[Python-checkins] r77717 - in python/trunk: Lib/distutils/command/register.py Lib/distutils/command/upload.pyLib/distutils/dist.py Lib/distutils/tests/test_register.py Lib/distutils/tests/test_upload.py Misc/NEWS

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Sun Jan 24 17:36:27 CET 2010

<tarek.ziade> writes:
> Author: tarek.ziade
> Date: Sun Jan 24 01:33:32 2010
> New Revision: 77717
> Log:
> Fixed #7748: now upload and register commands don't need to force the
> encoding anymore :
> DistributionMetada returns utf8 strings

I'm sorry, is this right?
First, this looks like a backwards-incompatible change in the API. Merging it
into 2.6 could break software which used to work fine.
Second, I don't think returning utf8-encoded strings is any better than
returning unicode objects. It's probably worse actually (especially in py3k, but
I don't know what the behaviour is there).

Thank you


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