[Python-checkins] r65625 - in doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx: builder.py highlighting.py latexwriter.py util/__init__.py util/texescape.py

georg.brandl python-checkins at python.org
Sun Aug 10 13:25:41 CEST 2008

Author: georg.brandl
Date: Sun Aug 10 13:25:41 2008
New Revision: 65625

Make tex escapes a module.

   doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/util/texescape.py   (contents, props changed)

Modified: doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/builder.py
--- doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/builder.py	(original)
+++ doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/builder.py	Sun Aug 10 13:25:41 2008
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 from docutils.readers.doctree import Reader as DoctreeReader
 from sphinx import addnodes
-from sphinx.util import ensuredir, relative_uri, SEP, os_path
+from sphinx.util import ensuredir, relative_uri, SEP, os_path, texescape
 from sphinx.htmlhelp import build_hhx
 from sphinx.htmlwriter import HTMLWriter, HTMLTranslator, SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator
 from sphinx.textwriter import TextWriter
@@ -809,6 +809,7 @@
     def init(self):
         self.docnames = []
         self.document_data = []
+        texescape.init()
     def get_outdated_docs(self):
         return 'all documents' # for now

Modified: doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/highlighting.py
--- doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/highlighting.py	(original)
+++ doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/highlighting.py	Sun Aug 10 13:25:41 2008
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 import re
 import parser
-from sphinx.util import tex_hl_escape_map
+from sphinx.util.texescape import tex_hl_escape_map
     import pygments

Modified: doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/latexwriter.py
--- doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/latexwriter.py	(original)
+++ doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/latexwriter.py	Sun Aug 10 13:25:41 2008
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 from sphinx import addnodes
 from sphinx import highlighting
-from sphinx.util import tex_escape_map
+from sphinx.util.texescape import tex_escape_map
 from sphinx.util.smartypants import educateQuotesLatex
 HEADER = r'''%% Generated by Sphinx.

Modified: doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/util/__init__.py
--- doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/util/__init__.py	(original)
+++ doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/util/__init__.py	Sun Aug 10 13:25:41 2008
@@ -260,100 +260,3 @@
 def make_filename(string):
     return no_fn_re.sub('', string)
-_tex_replacements = [
-    # map TeX special chars
-    (u'$', ur'\$'),
-    (u'%', ur'\%'),
-    (u'&', ur'\&'),
-    (u'#', ur'\#'),
-    (u'_', ur'\_'),
-    (u'{', ur'\{'),
-    (u'}', ur'\}'),
-    (u'[', ur'{[}'),
-    (u']', ur'{]}'),
-    (u'\\',ur'\textbackslash{}'),
-    (u'~', ur'\textasciitilde{}'),
-    (u'<', ur'\textless{}'),
-    (u'>', ur'\textgreater{}'),
-    (u'^', ur'\textasciicircum{}'),
-    # map special Unicode characters to TeX commands
-    (u'¶', ur'\P{}'),
-    (u'§', ur'\S{}'),
-    (u'€', ur'\texteuro{}'),
-    (u'∞', ur'\(\infty\)'),
-    (u'±', ur'\(\pm\)'),
-    (u'→', ur'\(\rightarrow\)'),
-    (u'‣', ur'\(\rightarrow\)'),
-    # map some special Unicode characters to similar ASCII ones
-    (u'─', ur'-'),
-    (u'⎽', ur'\_'),
-    (u'╲', ur'\textbackslash{}'),
-    (u'│', ur'|'),
-    (u'ℯ', ur'e'),
-    (u'ⅈ', ur'i'),
-    (u'₁', ur'1'),
-    (u'₂', ur'2'),
-    # map Greek alphabet
-    (u'α', ur'\(\alpha\)'),
-    (u'β', ur'\(\beta\)'),
-    (u'γ', ur'\(\gamma\)'),
-    (u'δ', ur'\(\delta\)'),
-    (u'ε', ur'\(\epsilon\)'),
-    (u'ζ', ur'\(\zeta\)'),
-    (u'η', ur'\(\eta\)'),
-    (u'θ', ur'\(\theta\)'),
-    (u'ι', ur'\(\iota\)'),
-    (u'κ', ur'\(\kappa\)'),
-    (u'λ', ur'\(\lambda\)'),
-    (u'μ', ur'\(\mu\)'),
-    (u'ν', ur'\(\nu\)'),
-    (u'ξ', ur'\(\xi\)'),
-    (u'ο', ur'o'),
-    (u'π', ur'\(\pi\)'),
-    (u'ρ', ur'\(\rho\)'),
-    (u'σ', ur'\(\sigma\)'),
-    (u'τ', ur'\(\tau\)'),
-    (u'υ', u'\\(\\upsilon\\)'),
-    (u'φ', ur'\(\phi\)'),
-    (u'χ', ur'\(\chi\)'),
-    (u'ψ', ur'\(\psi\)'),
-    (u'ω', ur'\(\omega\)'),
-    (u'Α', ur'A'),
-    (u'Β', ur'B'),
-    (u'Γ', ur'\(\Gamma\)'),
-    (u'Δ', ur'\(\Delta\)'),
-    (u'Ε', ur'E'),
-    (u'Ζ', ur'Z'),
-    (u'Η', ur'H'),
-    (u'Θ', ur'\(\Theta\)'),
-    (u'Ι', ur'I'),
-    (u'Κ', ur'K'),
-    (u'Λ', ur'\(\Lambda\)'),
-    (u'Μ', ur'M'),
-    (u'Ν', ur'N'),
-    (u'Ξ', ur'\(\Xi\)'),
-    (u'Ο', ur'O'),
-    (u'Π', ur'\(\Pi\)'),
-    (u'Ρ', ur'P'),
-    (u'Σ', ur'\(\Sigma\)'),
-    (u'Τ', ur'T'),
-    (u'Υ', u'\\(\\Upsilon\\)'),
-    (u'Φ', ur'\(\Phi\)'),
-    (u'Χ', ur'X'),
-    (u'Ψ', ur'\(\Psi\)'),
-    (u'Ω', ur'\(\Omega\)'),
-    (u'Ω', ur'\(\Omega\)'),
-tex_escape_map = {}
-for a, b in _tex_replacements:
-    tex_escape_map[ord(a)] = b
-_new_cmd_chars = {ord(u'\\'): u'@', ord(u'{'): u'[', ord(u'}'): u']'}
-tex_hl_escape_map = {}
-for a, b in _tex_replacements:
-    if a in u'[]{}\\': continue
-    tex_hl_escape_map[ord(a)] = b.translate(_new_cmd_chars)

Added: doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/util/texescape.py
--- (empty file)
+++ doctools/branches/0.4.x/sphinx/util/texescape.py	Sun Aug 10 13:25:41 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+    sphinx.util.texescape
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    TeX escaping helper.
+    :copyright: 2008 by Georg Brandl.
+    :license: BSD.
+tex_replacements = [
+    # map TeX special chars
+    (u'$', ur'\$'),
+    (u'%', ur'\%'),
+    (u'&', ur'\&'),
+    (u'#', ur'\#'),
+    (u'_', ur'\_'),
+    (u'{', ur'\{'),
+    (u'}', ur'\}'),
+    (u'[', ur'{[}'),
+    (u']', ur'{]}'),
+    (u'\\',ur'\textbackslash{}'),
+    (u'~', ur'\textasciitilde{}'),
+    (u'<', ur'\textless{}'),
+    (u'>', ur'\textgreater{}'),
+    (u'^', ur'\textasciicircum{}'),
+    # map special Unicode characters to TeX commands
+    (u'¶', ur'\P{}'),
+    (u'§', ur'\S{}'),
+    (u'€', ur'\texteuro{}'),
+    (u'∞', ur'\(\infty\)'),
+    (u'±', ur'\(\pm\)'),
+    (u'→', ur'\(\rightarrow\)'),
+    (u'‣', ur'\(\rightarrow\)'),
+    # map some special Unicode characters to similar ASCII ones
+    (u'─', ur'-'),
+    (u'⎽', ur'\_'),
+    (u'╲', ur'\textbackslash{}'),
+    (u'│', ur'|'),
+    (u'ℯ', ur'e'),
+    (u'ⅈ', ur'i'),
+    (u'₁', ur'1'),
+    (u'₂', ur'2'),
+    # map Greek alphabet
+    (u'α', ur'\(\alpha\)'),
+    (u'β', ur'\(\beta\)'),
+    (u'γ', ur'\(\gamma\)'),
+    (u'δ', ur'\(\delta\)'),
+    (u'ε', ur'\(\epsilon\)'),
+    (u'ζ', ur'\(\zeta\)'),
+    (u'η', ur'\(\eta\)'),
+    (u'θ', ur'\(\theta\)'),
+    (u'ι', ur'\(\iota\)'),
+    (u'κ', ur'\(\kappa\)'),
+    (u'λ', ur'\(\lambda\)'),
+    (u'μ', ur'\(\mu\)'),
+    (u'ν', ur'\(\nu\)'),
+    (u'ξ', ur'\(\xi\)'),
+    (u'ο', ur'o'),
+    (u'π', ur'\(\pi\)'),
+    (u'ρ', ur'\(\rho\)'),
+    (u'σ', ur'\(\sigma\)'),
+    (u'τ', ur'\(\tau\)'),
+    (u'υ', u'\\(\\upsilon\\)'),
+    (u'φ', ur'\(\phi\)'),
+    (u'χ', ur'\(\chi\)'),
+    (u'ψ', ur'\(\psi\)'),
+    (u'ω', ur'\(\omega\)'),
+    (u'Α', ur'A'),
+    (u'Β', ur'B'),
+    (u'Γ', ur'\(\Gamma\)'),
+    (u'Δ', ur'\(\Delta\)'),
+    (u'Ε', ur'E'),
+    (u'Ζ', ur'Z'),
+    (u'Η', ur'H'),
+    (u'Θ', ur'\(\Theta\)'),
+    (u'Ι', ur'I'),
+    (u'Κ', ur'K'),
+    (u'Λ', ur'\(\Lambda\)'),
+    (u'Μ', ur'M'),
+    (u'Ν', ur'N'),
+    (u'Ξ', ur'\(\Xi\)'),
+    (u'Ο', ur'O'),
+    (u'Π', ur'\(\Pi\)'),
+    (u'Ρ', ur'P'),
+    (u'Σ', ur'\(\Sigma\)'),
+    (u'Τ', ur'T'),
+    (u'Υ', u'\\(\\Upsilon\\)'),
+    (u'Φ', ur'\(\Phi\)'),
+    (u'Χ', ur'X'),
+    (u'Ψ', ur'\(\Psi\)'),
+    (u'Ω', ur'\(\Omega\)'),
+    (u'Ω', ur'\(\Omega\)'),
+tex_escape_map = {}
+tex_hl_escape_map = {}
+_new_cmd_chars = {ord(u'\\'): u'@', ord(u'{'): u'[', ord(u'}'): u']'}
+def init():
+    for a, b in tex_replacements:
+        tex_escape_map[ord(a)] = b
+    for a, b in tex_replacements:
+        if a in u'[]{}\\': continue
+        tex_hl_escape_map[ord(a)] = b.translate(_new_cmd_chars)

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