[Python-checkins] r72563 - peps/trunk/pep-0374.txt

David Goodger goodger at python.org
Sat May 16 01:11:27 CEST 2009

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 18:42, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> wrote:
>> Dirkjan, I appreciate the desire to go forward with the transition, and I
>> applaud your initiative, but this is not the way to do it.  A new PEP is
>> appropriate here.  Please revert revision 72563 and create a new PEP.
> I disagree that this should be done.

We'll just have to agree to disagree :-)

One role of the PEP editors is to act as archivists, preserving the
historical record. That's one of the points of PEPs: to serve as
long-term memory. The rationale for the choice of DVCS is important
history, and should be preserved.

>> There are three warning bells ringing loudly here:
>> 1. The PEP title was changed.
> The title, but not the spirit. The title is just more precise than it
> was before?

A title change to increase precision is fine. But combine that with a
rewrite of the content, and the PEP is effectively replaced.

>> 2. The authors were changed.  This is, IMO, incredibly rude.
> Why is it rude? The original author agreed to that change.

What about the other three? I.e. the ones that were removed (Stephen
J. Turnbull, Alexandre Vassalotti, and Barry Warsaw). Were they

> There have been changes to the list of authors in other PEPs before,
> and nobody complained.

I'm not aware of authors being removed before. Can you cite a case?

>> 3. Huge swaths of the existing PEP were ripped out.  Effectively a complete
>> rewrite.  This feels like revising history.
> It was only done to improve the PEP.

To improve a building, it can be renovated, or it can be torn down and
a new one built in its place. Why tear down this one? We have plenty
of room for more. Why not just add a new one? That's the right course
of action here IMO.

> I don't think there are any PEP editors left :-(

Currently subscribed to the PEP Editors list (peps at python.org):

Anthony Baxter
Georg Brandl
Brett Cannon
David Goodger
Guido van Rossum
Barry Warsaw

Guido monitors the list. Georg has been the most active lately. Barry
and I speak up from time to time. I do try to monitor PEP checkins,
and speak up when I notice something's amiss.

There hasn't been much activity lately, as I believe people have
gotten used to the DIY approach. The workload is not overwhelming the
current PEP editors. It's a non-issue.

David Goodger <http://python.net/~goodger>

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