[Python-checkins] r69992 - peps/trunk/pep-0372.txt

raymond.hettinger python-checkins at python.org
Thu Feb 26 13:38:35 CET 2009

Author: raymond.hettinger
Date: Thu Feb 26 13:38:29 2009
New Revision: 69992

Join this PEP (with Armin's blessing) and move it forward
from where it's been sitting for a while.  Update the text
for Py2.7 and Py3.1.  Link to a new implementation that
sticks with the basic dict API and no new methods.


Modified: peps/trunk/pep-0372.txt
--- peps/trunk/pep-0372.txt	(original)
+++ peps/trunk/pep-0372.txt	Thu Feb 26 13:38:29 2009
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
 Version: $Revision$
 Last-Modified: $Date$
 Author: Armin Ronacher <armin.ronacher at active-4.com>
+        Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com>
 Status: Draft
 Type: Standards Track
 Content-Type: text/x-rst
 Created: 15-Jun-2008
-Python-Version: 2.6, 3.0
+Python-Version: 2.7, 3.1
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@
   provide an ordered dictionary. [1]_
 - Code ported from other programming languages such as PHP often
-  depends on a ordered dict.  Having an implementation of an
+  depends on an ordered dict.  Having an implementation of an
   ordering-preserving dictionary in the standard library could ease
   the transition and improve the compatibility of different libraries.
@@ -82,12 +83,12 @@
 The ordered dict API would be mostly compatible with dict and existing
-ordered dicts.  (Note: this PEP refers to the Python 2.x dictionary
-API; the transfer to the 3.x API is trivial.)
+ordered dicts.  Note: this PEP refers to the 2.7 and 3.0 dictionary
+API as described in collections.Mapping abstract base class.
 The constructor and ``update()`` both accept iterables of tuples as
-well as mappings like a dict does.  The ordering however is preserved
-for the first case:
+well as mappings like a dict does.  Unlike a regular dictionary,
+the insertion order is preserved.
 >>> d = odict([('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')])
 >>> d.update({'foo': 'bar'})
@@ -95,11 +96,11 @@
 collections.odict([('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'), ('foo', 'bar')])
 If ordered dicts are updated from regular dicts, the ordering of new
-keys is of course undefined again unless ``sort()`` is called.
+keys is of course undefined.
 All iteration methods as well as ``keys()``, ``values()`` and
-``items()`` return the values ordered by the time the key-value pair
-was inserted:
+``items()`` return the values ordered by the time the key was
+first inserted:
 >>> d['spam'] = 'eggs'
 >>> d.keys()
@@ -111,80 +112,9 @@
 New methods not available on dict:
-    Returns the key/value pair for an index, that is, the "position" of a key in
-    the ordered dict.  0 is the first key/value pair, -1 the last.
-    >>> d.byindex(2)
-    ('foo', 'bar')
-    If there is no key for index an `IndexError` is raised.  Slices are not
-    supported.
-    Returns the index of a key.  If the key does not exist, a `ValueError` is
-    raised.
-``odict.sort(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False)``
-    Sorts the odict in place by cmp or key.  This works exactly like
-    ``list.sort()``, but the comparison functions are passed a key/value tuple,
-    not only the value.
-    >>> d = odict([(42, 1), (1, 4), (23, 7)]) d.sort() d
-    collections.odict([(1, 4), (23, 7), (42, 1)])
-    Reverses the odict in place.
     Supports reverse iteration by key.
-``odict.__eq__()`` / ``odict.__ne__()``
-    Compares the odict to another object.  If it's compared to another
-    odict the ordering of items is taken into account, otherwise only
-    the keys and values.
-    Ordered dicts are sorted by their items.  ``cmp(od1, od2)`` is
-    equivalent to ``cmp(od1.items(), od2.items())`` if both ``od1``
-    and ``od2`` are ordered dicts.  Otherwise the regular dict comparison
-    kicks in.
-Python 3 Version
-The Python 3 version of the ``odict`` returns dictionary views rather
-than lists for ``odict.keys()``, ``odict.values()`` and
-``odict.items()``.  The keys view is equivalent to a regular keys view
-but supports the following extra or changed operations:
-    Returns the key for an index.  This is equivalent to
-    ``odict.byindex(index)``.
-    Returns the index for a key.  This exists for compatibility with
-    the ``Sequence`` abstract base class and is equivalent to
-    ``odict.index(key)``.
-    Has the same semantics as ``odict.__iter__()``.
-    Has the same semantics as ``odict.__reversed__()``.
-``odict_keys.__cmp__()`` / ``odict_keys.__eq__()`` /
-    Same semantics as the equivalent ``odict`` operation.  E.g.: when
-    compared to another odict keys view the ordering is taken into
-    account.
 Questions and Answers
@@ -205,7 +135,7 @@
     The same as for regular dicts: The latter item overrides the
     former.  This has the side-effect that the position of the first
-    key is used because the key is actually overwritten:
+    key is used because only the value is actually overwritten:
     >>> odict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('a', 3)])
     collections.odict([('a', 3), ('b', 2)])
@@ -216,7 +146,7 @@
 Why is there no ``odict.insert()``?
     There are few situations where you really want to insert a key at
-    an specified index.  To avoid API complication, the proposed
+    a specified index.  To avoid API complication, the proposed
     solution for this situation is creating a list of items,
     manipulating that and converting it back into an odict:
@@ -230,31 +160,60 @@
     Yes.  Like ``defaultdict``, ``odict`` subclasses ``dict``.
-Does ``odict.pop()`` support list-like popping of items?
+Does ``odict.popitem()`` return a particular key/value pair?
-    No.  Neither ``odict.__getitem__()`` nor ``odict.pop()`` support
-    retrieving or deleting items by index.  Slices are not supported
-    either.  This would introduce ambiguities if integers or slice
-    objects are used as dict keys.
+    Yes.  It pops-off the most recently inserted new key and its
+    corresponding value.  This corresponds to the usual LIFO behavior
+    exhibited by traditional push/pop pairs.  It is semantically
+    equivalent to ``k=list(od)[-1]; v=od[k]; del od[k]; return (k,v)``.
+    The actual implementation is more efficient.  It is O(n log n)
+    on the first call, any successive calls are O(1).
+Does odict support indexing, slicing, and whatnot?
     As a matter of fact, ``odict`` does not implement the ``Sequence``
-    interface.
+    interface.  Rather, it is a ``MutableMapping`` that remembers
+    the order of key insertion.  The only sequence-like addition is
+    automatic support for ``reversed``.
+Does odict support alternate sort orders such as alphabetical?
-Example Implementation
+   No.  Those wanting different sort orders really need to be using another
+   technique.  The odict is all about recording insertion order.   If any
+   other order is of interest, then another structure (like an in-memory
+   dbm) is likely a better fit.   It would be a mistake to try to be all
+   things to all users.
-A poorly performing example implementation of the odict written in
-Python is available:
+Reference Implementation
-    `odict.py <http://dev.pocoo.org/hg/sandbox/raw-file/tip/odict.py>`_
+A proposed version is at:
-The version for ``collections`` should be implemented in C and use a
-linked list internally.
+    `OrderedDict recipe <http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576669/>`_
+The proposed version has several merits:
+* Strict compliance with the MutableMapping API and no new methods
+  so that the learning curve is near zero.  It is simply a dictionary
+  that remembers insertion order.
+* Generally good performance.  The big-oh times are the same as regular
+  dictionaries except for the cost of a single sort prior to the
+  first ordered retrieval (via *__iter__* or somesuch).
+* Key insertion and deletion is O(1).  The work of organizing keys into
+  correct order is deferred to the end (instead of trying to maintain
+  sorted list, linked list, or btree as the dict is built-up).  This
+  corresponds to typical use patterns (read-in ordered key/value pairs,
+  make modifications, and then write them back out in insertion order)
+  and it takes advantage of Python's highly efficient built-in sort.
+* The code runs without modification on Py2.6, Py2.7, Py3.0, and Py3.1.
 Other implementations of ordered dicts in various Python projects or
 standalone libraries, that inspired the API proposed here, are:
+- `odict in Python`_
 - `odict in Babel`_
 - `OrderedDict in Django`_
 - `The odict module`_
@@ -262,7 +221,7 @@
 - `StableDict`_
 - `Armin Rigo's OrderedDict`_
+.. _odict in Python: http://dev.pocoo.org/hg/sandbox/raw-file/tip/odict.py
 .. _odict in Babel: http://babel.edgewall.org/browser/trunk/babel/util.py?rev=374#L178
 .. _OrderedDict in Django:

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