[Python-checkins] r55103 - in python/trunk: Modules/itertoolsmodule.c Modules/posixmodule.c Objects/intobject.c Objects/longobject.c PC/config.c PC/pyconfig.h Python/thread_nt.h

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Fri May 4 00:04:20 CEST 2007

>>> -#define COMPILER _Py_PASTE_VERSION("64 bit (AMD64)")
>>> +#define COMPILER _Py_PASTE_VERSION("64 bit (x64)")
>> Please undo that change. The architecture's name is AMD64, not x64.
> Not to start a flame war, but 64-bit extensions on Intel are referred to 
> as "Intel 64" (formerly EM64T). So to call it "AMD64" would be incorrect as 
> well. The most neutral name would be "x86-64".

But the most neutral name would be wrong. AMD has invented the
technology, so AMD gets to name it. AMD wants us to call it AMD64,
so we should obey.  I feel quite strongly that Intel's marketing
droids have no right to change history. They may manage to subjugate
Microsoft's marketing (to call the product "x64", even though
inside, they use AMD64 in many places still), but I would prefer if we
could resist.

Plus, it's a compatibility issue. People may rely on that string,
so their code will break.


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