[Python-checkins] r88117 - in python/branches/py3k/Misc: AIX-NOTES README.AIX

brett.cannon python-checkins at python.org
Thu Jan 20 00:08:44 CET 2011

Author: brett.cannon
Date: Thu Jan 20 00:08:44 2011
New Revision: 88117

Rename AIX-NOTES to something that follows the convention in Misc.

      - copied unchanged from r88116, /python/branches/py3k/Misc/AIX-NOTES

Deleted: python/branches/py3k/Misc/AIX-NOTES
--- python/branches/py3k/Misc/AIX-NOTES	Thu Jan 20 00:08:44 2011
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-Subject: AIX - Misc/AIX-NOTES
-From: Vladimir Marangozov <Vladimir.Marangozov at imag.fr>
-To: guido at CNRI.Reston.Va.US (Guido van Rossum)
-Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 11:41:00 +0200 (EET)
-                              COMPILER INFORMATION
-(1) A problem has been reported with "make test" failing because of "weird
-    indentation."  Searching the comp.lang.python newsgroup reveals several
-    threads on this subject, and it seems to be a compiler bug in an old
-    version of the AIX CC compiler.  However, the compiler/OS combination
-    which has this problem is not identified.  In preparation for the 1.4
-    release, Vladimir Marangozov (Vladimir.Marangozov at imag.fr) and Manus Hand
-    (mhand at csn.net) reported no such troubles for the following compilers and
-    operating system versions:
-       AIX C compiler version 3.1.2 on AIX 4.1.3 and AIX 4.1.4
-       AIX C compiler version 1.3.0 on AIX 3.2.5
-    If you have this problem, please report the compiler/OS version.
-(2) Stefan Esser (se at MI.Uni-Koeln.DE), in work done to compile Python
-    1.0.0 on AIX 3.2.4, reports that AIX compilers don't like the LANG
-    environment varaiable set to European locales.  This makes the compiler
-    generate floating point constants using "," as the decimal separator,
-    which the assembler doesn't understand (or perhaps it is the other way
-    around, with the assembler expecting, but not getting "," in float
-    numbers).  "LANG=C; export LANG" solves the problem, as does
-    "LANG=C $(MAKE) ..." in the master Makefile.
-(3) The cc (or xlc) compiler considers "Python/ceval.c" too complex to
-    optimize, except when invoked with "-qmaxmem=4000"
-(4) Some problems (due to _AIX not being #defined) when python 1.0.0 was
-    compiled using 'gcc -ansi' were reported by Stefan Esser, but were not
-    investigated.
-(5) The cc compiler has internal variables named "__abs" and "__div".  These
-    names are reserved and may not be used as program variables in compiled
-    source.  (As an anecdote in support of this, the implementation of
-    Python/operator.c had this problem in the 1.4 beta releases, and the
-    solution was to re#define some core-source variables having these names,
-    to give these python variables different names if the build is being done
-    on AIX.)
-(6) As mentioned in the README, builds done immediately after previous builds
-    (without "make clean" or "make clobber") sometimes fail for mysterious
-    reasons.  There are some unpredictable results when the configuration
-    is changed (that is, if you "configure" with different parameters) or if
-    intermediate changes are made to some files.  Performing "make clean" or
-    "make clobber" resolves the problems.
-                                THREAD SUPPORT
-As of AIX version 4, there are two (incompatible) types of pthreads on AIX:
-        a)  AIX DCE pthreads (on AIX 3.2.5)
-        b)  AIX 4 pthreads (on AIX 4.1 and up)
-Support has been added to Python to handle the distinction.
-The cc and gcc compilers do not initialize pthreads properly. The only
-compilers that can initialize pthreads properly are IBM *_r* compilers,
-which use the crt0_r.o module, and which invoke ld with the reentrant
-version of libc (libc_r).
-In order to enable thread support, follow these steps:
-   1.  Uncomment the thread module in Modules/Setup
-   2.  configure --without-gcc --with-thread ...
-   3.  make CC="cc_r" OPT="-O -qmaxmem=4000"
-For example, to make with both threads and readline, use:
-  ./configure --without-gcc --with-thread --with-readline=/usr/local/lib
-  make CC=cc_r OPT="-O2 -qmaxmem=4000"
-If the "make" which is used ignores the "CC=cc_r" directive, one could alias
-the cc command to cc_r (for example, in C-shell, perform an "alias cc cc_r").
-Vladimir Marangozov (Vladimir.Marangozov at imag.fr) provided this information,
-and he reports that a cc_r build initializes threads properly and that all
-demos on threads run okay with cc_r.
-                            SHARED LIBRARY SUPPORT
-AIX shared library support was added to Python in the 1.4 release by Manus
-Hand (mhand at csn.net) and Vladimir Marangozov (Vladimir.Marangozov at imag.fr).
-Python modules may now be built as shared libraries on AIX using the normal
-process of uncommenting the "*shared*" line in Modules/Setup before the
-AIX shared libraries require that an "export" and "import" file be provided
-at compile time to list all extern symbols which may be shared between
-modules.  The "export" file (named python.exp) for the modules and the
-libraries that belong to the Python core is created by the "makexp_aix"
-script before performing the link of the python binary. It lists all global
-symbols (exported during the link) of the modules and the libraries that
-make up the python executable.
-When shared library modules (.so files) are made, a second shell script
-is invoked.  This script is named "ld_so_aix" and is also provided with
-the distribution in the Modules subdirectory.  This script acts as an "ld"
-wrapper which hides the explicit management of "export" and "import" files;
-it adds the appropriate arguments (in the appropriate order) to the link
-command that creates the shared module.  Among other things, it specifies
-that the "python.exp" file is an "import" file for the shared module.
-At the time of this writing, neither the python.exp file nor the makexp_aix
-or ld_so_aix scripts are installed by the make procedure, so you should
-remember to keep these and/or copy them to a different location for
-safekeeping if you wish to use them to add shared extension modules to
-python.  However, if the make process has been updated since this writing,
-these files MAY have been installed for you during the make by the
-LIBAINSTALL rule, in which case the need to make safe copies is obviated.
-If you wish to add a shared extension module to the language, you would follow
-the steps given in the example below (the example adds the shared extension
-module "spam" to python):
-    1.  Make sure that "ld_so_aix" and "makexp_aix" are in your path.
-    2.  The "python.exp" file should be in the current directory.
-    3.  Issue the following commands or include them in your Makefile:
-            cc -c spammodule.c
-            ld_so_aix cc spammodule.o -o spammodule.so
-For more detailed information on the shared library support, examine the
-contents of the "ld_so_aix" and "makexp_aix" scripts or refer to the AIX
-NOTE:  If the extension module is written in C++ and contains templates,
-       an alternative to "ld_so_aix" is the /usr/lpp/xlC/bin/makeC++SharedLib
-       script.  Chris Myers (myers at TC.Cornell.EDU) reports that ld_so_aix
-       works well for some C++ (including the C++ that is generated
-       automatically by the Python SWIG package [SWIG can be found at
-       http://www.cs.utah.edu/~beazley/SWIG/swig.html]).  However, it is not
-       known whether makeC++SharedLib can be used as a complete substitute
-       for ld_so_aix.
-According to Gary Hook from IBM, the format of the export file changed
-in AIX 4.2.  For AIX 4.2 and later, a period "." is required on the
-first line after "#!".  If python crashes while importing a shared
-library, you can try modifying the LINKCC variable in the Makefile.
-It probably looks like this:
-	LINKCC=     $(srcdir)/Modules/makexp_aix Modules/python.exp \"\" $(LIBRARY); $(PURIFY) $(CXX)
-You should modify the \"\" to be a period:
-	LINKCC=     $(srcdir)/Modules/makexp_aix Modules/python.exp . $(LIBRARY); $(PURIFY) $(CXX)
-Using a period fixed the problem in the snake farm.  YMMV.
-This fix has been incorporated into Python 2.3.

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