
+or what type or value has a given Python object represented by a standard
+``PyObject *`` pointer.  We hereafter present two ways to overcome this
 gdb 7 and later
-In gdb 7, support for extending gdb with Python was added. When CPython is
-built you will notice a python-gdb.py file in the root directory of your
-checkout. Read the module docstring for details on how to use the file to
-enhance gdb for easier debugging of a CPython process.
+In gdb 7, support for `extending gdb with Python
+<http://sourceware.org/gdb/current/onlinedocs/gdb/Python.html#Python>`_ was
+added. When CPython is built you will notice a ``python-gdb.py`` file in the
+root directory of your checkout. Read the module docstring for details on how
+to use the file to enhance gdb for easier debugging of a CPython process.
+.. note: This is only available for Python 2.7, 3.2 and higher.
 gdb 6 and earlier
 The file at ``Misc/gdbinit`` contains a gdb configuration file which provides
-extra commands when working with a CPython process. To use the file, either
-copy the commands to your personal gdb configuration file or symlink
-``~/.gdbinit`` to ``Misc/gdbinit``.
+extra commands when working with a CPython process. To register these commands
+permanently, either copy the commands to your personal gdb configuration file
+or symlink ``~/.gdbinit`` to ``Misc/gdbinit``.  To use these commands from
+a single gdb session without registering them, type ``source Misc/gdbinit``
+from your gdb session.

Repository URL: http://hg.python.org/devguide

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