[Python-checkins] r66460 - in python/trunk: Misc/NEWS Tools/msi/crtlicense.txt Tools/msi/msi.py

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc amauryfa at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 00:14:03 CEST 2008


in crtlicense.txt, the last "or" seems incorrectly placed.
Was some paragraph removed?
"or" should be moved at the end of the previous one.

> ...
> +- distribute Microsoft's Distributable Code to run on a platform other
> +than Microsoft operating systems, run-time technologies or application
> +platforms;
> +
> +- include Microsoft Distributable Code in malicious, deceptive or
> +unlawful programs; or
> +
> +These restrictions apply only to the Microsoft Distributable Code as
> +defined above, not to Python itself or any programs running on the
> ...

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

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