[Python-checkins] New message

cbookshop cbooks at isp.com
Wed Mar 14 05:54:09 CET 2007

Canada Books
833 Boise de la Riviere
Prevost, Qc
J0R 1B0

Press Release

The Canadian subsidy Directory is now available. 
Our publication contains more than 3300 listings
of grants and loans offered by both the federal and 
provincial governments. It also includes foundations 
and associations. 

What you get:

-Full description of Grant
-Url to gvt website
-Full mailing address
-Phone and fax number

Businesses, individuals, municipalities, government 
departments,institutions, foundations, and associations 
will find a wealth of information that could help them 
start a business, improve existent activities, set up a 
business plan, finance personal projects, studies and 
research or obtain assistance from experts in various 
fields of interest.

The American Grants and Loans Directory
is also available for the United States.

CD Version: $69.95
Printed Version: $149.95

To order please call: 819-322-7533

If you do not wish to receive communication from us 
in the future please write "csd" in the subject line 
to: unsub2 at hotpop.com

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