[Python-checkins] r68914 - peps/trunk/pep-0374.txt

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Sat Feb 14 19:17:49 CET 2009


I'm offline, just reading through now stale checkin messages, so this may be
more evident when viewed in a larger context, but it's not real clear that
there's not a typo in the checkout times:

    >>  ======= ================ ==============
    >>  DVCS    Time             Space  
    >>  ------- ---------------- --------------
    >> -svn     1:04             139 M
    >> -bzr     2:29:24 or 8:46  275 M or 596 M 
    >> -hg      2:30             171 M  
    >> -git     2:54             134 M  
    >> +svn        1:04          139 M
    >> +bzr 1   2:29:24          275 M
    >> +bzr 2      8:46          596 M
    >> +hg         2:30          171 M  
    >> +git        2:54          134 M  
    >>  ======= ================ ==============

If bzr 1 really takes nearly 2.5 hours to check out the code perhaps it's
worth noting that fact either explicitly or by using a time format which
includes units, e.g., 2h29m24s vs. 2:29:24.


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