[Python-checkins] [Python-Dev] r66863 - python/trunk/Modules/posixmodule.c

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc amauryfa at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 00:43:04 CEST 2008


Concerning the management of this particular change / development, I
see three additional issues:

- First, I think that the answer given here:
does not match the question.
It seems to me that Skip was asking whether the "memory leak" impacted
the 2.6 branch, and the answer should have been "No": the change that
introduced the memory leak had just been committed 10 minutes before.

- Because of this misunderstanding, the changes to this
GetCurrentDirectoryW were backported to the release2.6 branch, despite
the fact that it's not a regression from a previous version, the NEWS
entry explicitly expresses doubts about the correction (which I happen
to share), there is no unit test and no item in the issue tracker.

- The backport to release26-maint http://svn.python.org/view?rev=66865&view=rev
also merged other changes (new unrelated unit tests). IMO unrelated
changes should be committed separately: different commit messages help
to understand the motivation of each backport.

I'm not blaming anyone; my feelings are certainly biased by the
somewhat strict procedures that we recently followed when the trunk
was in "release candidate" mode (submit a patch, ask for a review, add
the reviewer's name in the commit message).
I think that some of these rules should still apply to the maintenance branches.
On the other hand, I am all for a trunk branch with few restrictions:
it's here to share code with others and experiment with the next
python release. The need for stability is much lower.

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

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