[Python-checkins] r87118 - in python/branches/py3k: Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py Makefile.pre.in

ronald.oussoren python-checkins at python.org
Tue Dec 7 15:41:05 CET 2010

Author: ronald.oussoren
Date: Tue Dec  7 15:41:05 2010
New Revision: 87118

Two small changes to adjust framework builds to the new stable ABI

Both the Makefile and the script that is used on OSX to create the binary
installer refer to the directory containing the Makefile using the name
'config'. This name was changed with the new ABI (with default build flags
it is now named config-3.2m).  This patch ensures that both files use the
correct name.

The build-installer.py script contains one other change: it now tests for the
Tcl/Tk framework version by looking at the 'Current' symlink in the framework
instead of runnning a script. This makes it possible to verify the version
that is in the SDK that's used during the build instead of the version that
is installed on the system.


Modified: python/branches/py3k/Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py
--- python/branches/py3k/Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Mac/BuildScript/build-installer.py	Tue Dec  7 15:41:05 2010
@@ -418,15 +418,16 @@
     #       to install a newer patch level.
     for framework in ['Tcl', 'Tk']:
-        fw = dict(lower=framework.lower(),
-                    upper=framework.upper(),
-                    cap=framework.capitalize())
-        fwpth = "Library/Frameworks/%(cap)s.framework/%(lower)sConfig.sh" % fw
-        sysfw = os.path.join('/System', fwpth)
+        #fw = dict(lower=framework.lower(),
+        #            upper=framework.upper(),
+        #            cap=framework.capitalize())
+        #fwpth = "Library/Frameworks/%(cap)s.framework/%(lower)sConfig.sh" % fw
+        fwpth = 'Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions/Current'
+        sysfw = os.path.join(SDKPATH, 'System', fwpth)
         libfw = os.path.join('/', fwpth)
         usrfw = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), fwpth)
-        version = "%(upper)s_VERSION" % fw
-        if getTclTkVersion(libfw, version) != getTclTkVersion(sysfw, version):
+        #version = "%(upper)s_VERSION" % fw
+        if os.readlink(libfw) != os.readlink(sysfw):
             fatal("Version of %s must match %s" % (libfw, sysfw) )
         if os.path.exists(usrfw):
             fatal("Please rename %s to avoid possible dynamic load issues."
@@ -825,12 +826,29 @@
             os.chmod(p, stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode) | stat.S_IWGRP)
             os.chown(p, -1, gid)
+    VERSION=None
+    ABIFLAGS=None
+    with open(os.path.join(buildDir, 'Makefile')) as fp:
+        for ln in fp:
+            if ln.startswith('VERSION='):
+                VERSION=ln.split()[1]
+            if ln.startswith('ABIFLAGS='):
+                ABIFLAGS=ln.split()[1]
+            if ln.startswith('LDVERSION='):
+                LDVERSION=ln.split()[1]
     # We added some directories to the search path during the configure
     # phase. Remove those because those directories won't be there on
     # the end-users system.
     path =os.path.join(rootDir, 'Library', 'Frameworks', 'Python.framework',
                 'Versions', version, 'lib', 'python%s'%(version,),
-                'config', 'Makefile')
+                'config-' + LDVERSION, 'Makefile')
     fp = open(path, 'r')
     data = fp.read()

Modified: python/branches/py3k/Makefile.pre.in
--- python/branches/py3k/Makefile.pre.in	(original)
+++ python/branches/py3k/Makefile.pre.in	Tue Dec  7 15:41:05 2010
@@ -498,7 +498,6 @@
 	$(LN) -fsn $(VERSION) $(PYTHONFRAMEWORKDIR)/Versions/Current
-	$(LN) -fsn Versions/Current/Headers $(PYTHONFRAMEWORKDIR)/Headers
 	$(LN) -fsn Versions/Current/Resources $(PYTHONFRAMEWORKDIR)/Resources
 # This rule builds the Cygwin Python DLL and import library if configured
@@ -1113,7 +1112,7 @@
 		else	true; \
 		fi; \
-	$(LN) -fsn include/python$(VERSION) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/Headers
+	$(LN) -fsn include/python$(LDVERSION) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/Headers
 	sed 's/%VERSION%/'"`$(RUNSHARED) ./$(BUILDPYTHON) -c 'import platform; print(platform.python_version())'`"'/g' < $(RESSRCDIR)/Info.plist > $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/Resources/Info.plist
@@ -1125,8 +1124,8 @@
 # Install a number of symlinks to keep software that expects a normal unix
 # install (which includes python-config) happy.
-	ln -fs "../../../$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)" "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/python$(VERSION)/config/libpython$(VERSION).a"
-	ln -fs "../../../$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)" "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/python$(VERSION)/config/libpython$(VERSION).dylib"
+	ln -fs "../../../$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)" "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/python$(VERSION)/config-$(LDVERSION)/libpython$(VERSION).a"
+	ln -fs "../../../$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)" "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/python$(VERSION)/config-$(LDVERSION)/libpython$(VERSION).dylib"
 	ln -fs "../$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)" "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/libpython$(VERSION).dylib"
 # This installs the IDE, the Launcher and other apps into /Applications

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