[Python-checkins] r70837 - in python/trunk: Doc/library/unittest.rst Lib/test/test_gc.py Lib/test/test_struct.py Lib/test/test_unittest.py Lib/unittest.py Misc/NEWS

gregory.p.smith python-checkins at python.org
Tue Mar 31 18:54:10 CEST 2009

Author: gregory.p.smith
Date: Tue Mar 31 18:54:10 2009
New Revision: 70837

The unittest.TestCase.assertEqual() now displays the differences in lists,
tuples, dicts and sets on failure.

Many new handy type and comparison specific assert* methods have been added
that fail with error messages actually useful for debugging.  Contributed in
by Google and completed with help from mfoord and GvR at PyCon 2009 sprints.

Discussion lives in http://bugs.python.org/issue2578.


Modified: python/trunk/Doc/library/unittest.rst
--- python/trunk/Doc/library/unittest.rst	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Doc/library/unittest.rst	Tue Mar 31 18:54:10 2009
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@
            widget = Widget('The widget')
            self.assertEqual(widget.size(), (50, 50), 'incorrect default size')
-Note that in order to test something, we use the one of the :meth:`assert\*` or
-:meth:`fail\*` methods provided by the :class:`TestCase` base class.  If the
+Note that in order to test something, we use the one of the :meth:`assert\*`
+methods provided by the :class:`TestCase` base class.  If the
 test fails, an exception will be raised, and :mod:`unittest` will identify the
 test case as a :dfn:`failure`.  Any other exceptions will be treated as
 :dfn:`errors`. This helps you identify where the problem is: :dfn:`failures` are
@@ -240,13 +240,13 @@
    class DefaultWidgetSizeTestCase(SimpleWidgetTestCase):
        def runTest(self):
-           self.failUnless(self.widget.size() == (50,50),
+           self.assertTrue(self.widget.size() == (50,50),
                            'incorrect default size')
    class WidgetResizeTestCase(SimpleWidgetTestCase):
        def runTest(self):
-           self.failUnless(self.widget.size() == (100,150),
+           self.assertTrue(self.widget.size() == (100,150),
                            'wrong size after resize')
 If the :meth:`~TestCase.setUp` method raises an exception while the test is
@@ -288,12 +288,12 @@
            self.widget = None
        def testDefaultSize(self):
-           self.failUnless(self.widget.size() == (50,50),
+           self.assertTrue(self.widget.size() == (50,50),
                            'incorrect default size')
        def testResize(self):
-           self.failUnless(self.widget.size() == (100,150),
+           self.assertTrue(self.widget.size() == (100,150),
                            'wrong size after resize')
 Here we have not provided a :meth:`~TestCase.runTest` method, but have instead
@@ -606,9 +606,9 @@
-   .. method:: assert_(expr[, msg])
+   .. method:: assertTrue(expr[, msg])
+               assert_(expr[, msg])
                failUnless(expr[, msg])
-               assertTrue(expr[, msg])
       Signal a test failure if *expr* is false; the explanation for the error
       will be *msg* if given, otherwise it will be :const:`None`.
@@ -619,10 +619,18 @@
       Test that *first* and *second* are equal.  If the values do not compare
       equal, the test will fail with the explanation given by *msg*, or
-      :const:`None`.  Note that using :meth:`failUnlessEqual` improves upon
-      doing the comparison as the first parameter to :meth:`failUnless`: the
-      default value for *msg* can be computed to include representations of both
-      *first* and *second*.
+      :const:`None`.  Note that using :meth:`assertEqual` improves upon
+      doing the comparison as the first parameter to :meth:`assertTrue`: the
+      default value for *msg* include representations of both *first* and
+      *second*.
+      In addition, if *first* and *second* are the exact same type and one of
+      list, tuple, dict, set, or frozenset or any type that a subclass
+      registers :meth:`addTypeEqualityFunc` the type specific equality function
+      will be called in order to generate a more useful default error message.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.7
+         Added the automatic calling of type specific equality function.
    .. method:: assertNotEqual(first, second[, msg])
@@ -630,8 +638,8 @@
       Test that *first* and *second* are not equal.  If the values do compare
       equal, the test will fail with the explanation given by *msg*, or
-      :const:`None`.  Note that using :meth:`failIfEqual` improves upon doing
-      the comparison as the first parameter to :meth:`failUnless` is that the
+      :const:`None`.  Note that using :meth:`assertNotEqual` improves upon doing
+      the comparison as the first parameter to :meth:`assertTrue` is that the
       default value for *msg* can be computed to include representations of both
       *first* and *second*.
@@ -662,6 +670,125 @@
+   .. method:: assertGreater(first, second, msg=None)
+               assertGreaterEqual(first, second, msg=None)
+               assertLess(first, second, msg=None)
+               assertLessEqual(first, second, msg=None)
+      Test that *first* is respectively >, >=, < or <= than *second* depending
+      on the method name.  If not, the test will fail with the nice explanation
+      or with the explanation given by *msg*::
+         >>> self.assertGreaterEqual(3, 4)
+         AssertionError: "3" unexpectedly not greater than or equal to "4"
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
+   .. method:: assertMultiLineEqual(self, first, second, msg=None)
+      Test that the multiline string *first* is equal to the string *second*.
+      When not equal a diff of the two strings highlighting the differences
+      will be included in the error message.
+      If specified *msg* will be used as the error message on failure.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
+   .. method:: assertRegexpMatches(text, regexp[, msg=None]):
+      Verifies that a *regexp* search matches *text*.  Fails with an error
+      message including the pattern and the *text*.  *regexp* may be
+      a regular expression object or a string containing a regular expression
+      suitable for use by :func:`re.search`.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
+   .. method:: assertIn(first, second, msg=None)
+               assertNotIn(first, second, msg=None)
+      Tests that *first* is or is not in *second* with a nice explanitory error
+      message as appropriate.
+      If specified *msg* will be used as the error message on failure.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
+   .. method:: assertSameElements(expected, actual, msg=None)
+      Test that sequence *expected* contains the same elements as *actual*.
+      When they don't an error message listing the differences between the
+      sequences will be generated.
+      If specified *msg* will be used as the error message on failure.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
+   .. method:: assertSetEqual(set1, set2, msg=None)
+      Tests that two sets are equal.  If not, an error message is constructed
+      that lists the differences between the sets.
+      Fails if either of *set1* or *set2* does not have a :meth:`set.difference`
+      method.
+      If specified *msg* will be used as the error message on failure.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
+   .. method:: assertDictEqual(expected, actual, msg=None)
+      Test that two dictionaries are equal.  If not, an error message is
+      constructed that shows the differences in the dictionaries.
+      If specified *msg* will be used as the error message on failure.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
+   .. method:: assertDictContainsSubset(expected, actual, msg=None)
+      Tests whether the key value pairs in dictionary *actual* are a
+      superset of those in *expected*.  If not, an error message listing
+      the missing keys and mismatched values is generated.
+      If specified *msg* will be used as the error message on failure.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
+   .. method:: assertListEqual(list1, list2, msg=None)
+               assertTupleEqual(tuple1, tuple2, msg=None)
+      Tests that two lists or tuples are equal.  If not an error message is
+      constructed that shows only the differences between the two.  An error
+      is also raised if either of the parameters are of the wrong type.
+      If specified *msg* will be used as the error message on failure.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
+   .. method:: assertSequenceEqual(seq1, seq2, msg=None, seq_type=None)
+      Tests that two sequences are equal.  If a *seq_type* is supplied, both
+      *seq1* and *seq2* must be instances of *seq_type* or a failure will
+      be raised.  If the sequences are different an error message is
+      constructed that shows the difference between the two.
+      If specified *msg* will be used as the error message on failure.
+      This method is used to implement :meth:`assertListEqual` and
+      :meth:`assertTupleEqual`.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
    .. method:: assertRaises(exception[, callable, ...])
                failUnlessRaises(exception[, callable, ...])
@@ -682,10 +809,43 @@
          Added the ability to use :meth:`assertRaises` as a context manager.
-   .. method:: failIf(expr[, msg])
-               assertFalse(expr[, msg])
+   .. method:: assertRaisesRegexp(exception, regexp[, callable, ...])
+      Like :meth:`assertRaises` but also tests that *regexp* matches
+      on the string representation of the raised exception.  *regexp* may be
+      a regular expression object or a string containing a regular expression
+      suitable for use by :func:`re.search`.  Examples::
+         self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'invalid literal for.*XYZ$',
+                                 int, 'XYZ')
-      The inverse of the :meth:`failUnless` method is the :meth:`failIf` method.
+      or::
+         with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'literal'):
+            int('XYZ')
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
+   .. method:: assertIsNone(expr[, msg])
+      This signals a test failure if *expr* is not None.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
+   .. method:: assertIsNotNone(expr[, msg])
+      The inverse of the :meth:`assertIsNone` method.
+      This signals a test failure if *expr* is None.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
+   .. method:: assertFalse(expr[, msg])
+               failIf(expr[, msg])
+      The inverse of the :meth:`assertTrue` method is the :meth:`assertFalse` method.
       This signals a test failure if *expr* is true, with *msg* or :const:`None`
       for the error message.
@@ -733,10 +893,34 @@
    .. method:: shortDescription()
-      Returns a one-line description of the test, or :const:`None` if no
-      description has been provided.  The default implementation of this method
-      returns the first line of the test method's docstring, if available, or
-      :const:`None`.
+      Returns a description of the test, or :const:`None` if no description
+      has been provided.  The default implementation of this method
+      returns the first line of the test method's docstring, if available,
+      along with the method name.
+      .. versionchanged:: 2.7
+         In earlier versions this only returned the first line of the test
+         method's docstring, if available or the :const:`None`.  That led to
+         undesirable behavior of not printing the test name when someone was
+         thoughtful enough to write a docstring.
+   .. method:: addTypeEqualityFunc(typeobj, function)
+      Registers a type specific :meth:`assertEqual` equality checking
+      function to be called by :meth:`assertEqual` when both objects it has
+      been asked to compare are exactly *typeobj* (not subclasses).
+      *function* must take two positional arguments and a third msg=None
+      keyword argument just as :meth:`assertEqual` does.  It must raise
+      self.failureException when inequality between the first two
+      parameters is detected.
+      One good use of custom equality checking functions for a type
+      is to raise self.failureException with an error message useful
+      for debugging the by explaining the inequalities in detail.
+      .. versionadded:: 2.7
 .. class:: FunctionTestCase(testFunc[, setUp[, tearDown[, description]]])

Modified: python/trunk/Lib/test/test_gc.py
--- python/trunk/Lib/test/test_gc.py	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Lib/test/test_gc.py	Tue Mar 31 18:54:10 2009
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
     # - the call to assertEqual somehow avoids building its args tuple
     def test_get_count(self):
         # Avoid future allocation of method object
-        assertEqual = self.assertEqual
+        assertEqual = self._baseAssertEqual
         assertEqual(gc.get_count(), (0, 0, 0))
         a = dict()

Modified: python/trunk/Lib/test/test_struct.py
--- python/trunk/Lib/test/test_struct.py	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Lib/test/test_struct.py	Tue Mar 31 18:54:10 2009
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@
             BUGGY_RANGE_CHECK = "bBhHiIlL"
             def __init__(self, formatpair, bytesize):
+                super(IntTester, self).__init__(methodName='test_one')
                 self.assertEqual(len(formatpair), 2)
                 self.formatpair = formatpair
                 for direction in "<>!=":

Modified: python/trunk/Lib/test/test_unittest.py
--- python/trunk/Lib/test/test_unittest.py	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Lib/test/test_unittest.py	Tue Mar 31 18:54:10 2009
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
     TestCase.{assert,fail}* methods (some are tested implicitly)
+import re
 from test import test_support
 import unittest
 from unittest import TestCase
@@ -70,21 +71,20 @@
     def test_hash(self):
         for obj_1, obj_2 in self.eq_pairs:
-                assert hash(obj_1) == hash(obj_2)
+                if not hash(obj_1) == hash(obj_2):
+                    self.fail("%r and %r do not hash equal" % (obj_1, obj_2))
             except KeyboardInterrupt:
-            except AssertionError:
-                self.fail("%s and %s do not hash equal" % (obj_1, obj_2))
             except Exception, e:
-                self.fail("Problem hashing %s and %s: %s" % (obj_1, obj_2, e))
+                self.fail("Problem hashing %r and %r: %s" % (obj_1, obj_2, e))
         for obj_1, obj_2 in self.ne_pairs:
-                assert hash(obj_1) != hash(obj_2)
+                if hash(obj_1) == hash(obj_2):
+                    self.fail("%s and %s hash equal, but shouldn't" %
+                              (obj_1, obj_2))
             except KeyboardInterrupt:
-            except AssertionError:
-                self.fail("%s and %s hash equal, but shouldn't" % (obj_1, obj_2))
             except Exception, e:
                 self.fail("Problem hashing %s and %s: %s" % (obj_1, obj_2, e))
@@ -2237,39 +2237,6 @@
         self.failUnless(isinstance(Foo().id(), basestring))
-    # "Returns a one-line description of the test, or None if no description
-    # has been provided. The default implementation of this method returns
-    # the first line of the test method's docstring, if available, or None."
-    def test_shortDescription__no_docstring(self):
-        class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
-            def runTest(self):
-                pass
-        self.assertEqual(Foo().shortDescription(), None)
-    # "Returns a one-line description of the test, or None if no description
-    # has been provided. The default implementation of this method returns
-    # the first line of the test method's docstring, if available, or None."
-    def test_shortDescription__singleline_docstring(self):
-        class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
-            def runTest(self):
-                "this tests foo"
-                pass
-        self.assertEqual(Foo().shortDescription(), "this tests foo")
-    # "Returns a one-line description of the test, or None if no description
-    # has been provided. The default implementation of this method returns
-    # the first line of the test method's docstring, if available, or None."
-    def test_shortDescription__multiline_docstring(self):
-        class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
-            def runTest(self):
-                """this tests foo
-                blah, bar and baz are also tested"""
-                pass
-        self.assertEqual(Foo().shortDescription(), "this tests foo")
     # "If result is omitted or None, a temporary result object is created
     # and used, but is not made available to the caller"
     def test_run__uses_defaultTestResult(self):
@@ -2288,6 +2255,409 @@
         expected = ['startTest', 'test', 'addSuccess', 'stopTest']
         self.assertEqual(events, expected)
+    def testShortDescriptionWithoutDocstring(self):
+        self.assertEqual(
+                self.shortDescription(),
+                'testShortDescriptionWithoutDocstring (' + __name__ +
+                '.Test_TestCase)')
+    def testShortDescriptionWithOneLineDocstring(self):
+        """Tests shortDescription() for a method with a docstring."""
+        self.assertEqual(
+                self.shortDescription(),
+                ('testShortDescriptionWithOneLineDocstring '
+                 '(' + __name__ + '.Test_TestCase)\n'
+                 'Tests shortDescription() for a method with a docstring.'))
+    def testShortDescriptionWithMultiLineDocstring(self):
+        """Tests shortDescription() for a method with a longer docstring.
+        This method ensures that only the first line of a docstring is
+        returned used in the short description, no matter how long the
+        whole thing is.
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(
+                self.shortDescription(),
+                ('testShortDescriptionWithMultiLineDocstring '
+                 '(' + __name__ + '.Test_TestCase)\n'
+                 'Tests shortDescription() for a method with a longer '
+                 'docstring.'))
+    def testAddTypeEqualityFunc(self):
+        class SadSnake(object):
+            """Dummy class for test_addTypeEqualityFunc."""
+        s1, s2 = SadSnake(), SadSnake()
+        self.assertFalse(s1 == s2)
+        def AllSnakesCreatedEqual(a, b, msg=None):
+            return type(a) == type(b) == SadSnake
+        self.addTypeEqualityFunc(SadSnake, AllSnakesCreatedEqual)
+        self.assertEqual(s1, s2)
+        # No this doesn't clean up and remove the SadSnake equality func
+        # from this TestCase instance but since its a local nothing else
+        # will ever notice that.
+    def testAssertIn(self):
+        animals = {'monkey': 'banana', 'cow': 'grass', 'seal': 'fish'}
+        self.assertIn('a', 'abc')
+        self.assertIn(2, [1, 2, 3])
+        self.assertIn('monkey', animals)
+        self.assertNotIn('d', 'abc')
+        self.assertNotIn(0, [1, 2, 3])
+        self.assertNotIn('otter', animals)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertIn, 'x', 'abc')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertIn, 4, [1, 2, 3])
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertIn, 'elephant',
+                          animals)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertNotIn, 'c', 'abc')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertNotIn, 1, [1, 2, 3])
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertNotIn, 'cow',
+                          animals)
+    def testAssertDictContainsSubset(self):
+        self.assertDictContainsSubset({}, {})
+        self.assertDictContainsSubset({}, {'a': 1})
+        self.assertDictContainsSubset({'a': 1}, {'a': 1})
+        self.assertDictContainsSubset({'a': 1}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
+        self.assertDictContainsSubset({'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
+        self.assertRaises(unittest.TestCase.failureException,
+                          self.assertDictContainsSubset, {'a': 2}, {'a': 1},
+                          '.*Mismatched values:.*')
+        self.assertRaises(unittest.TestCase.failureException,
+                          self.assertDictContainsSubset, {'c': 1}, {'a': 1},
+                          '.*Missing:.*')
+        self.assertRaises(unittest.TestCase.failureException,
+                          self.assertDictContainsSubset, {'a': 1, 'c': 1},
+                          {'a': 1}, '.*Missing:.*')
+        self.assertRaises(unittest.TestCase.failureException,
+                          self.assertDictContainsSubset, {'a': 1, 'c': 1},
+                          {'a': 1}, '.*Missing:.*Mismatched values:.*')
+    def testAssertEqual(self):
+        equal_pairs = [
+                ((), ()),
+                ({}, {}),
+                ([], []),
+                (set(), set()),
+                (frozenset(), frozenset())]
+        for a, b in equal_pairs:
+            # This mess of try excepts is to test the assertEqual behavior
+            # itself.
+            try:
+                self.assertEqual(a, b)
+            except self.failureException:
+                self.fail('assertEqual(%r, %r) failed' % (a, b))
+            try:
+                self.assertEqual(a, b, msg='foo')
+            except self.failureException:
+                self.fail('assertEqual(%r, %r) with msg= failed' % (a, b))
+            try:
+                self.assertEqual(a, b, 'foo')
+            except self.failureException:
+                self.fail('assertEqual(%r, %r) with third parameter failed' %
+                          (a, b))
+        unequal_pairs = [
+               ((), []),
+               ({}, set()),
+               (set([4,1]), frozenset([4,2])),
+               (frozenset([4,5]), set([2,3])),
+               (set([3,4]), set([5,4]))]
+        for a, b in unequal_pairs:
+            self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertEqual, a, b)
+            self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertEqual, a, b,
+                              'foo')
+            self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertEqual, a, b,
+                              msg='foo')
+    def testEquality(self):
+        self.assertListEqual([], [])
+        self.assertTupleEqual((), ())
+        self.assertSequenceEqual([], ())
+        a = [0, 'a', []]
+        b = []
+        self.assertRaises(unittest.TestCase.failureException,
+                          self.assertListEqual, a, b)
+        self.assertRaises(unittest.TestCase.failureException,
+                          self.assertListEqual, tuple(a), tuple(b))
+        self.assertRaises(unittest.TestCase.failureException,
+                          self.assertSequenceEqual, a, tuple(b))
+        b.extend(a)
+        self.assertListEqual(a, b)
+        self.assertTupleEqual(tuple(a), tuple(b))
+        self.assertSequenceEqual(a, tuple(b))
+        self.assertSequenceEqual(tuple(a), b)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertListEqual,
+                          a, tuple(b))
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertTupleEqual,
+                          tuple(a), b)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertListEqual, None, b)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertTupleEqual, None,
+                          tuple(b))
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSequenceEqual,
+                          None, tuple(b))
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertListEqual, 1, 1)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertTupleEqual, 1, 1)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSequenceEqual,
+                          1, 1)
+        self.assertDictEqual({}, {})
+        c = { 'x': 1 }
+        d = {}
+        self.assertRaises(unittest.TestCase.failureException,
+                          self.assertDictEqual, c, d)
+        d.update(c)
+        self.assertDictEqual(c, d)
+        d['x'] = 0
+        self.assertRaises(unittest.TestCase.failureException,
+                          self.assertDictEqual, c, d, 'These are unequal')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertDictEqual, None, d)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertDictEqual, [], d)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertDictEqual, 1, 1)
+        self.assertSameElements([1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1])
+        self.assertSameElements([1, 2] + [3] * 100, [1] * 100 + [2, 3])
+        self.assertSameElements(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ['bar', 'baz', 'foo'])
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSameElements,
+                          [10], [10, 11])
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSameElements,
+                          [10, 11], [10])
+        # Test that sequences of unhashable objects can be tested for sameness:
+        self.assertSameElements([[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[3, 4], [1, 2]])
+        self.assertSameElements([{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}], [{'b': 2}, {'a': 1}])
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSameElements,
+                          [[1]], [[2]])
+    def testAssertSetEqual(self):
+        set1 = set()
+        set2 = set()
+        self.assertSetEqual(set1, set2)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSetEqual, None, set2)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSetEqual, [], set2)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSetEqual, set1, None)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSetEqual, set1, [])
+        set1 = set(['a'])
+        set2 = set()
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSetEqual, set1, set2)
+        set1 = set(['a'])
+        set2 = set(['a'])
+        self.assertSetEqual(set1, set2)
+        set1 = set(['a'])
+        set2 = set(['a', 'b'])
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSetEqual, set1, set2)
+        set1 = set(['a'])
+        set2 = frozenset(['a', 'b'])
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSetEqual, set1, set2)
+        set1 = set(['a', 'b'])
+        set2 = frozenset(['a', 'b'])
+        self.assertSetEqual(set1, set2)
+        set1 = set()
+        set2 = "foo"
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSetEqual, set1, set2)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSetEqual, set2, set1)
+        # make sure any string formatting is tuple-safe
+        set1 = set([(0, 1), (2, 3)])
+        set2 = set([(4, 5)])
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertSetEqual, set1, set2)
+    def testInequality(self):
+        # Try ints
+        self.assertGreater(2, 1)
+        self.assertGreaterEqual(2, 1)
+        self.assertGreaterEqual(1, 1)
+        self.assertLess(1, 2)
+        self.assertLessEqual(1, 2)
+        self.assertLessEqual(1, 1)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreater, 1, 2)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreater, 1, 1)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreaterEqual, 1, 2)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLess, 2, 1)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLess, 1, 1)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLessEqual, 2, 1)
+        # Try Floats
+        self.assertGreater(1.1, 1.0)
+        self.assertGreaterEqual(1.1, 1.0)
+        self.assertGreaterEqual(1.0, 1.0)
+        self.assertLess(1.0, 1.1)
+        self.assertLessEqual(1.0, 1.1)
+        self.assertLessEqual(1.0, 1.0)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreater, 1.0, 1.1)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreater, 1.0, 1.0)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreaterEqual, 1.0, 1.1)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLess, 1.1, 1.0)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLess, 1.0, 1.0)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLessEqual, 1.1, 1.0)
+        # Try Strings
+        self.assertGreater('bug', 'ant')
+        self.assertGreaterEqual('bug', 'ant')
+        self.assertGreaterEqual('ant', 'ant')
+        self.assertLess('ant', 'bug')
+        self.assertLessEqual('ant', 'bug')
+        self.assertLessEqual('ant', 'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreater, 'ant', 'bug')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreater, 'ant', 'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreaterEqual, 'ant', 'bug')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLess, 'bug', 'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLess, 'ant', 'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLessEqual, 'bug', 'ant')
+        # Try Unicode
+        self.assertGreater(u'bug', u'ant')
+        self.assertGreaterEqual(u'bug', u'ant')
+        self.assertGreaterEqual(u'ant', u'ant')
+        self.assertLess(u'ant', u'bug')
+        self.assertLessEqual(u'ant', u'bug')
+        self.assertLessEqual(u'ant', u'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreater, u'ant', u'bug')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreater, u'ant', u'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreaterEqual, u'ant',
+                          u'bug')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLess, u'bug', u'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLess, u'ant', u'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLessEqual, u'bug', u'ant')
+        # Try Mixed String/Unicode
+        self.assertGreater('bug', u'ant')
+        self.assertGreater(u'bug', 'ant')
+        self.assertGreaterEqual('bug', u'ant')
+        self.assertGreaterEqual(u'bug', 'ant')
+        self.assertGreaterEqual('ant', u'ant')
+        self.assertGreaterEqual(u'ant', 'ant')
+        self.assertLess('ant', u'bug')
+        self.assertLess(u'ant', 'bug')
+        self.assertLessEqual('ant', u'bug')
+        self.assertLessEqual(u'ant', 'bug')
+        self.assertLessEqual('ant', u'ant')
+        self.assertLessEqual(u'ant', 'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreater, 'ant', u'bug')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreater, u'ant', 'bug')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreater, 'ant', u'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreater, u'ant', 'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreaterEqual, 'ant',
+                          u'bug')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertGreaterEqual, u'ant',
+                          'bug')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLess, 'bug', u'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLess, u'bug', 'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLess, 'ant', u'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLess, u'ant', 'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLessEqual, 'bug', u'ant')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertLessEqual, u'bug', 'ant')
+    def testAssertMultiLineEqual(self):
+        sample_text = b"""\
+test case
+    A test case is the smallest unit of testing. [...]
+        revised_sample_text = b"""\
+test case
+    A test case is the smallest unit of testing. [...] You may provide your
+    own implementation that does not subclass from TestCase, of course.
+        sample_text_error = b"""
+- http://www.python.org/doc/2.3/lib/module-unittest.html
+?                             ^
++ http://www.python.org/doc/2.4.1/lib/module-unittest.html
+?                             ^^^
+  test case
+-     A test case is the smallest unit of testing. [...]
++     A test case is the smallest unit of testing. [...] You may provide your
+?                                                       +++++++++++++++++++++
++     own implementation that does not subclass from TestCase, of course.
+        for type_changer in (lambda x: x, lambda x: x.decode('utf8')):
+            try:
+                self.assertMultiLineEqual(type_changer(sample_text),
+                                          type_changer(revised_sample_text))
+            except self.failureException, e:
+                # no fair testing ourself with ourself, use assertEqual..
+                self.assertEqual(sample_text_error, str(e).encode('utf8'))
+    def testAssertIsNone(self):
+        self.assertIsNone(None)
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertIsNone, False)
+        self.assertIsNotNone('DjZoPloGears on Rails')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertIsNotNone, None)
+    def testAssertRegexpMatches(self):
+        self.assertRegexpMatches('asdfabasdf', r'ab+')
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertRegexpMatches,
+                          'saaas', r'aaaa')
+    def testAssertRaisesRegexp(self):
+        class ExceptionMock(Exception):
+            pass
+        def Stub():
+            raise ExceptionMock('We expect')
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ExceptionMock, re.compile('expect$'), Stub)
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ExceptionMock, 'expect$', Stub)
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ExceptionMock, u'expect$', Stub)
+    def testAssertNotRaisesRegexp(self):
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                self.failureException, '^Exception not raised$',
+                self.assertRaisesRegexp, Exception, re.compile('x'),
+                lambda: None)
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                self.failureException, '^Exception not raised$',
+                self.assertRaisesRegexp, Exception, 'x',
+                lambda: None)
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                self.failureException, '^Exception not raised$',
+                self.assertRaisesRegexp, Exception, u'x',
+                lambda: None)
+    def testAssertRaisesRegexpMismatch(self):
+        def Stub():
+            raise Exception('Unexpected')
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                self.failureException,
+                r'"\^Expected\$" does not match "Unexpected"',
+                self.assertRaisesRegexp, Exception, '^Expected$',
+                Stub)
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                self.failureException,
+                r'"\^Expected\$" does not match "Unexpected"',
+                self.assertRaisesRegexp, Exception, u'^Expected$',
+                Stub)
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+                self.failureException,
+                r'"\^Expected\$" does not match "Unexpected"',
+                self.assertRaisesRegexp, Exception,
+                re.compile('^Expected$'), Stub)
 class Test_TestSkipping(TestCase):
@@ -2386,20 +2756,20 @@
     def test_AlmostEqual(self):
         self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(1.00000001, 1.0)
         self.failIfAlmostEqual(1.0000001, 1.0)
-        self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException,
                           self.failUnlessAlmostEqual, 1.0000001, 1.0)
-        self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException,
                           self.failIfAlmostEqual, 1.00000001, 1.0)
         self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(1.1, 1.0, places=0)
-        self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException,
                           self.failUnlessAlmostEqual, 1.1, 1.0, places=1)
         self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(0, .1+.1j, places=0)
         self.failIfAlmostEqual(0, .1+.1j, places=1)
-        self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException,
                           self.failUnlessAlmostEqual, 0, .1+.1j, places=1)
-        self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
+        self.assertRaises(self.failureException,
                           self.failIfAlmostEqual, 0, .1+.1j, places=0)
     def test_assertRaises(self):
@@ -2409,7 +2779,7 @@
         self.assertRaises(KeyError, _raise, KeyError("key"))
             self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: None)
-        except AssertionError as e:
+        except self.failureException as e:
             self.assert_("KeyError not raised" in e, str(e))
             self.fail("assertRaises() didn't fail")
@@ -2426,7 +2796,7 @@
             with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
-        except AssertionError as e:
+        except self.failureException as e:
             self.assert_("KeyError not raised" in e, str(e))
             self.fail("assertRaises() didn't fail")

Modified: python/trunk/Lib/unittest.py
--- python/trunk/Lib/unittest.py	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Lib/unittest.py	Tue Mar 31 18:54:10 2009
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
     class IntegerArithmenticTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
         def testAdd(self):  ## test method names begin 'test*'
-            self.assertEquals((1 + 2), 3)
-            self.assertEquals(0 + 1, 1)
+            self.assertEqual((1 + 2), 3)
+            self.assertEqual(0 + 1, 1)
         def testMultiply(self):
-            self.assertEquals((0 * 10), 0)
-            self.assertEquals((5 * 8), 40)
+            self.assertEqual((0 * 10), 0)
+            self.assertEqual((5 * 8), 40)
     if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -45,12 +45,15 @@
-import time
+import difflib
+import functools
+import os
+import pprint
+import re
 import sys
+import time
 import traceback
-import os
 import types
-import functools
 # Exported classes and functions
@@ -251,11 +254,13 @@
-class AssertRaisesContext(object):
+class _AssertRaisesContext(object):
+    """A context manager used to implement TestCase.assertRaises* methods."""
-    def __init__(self, expected, test_case):
+    def __init__(self, expected, test_case, expected_regexp=None):
         self.expected = expected
         self.failureException = test_case.failureException
+        self.expected_regex = expected_regexp
     def __enter__(self):
@@ -268,10 +273,20 @@
                 exc_name = str(self.expected)
             raise self.failureException(
                 "{0} not raised".format(exc_name))
-        if issubclass(exc_type, self.expected):
+        if not issubclass(exc_type, self.expected):
+            # let unexpexted exceptions pass through
+            return False
+        if self.expected_regex is None:
             return True
-        # Let unexpected exceptions skip through
-        return False
+        expected_regexp = self.expected_regex
+        if isinstance(expected_regexp, basestring):
+            expected_regexp = re.compile(expected_regexp)
+        if not expected_regexp.search(str(exc_value)):
+            raise self.failureException('"%s" does not match "%s"' %
+                     (expected_regexp.pattern, str(exc_value)))
+        return True
 class TestCase(object):
@@ -315,6 +330,31 @@
                   (self.__class__, methodName))
         self._testMethodDoc = testMethod.__doc__
+        # Map types to custom assertEqual functions that will compare
+        # instances of said type in more detail to generate a more useful
+        # error message.
+        self.__type_equality_funcs = {}
+        self.addTypeEqualityFunc(dict, self.assertDictEqual)
+        self.addTypeEqualityFunc(list, self.assertListEqual)
+        self.addTypeEqualityFunc(tuple, self.assertTupleEqual)
+        self.addTypeEqualityFunc(set, self.assertSetEqual)
+        self.addTypeEqualityFunc(frozenset, self.assertSetEqual)
+    def addTypeEqualityFunc(self, typeobj, function):
+        """Add a type specific assertEqual style function to compare a type.
+        This method is for use by TestCase subclasses that need to register
+        their own type equality functions to provide nicer error messages.
+        Args:
+            typeobj: The data type to call this function on when both values
+                    are of the same type in assertEqual().
+            function: The callable taking two arguments and an optional
+                    msg= argument that raises self.failureException with a
+                    useful error message when the two arguments are not equal.
+        """
+        self.__type_equality_funcs[typeobj] = function
     def setUp(self):
         "Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it."
@@ -330,14 +370,22 @@
         return TestResult()
     def shortDescription(self):
-        """Returns a one-line description of the test, or None if no
-        description has been provided.
+        """Returns both the test method name and first line of its docstring.
-        The default implementation of this method returns the first line of
-        the specified test method's docstring.
+        If no docstring is given, only returns the method name.
+        This method overrides unittest.TestCase.shortDescription(), which
+        only returns the first line of the docstring, obscuring the name
+        of the test upon failure.
-        doc = self._testMethodDoc
-        return doc and doc.split("\n")[0].strip() or None
+        desc = str(self)
+        doc_first_line = None
+        if self._testMethodDoc:
+            doc_first_line = self._testMethodDoc.split("\n")[0].strip()
+        if doc_first_line:
+            desc = '\n'.join((desc, doc_first_line))
+        return desc
     def id(self):
         return "%s.%s" % (_strclass(self.__class__), self._testMethodName)
@@ -443,18 +491,45 @@
                 with self.failUnlessRaises(some_error_class):
-        context = AssertRaisesContext(excClass, self)
+        context = _AssertRaisesContext(excClass, self)
         if callableObj is None:
             return context
         with context:
             callableObj(*args, **kwargs)
+    def _getAssertEqualityFunc(self, first, second):
+        """Get a detailed comparison function for the types of the two args.
+        Returns: A callable accepting (first, second, msg=None) that will
+        raise a failure exception if first != second with a useful human
+        readable error message for those types.
+        """
+        #
+        # NOTE(gregory.p.smith): I considered isinstance(first, type(second))
+        # and vice versa.  I opted for the conservative approach in case
+        # subclasses are not intended to be compared in detail to their super
+        # class instances using a type equality func.  This means testing
+        # subtypes won't automagically use the detailed comparison.  Callers
+        # should use their type specific assertSpamEqual method to compare
+        # subclasses if the detailed comparison is desired and appropriate.
+        # See the discussion in http://bugs.python.org/issue2578.
+        #
+        if type(first) is type(second):
+            return self.__type_equality_funcs.get(type(first),
+                                                  self._baseAssertEqual)
+        return self._baseAssertEqual
+    def _baseAssertEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
+        """The default assertEqual implementation, not type specific."""
+        if not first == second:
+            raise self.failureException(msg or '%r != %r' % (first, second))
     def failUnlessEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
         """Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by the '=='
-        if not first == second:
-            raise self.failureException(msg or '%r != %r' % (first, second))
+        assertion_func = self._getAssertEqualityFunc(first, second)
+        assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg)
     def failIfEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
         """Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by the '=='
@@ -504,6 +579,356 @@
     assertFalse = failIf
+    def assertSequenceEqual(self, seq1, seq2, msg=None, seq_type=None):
+        """An equality assertion for ordered sequences (like lists and tuples).
+        For the purposes of this function, a valid orderd sequence type is one
+        which can be indexed, has a length, and has an equality operator.
+        Args:
+            seq1: The first sequence to compare.
+            seq2: The second sequence to compare.
+            seq_type: The expected datatype of the sequences, or None if no
+                    datatype should be enforced.
+            msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of
+                    differences.
+        """
+        if seq_type != None:
+            seq_type_name = seq_type.__name__
+            if not isinstance(seq1, seq_type):
+                raise self.failureException('First sequence is not a %s: %r'
+                                            % (seq_type_name, seq1))
+            if not isinstance(seq2, seq_type):
+                raise self.failureException('Second sequence is not a %s: %r'
+                                            % (seq_type_name, seq2))
+        else:
+            seq_type_name = "sequence"
+        differing = None
+        try:
+            len1 = len(seq1)
+        except (TypeError, NotImplementedError):
+            differing = 'First %s has no length.    Non-sequence?' % (
+                    seq_type_name)
+        if differing is None:
+            try:
+                len2 = len(seq2)
+            except (TypeError, NotImplementedError):
+                differing = 'Second %s has no length.    Non-sequence?' % (
+                        seq_type_name)
+        if differing is None:
+            if seq1 == seq2:
+                return
+            for i in xrange(min(len1, len2)):
+                try:
+                    item1 = seq1[i]
+                except (TypeError, IndexError, NotImplementedError):
+                    differing = ('Unable to index element %d of first %s\n' %
+                                 (i, seq_type_name))
+                    break
+                try:
+                    item2 = seq2[i]
+                except (TypeError, IndexError, NotImplementedError):
+                    differing = ('Unable to index element %d of second %s\n' %
+                                 (i, seq_type_name))
+                    break
+                if item1 != item2:
+                    differing = ('First differing element %d:\n%s\n%s\n' %
+                                 (i, item1, item2))
+                    break
+            else:
+                if (len1 == len2 and seq_type is None and
+                    type(seq1) != type(seq2)):
+                    # The sequences are the same, but have differing types.
+                    return
+                # A catch-all message for handling arbitrary user-defined
+                # sequences.
+                differing = '%ss differ:\n' % seq_type_name.capitalize()
+                if len1 > len2:
+                    differing = ('First %s contains %d additional '
+                                 'elements.\n' % (seq_type_name, len1 - len2))
+                    try:
+                        differing += ('First extra element %d:\n%s\n' %
+                                      (len2, seq1[len2]))
+                    except (TypeError, IndexError, NotImplementedError):
+                        differing += ('Unable to index element %d '
+                                      'of first %s\n' % (len2, seq_type_name))
+                elif len1 < len2:
+                    differing = ('Second %s contains %d additional '
+                                 'elements.\n' % (seq_type_name, len2 - len1))
+                    try:
+                        differing += ('First extra element %d:\n%s\n' %
+                                      (len1, seq2[len1]))
+                    except (TypeError, IndexError, NotImplementedError):
+                        differing += ('Unable to index element %d '
+                                      'of second %s\n' % (len1, seq_type_name))
+        if not msg:
+            msg = '\n'.join(difflib.ndiff(pprint.pformat(seq1).splitlines(),
+                                          pprint.pformat(seq2).splitlines()))
+        self.fail(differing + msg)
+    def assertListEqual(self, list1, list2, msg=None):
+        """A list-specific equality assertion.
+        Args:
+            list1: The first list to compare.
+            list2: The second list to compare.
+            msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of
+                    differences.
+        """
+        self.assertSequenceEqual(list1, list2, msg, seq_type=list)
+    def assertTupleEqual(self, tuple1, tuple2, msg=None):
+        """A tuple-specific equality assertion.
+        Args:
+            tuple1: The first tuple to compare.
+            tuple2: The second tuple to compare.
+            msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of
+                    differences.
+        """
+        self.assertSequenceEqual(tuple1, tuple2, msg, seq_type=tuple)
+    def assertSetEqual(self, set1, set2, msg=None):
+        """A set-specific equality assertion.
+        Args:
+            set1: The first set to compare.
+            set2: The second set to compare.
+            msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of
+                    differences.
+        For more general containership equality, assertSameElements will work
+        with things other than sets.    This uses ducktyping to support
+        different types of sets, and is optimized for sets specifically
+        (parameters must support a difference method).
+        """
+        try:
+            difference1 = set1.difference(set2)
+        except TypeError, e:
+            self.fail('invalid type when attempting set difference: %s' % e)
+        except AttributeError, e:
+            self.fail('first argument does not support set difference: %s' % e)
+        try:
+            difference2 = set2.difference(set1)
+        except TypeError, e:
+            self.fail('invalid type when attempting set difference: %s' % e)
+        except AttributeError, e:
+            self.fail('second argument does not support set difference: %s' % e)
+        if not (difference1 or difference2):
+            return
+        if msg is not None:
+            self.fail(msg)
+        lines = []
+        if difference1:
+            lines.append('Items in the first set but not the second:')
+            for item in difference1:
+                lines.append(repr(item))
+        if difference2:
+            lines.append('Items in the second set but not the first:')
+            for item in difference2:
+                lines.append(repr(item))
+        self.fail('\n'.join(lines))
+    def assertIn(self, a, b, msg=None):
+        """Just like self.assert_(a in b), but with a nicer default message."""
+        if msg is None:
+            msg = '"%s" not found in "%s"' % (a, b)
+        self.assert_(a in b, msg)
+    def assertNotIn(self, a, b, msg=None):
+        """Just like self.assert_(a not in b), but with a nicer default message."""
+        if msg is None:
+            msg = '"%s" unexpectedly found in "%s"' % (a, b)
+        self.assert_(a not in b, msg)
+    def assertDictEqual(self, d1, d2, msg=None):
+        self.assert_(isinstance(d1, dict), 'First argument is not a dictionary')
+        self.assert_(isinstance(d2, dict), 'Second argument is not a dictionary')
+        if d1 != d2:
+            self.fail(msg or ('\n' + '\n'.join(difflib.ndiff(
+                    pprint.pformat(d1).splitlines(),
+                    pprint.pformat(d2).splitlines()))))
+    def assertDictContainsSubset(self, expected, actual, msg=None):
+        """Checks whether actual is a superset of expected."""
+        missing = []
+        mismatched = []
+        for key, value in expected.iteritems():
+            if key not in actual:
+                missing.append(key)
+            elif value != actual[key]:
+                mismatched.append('%s, expected: %s, actual: %s' % (key, value,
+                                                                                                                        actual[key]))
+        if not (missing or mismatched):
+            return
+        missing_msg = mismatched_msg = ''
+        if missing:
+            missing_msg = 'Missing: %s' % ','.join(missing)
+        if mismatched:
+            mismatched_msg = 'Mismatched values: %s' % ','.join(mismatched)
+        if msg:
+            msg = '%s: %s; %s' % (msg, missing_msg, mismatched_msg)
+        else:
+            msg = '%s; %s' % (missing_msg, mismatched_msg)
+        self.fail(msg)
+    def assertSameElements(self, expected_seq, actual_seq, msg=None):
+        """An unordered sequence specific comparison.
+        Raises with an error message listing which elements of expected_seq
+        are missing from actual_seq and vice versa if any.
+        """
+        try:
+            expected = set(expected_seq)
+            actual = set(actual_seq)
+            missing = list(expected.difference(actual))
+            unexpected = list(actual.difference(expected))
+            missing.sort()
+            unexpected.sort()
+        except TypeError:
+            # Fall back to slower list-compare if any of the objects are
+            # not hashable.
+            expected = list(expected_seq)
+            actual = list(actual_seq)
+            expected.sort()
+            actual.sort()
+            missing, unexpected = _SortedListDifference(expected, actual)
+        errors = []
+        if missing:
+            errors.append('Expected, but missing:\n    %r\n' % missing)
+        if unexpected:
+            errors.append('Unexpected, but present:\n    %r\n' % unexpected)
+        if errors:
+            self.fail(msg or ''.join(errors))
+    def assertMultiLineEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
+        """Assert that two multi-line strings are equal."""
+        self.assert_(isinstance(first, types.StringTypes), (
+                'First argument is not a string'))
+        self.assert_(isinstance(second, types.StringTypes), (
+                'Second argument is not a string'))
+        if first != second:
+            raise self.failureException(
+                    msg or '\n' + ''.join(difflib.ndiff(first.splitlines(True),
+                                                                                            second.splitlines(True))))
+    def assertLess(self, a, b, msg=None):
+        """Just like self.assert_(a < b), but with a nicer default message."""
+        if msg is None:
+            msg = '"%r" unexpectedly not less than "%r"' % (a, b)
+        self.assert_(a < b, msg)
+    def assertLessEqual(self, a, b, msg=None):
+        """Just like self.assert_(a <= b), but with a nicer default message."""
+        if msg is None:
+            msg = '"%r" unexpectedly not less than or equal to "%r"' % (a, b)
+        self.assert_(a <= b, msg)
+    def assertGreater(self, a, b, msg=None):
+        """Just like self.assert_(a > b), but with a nicer default message."""
+        if msg is None:
+            msg = '"%r" unexpectedly not greater than "%r"' % (a, b)
+        self.assert_(a > b, msg)
+    def assertGreaterEqual(self, a, b, msg=None):
+        """Just like self.assert_(a >= b), but with a nicer default message."""
+        if msg is None:
+            msg = '"%r" unexpectedly not greater than or equal to "%r"' % (a, b)
+        self.assert_(a >= b, msg)
+    def assertIsNone(self, obj, msg=None):
+        """Same as self.assert_(obj is None), with a nicer default message."""
+        if msg is None:
+            msg = '"%s" unexpectedly not None' % obj
+        self.assert_(obj is None, msg)
+    def assertIsNotNone(self, obj, msg='unexpectedly None'):
+        """Included for symmetry with assertIsNone."""
+        self.assert_(obj is not None, msg)
+    def assertRaisesRegexp(self, expected_exception, expected_regexp,
+                           callable_obj=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Asserts that the message in a raised exception matches a regexp.
+        Args:
+            expected_exception: Exception class expected to be raised.
+            expected_regexp: Regexp (re pattern object or string) expected
+                    to be found in error message.
+            callable_obj: Function to be called.
+            args: Extra args.
+            kwargs: Extra kwargs.
+        """
+        context = _AssertRaisesContext(expected_exception, self, expected_regexp)
+        if callable_obj is None:
+            return context
+        with context:
+            callable_obj(*args, **kwargs)
+    def assertRegexpMatches(self, text, expected_regex, msg=None):
+        if isinstance(expected_regex, basestring):
+            expected_regex = re.compile(expected_regex)
+        if not expected_regex.search(text):
+            msg = msg or "Regexp didn't match"
+            msg = '%s: %r not found in %r' % (msg, expected_regex.pattern, text)
+            raise self.failureException(msg)
+def _SortedListDifference(expected, actual):
+    """Finds elements in only one or the other of two, sorted input lists.
+    Returns a two-element tuple of lists.    The first list contains those
+    elements in the "expected" list but not in the "actual" list, and the
+    second contains those elements in the "actual" list but not in the
+    "expected" list.    Duplicate elements in either input list are ignored.
+    """
+    i = j = 0
+    missing = []
+    unexpected = []
+    while True:
+        try:
+            e = expected[i]
+            a = actual[j]
+            if e < a:
+                missing.append(e)
+                i += 1
+                while expected[i] == e:
+                    i += 1
+            elif e > a:
+                unexpected.append(a)
+                j += 1
+                while actual[j] == a:
+                    j += 1
+            else:
+                i += 1
+                try:
+                    while expected[i] == e:
+                        i += 1
+                finally:
+                    j += 1
+                    while actual[j] == a:
+                        j += 1
+        except IndexError:
+            missing.extend(expected[i:])
+            unexpected.extend(actual[j:])
+            break
+    return missing, unexpected
 class TestSuite(object):
     """A test suite is a composite test consisting of a number of TestCases.

Modified: python/trunk/Misc/NEWS
--- python/trunk/Misc/NEWS	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Misc/NEWS	Tue Mar 31 18:54:10 2009
@@ -217,6 +217,15 @@
 - Issue #1034053: unittest now supports skipping tests and expected failures.
+- The unittest.TestCase.assertRaises() method now returns a context manager when
+  not given a callable so that code to be tested can be written inline using
+  a with statement.
+- The unittest.TestCase.assertEqual() now displays the differences in lists,
+  tuples, dicts and sets on failure.  Many new handy type and comparison
+  specific assert* methods have been added that fail with error messages
+  actually useful for debugging.  Contributed in part by Google.  [Issue #2578]
 - Issue #5068: Fixed the tarfile._BZ2Proxy.read() method that would loop
   forever on incomplete input. That caused tarfile.open() to hang when used
   with mode 'r' or 'r:bz2' and a fileobj argument that contained no data or

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