[Python-checkins] devguide: Move patches.rst to patch.rst and finish fleshing out.

brett.cannon python-checkins at python.org
Wed Jan 5 01:27:31 CET 2011

brett.cannon pushed 935450a59738 to devguide:

changeset:   27:935450a59738
tag:         tip
user:        Brett Cannon <brett at python.org>
date:        Tue Jan 04 16:27:23 2011 -0800
  Move patches.rst to patch.rst and finish fleshing out.


diff --git a/patches.rst b/patch.rst
rename from patches.rst
rename to patch.rst
--- a/patches.rst
+++ b/patch.rst
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
 First, make sure to follow Python's style guidelines. For Python code you
 should follow `PEP 8`_, and for C code you should follow `PEP 7`_. If you have
-one or two discrepencies those can be fixed by the core committer who commits
+one or two discrepencies those can be fixed by the core developer who commits
 your patch. But if you have systematic deviations from the style guides your
 patch will be put on hold until you fix the formatting issues.
 Second, be aware of backwards-compatibility considerations. While the core
-committer who eventually handles your patch will make the final call on whether
+developer who eventually handles your patch will make the final call on whether
 something is acceptable, having you think about backwards-compatibility early
 will help prevent having your patch rejected on these grounds. Basically just
 put yourself in the shoes of someone whose code will be broken by a change to
@@ -69,16 +69,48 @@
+If this is a patch in response to a pre-existing issue on the `issue tracker`_,
+attach the patch to the issue. Please provide any details about your patch that
+would be relevant to the discussion of the issue or your patch.
+If this is a patch for an unreported issue (assuming you already performed a
+search on the issue tracker for a pre-existing issue), create a new issue and
+attach your patch. Please fill in as much relevant detail as possible to
+prevent patch reviewers from having to delay reviewing your patch because of
+lack of information.
+.. _issue tracker: http://bugs.python.org
+To begin with, please be patient! There are many more people submitting patches
+than there are people capable of reviewing your patch. To get your patch
+reviewed it also requires a reviewer to have the spare time and motivation to
+look at your patch (we cannot force anyone to review patches). If your patch has
+not received any notice from reviewers (i.e., no comment made) then you may
+email python-dev at python.org asking for someone to take a look at your patch.
+When someone does manage to find the time to look at your patch they will most
+likely make a comment about how it can be improved (don't worry, even core
+developers on Python have their patches sent back to them for changes). The
+status of the issue will be made "pending" and will be automatically closed in
+two weeks if you do not address the issues raised. This is to prevent your
+patch sitting their open forever if you happen to lose interest.
+Once your patch has reached an acceptable state (and thus considered
+"accepted"), it will either be committed or rejected. If it is rejected, please
+do not take it personally! Your work is still appreciated regardless of whether
+your patch is committed. Balancing what *does* and *`does not* go into Python
+is tricky and we simply cannot accept everyone's contributions.
+But if your patch is committed it will then go into Python's VCS to be released
+with the next major release of Python. It may also be backported to older
+versions of Python as a bugfix if the core developer doing the commit believes
+it is warranted.

Repository URL: http://hg.python.org/devguide

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