[Python-checkins] distutils2: Update developer notes

tarek.ziade python-checkins at python.org
Sun Aug 8 11:50:45 CEST 2010

tarek.ziade pushed 2c1b8e12d65b to distutils2:

changeset:   401:2c1b8e12d65b
user:        ?ric Araujo <merwok at netwok.org>
date:        Sat Jul 31 12:57:05 2010 +0200
summary:     Update developer notes
files:       src/DEVNOTES.txt

diff --git a/src/DEVNOTES.txt b/src/DEVNOTES.txt
--- a/src/DEVNOTES.txt
+++ b/src/DEVNOTES.txt
@@ -1,10 +1,20 @@
 Notes for developers
-- Distutils2 runs from 2.4 to 3.2 (3.x not implemented yet), so
-  make sure you don't use a syntax that doesn't work under
+- Distutils2 runs on Python from 2.4 to 3.2 (3.x not implemented yet),
+  so make sure you don't use a syntax that doesn't work under
   one of these Python versions.
 - Always run tests.sh before you push a change. This implies
-  that you have all Python versions installed from 2.4 to 2.6.
+  that you have all Python versions installed from 2.4 to 2.7.
+- With Python 2.4, if you want to run tests with runtests.py, or run
+  ust one test directly, be sure to run python2.4 setup.py build_ext
+  first, else tests won't find _hashlib or _md5. When using tests.sh,
+  build_ext is automatically done.
+- Renaming to do:
+  - DistributionMetadata > Metadata or ReleaseMetadata
+  - pkgutil > pkgutil.__init__ + new pkgutil.database (or better name)
+  - pypi > index

Repository URL: http://hg.python.org/distutils2

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