[Python-checkins] r53276 - peps/trunk/pep-3108.txt

brett.cannon python-checkins at python.org
Fri Jan 5 21:23:59 CET 2007

Author: brett.cannon
Date: Fri Jan  5 21:23:56 2007
New Revision: 53276

Update PEP based on new wording in PEP 8 (allowing the use of underscores in
module names).

Modified: peps/trunk/pep-3108.txt
--- peps/trunk/pep-3108.txt	(original)
+++ peps/trunk/pep-3108.txt	Fri Jan  5 21:23:56 2007
@@ -197,12 +197,12 @@
       - No longer distributed with Python.
-Minimal usage
+Hardly used
-Some modules that are platform-independent have minimal usage.  This
+Some modules that are platform-independent are hardly used.  This
 can be from how easy it is to implement the functionality from scratch
-or because the audience for the code is small.
+or because the audience for the code is very small.
 * audiodev
@@ -351,40 +351,35 @@
 PEP 8 violations
-PEP 8 specifies that modules "should have short, lowercase names,
-without underscores" [#pep-0008]_.  There is no mention, though, if
-this rule extends to modules contained within a package.  The
-assumption is that underscores are acceptable in module names when
-they are contained within a package but that any uppercase letters is
+PEP 8 specifies that modules "should have short, all-lowercase names"
+where "underscores can be used ... if it improves readability"
+[#pep-0008]_.  The use of underscores is discouraged in package names.
 ==================  ==================================================
 Current Name        Replacement Name
 ==================  ==================================================
 _winreg             winreg (rename also because module has a public
-                    interface)
-BaseHTTPServer      basehttpserver
+                    interface and thus should not have a leading
+                    underscore)
+BaseHTTPServer      base_http_server
 Carbon              carbon
-CGIHTTPServer       cgihttpserver
+CGIHTTPServer       cgi_http_server
 ColorPicker         colorpicker
 ConfigParser        configparser
 Cookie              cookie
 copy_reg            copyreg
-DocXMLRPCServer     docxmlrpcserver
-dummy_threading     mockthreading (rename because "mock" makes more
-                    sense than "dummy" and rename already required)
+DocXMLRPCServer     doc_xmlrpc_server
 EasyDialogs         easydialogs
 HTMLParser          htmlparser
 MacOS               macos
 Nav                 nav
-PixMapWrapper       pixmapwrapper
-py_compile          pycompile
+PixMapWrapper       pixmap_wrapper
 Queue               queue
 repr                reprlib (rename because module name shadows a 
 ScrolledText        scrolledtext
-SimpleHTTPServer    simplehttpserver
-SimpleXMLRPCServer  simplexmlrpcserver
+SimpleHTTPServer    simple_http_server
+SimpleXMLRPCServer  simple_xmlrpc_server
 SocketServer        socketserver
 StringIO            stringio
 Tix                 tix
@@ -448,8 +443,8 @@
 cl            _cl
 markupbase    _markupbase
 opcode        _opcode
-dummythread   _mockthread (assuming the
-              deprecation of 'thread' occurs)
+dummy_thread  _dummy_thread (assuming thread
+              is deprecated)
 ============  ===============================
@@ -526,10 +521,10 @@
     Have a package for Python implementations of built-in types
     instead of putting the User* modules into 'collections'?
-* mac
+* Platform-specific
-  + Various Mac-specific modules.
-  + Same can be done for other platform-specific code.
+  + All platform-specific modules should be placed in a package
+    representing the platform.
 * Profiling

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