[Python-checkins] r54877 - peps/trunk/pep-3119.txt

guido.van.rossum python-checkins at python.org
Thu Apr 19 19:58:48 CEST 2007

Author: guido.van.rossum
Date: Thu Apr 19 19:58:47 2007
New Revision: 54877

Checkpoint.  Use Finite for the class defining __len__.

Modified: peps/trunk/pep-3119.txt
--- peps/trunk/pep-3119.txt	(original)
+++ peps/trunk/pep-3119.txt	Thu Apr 19 19:58:47 2007
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Title: Introducing Abstract Base Classes
 Version: $Revision$
 Last-Modified: $Date$
-Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>, Talin
+Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>, Talin <talin at acm.org>
 Status: Draft
 Type: Standards Track
 Content-Type: text/x-rst
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 This is a proposal to add Abstract Base Class (ABC) support to Python
 3000.  It proposes:
@@ -28,6 +30,11 @@
 * Guidelines for writing additional ABCs.
+Much of the thinking that went into the proposal is not about the
+specific mechanism of ABCs, as contrasted with Interfaces or Generic
+Functions (GFs), but about clarifying philosophical issues like "what
+makes a set", "what makes a mapping" and "what makes a sequence".
@@ -120,12 +127,11 @@
     A decorator to be used to declare abstract methods.  This should
-    only be used with classes whose metaclass is (or is derived from)
-    ``AbstractClass`` below.  A class containing at least one method
-    declared with this decorator that hasn't been overridden yet
-    cannot be instantiated.  Such a methods may be called from the
-    overriding method in the subclass (using ``super`` or direct
-    invocation).
+    only be used with classes whose class is derived from ``Abstract``
+    below.  A class containing at least one method declared with this
+    decorator that hasn't been overridden yet cannot be instantiated.
+    Such a methods may be called from the overriding method in the
+    subclass (using ``super`` or direct invocation).
     A class implementing the constraint that it or its subclasses
@@ -152,6 +158,11 @@
 ``Abstract.__new__()`` method would raise an exception if any abstract
 methods exist on the class being instantiated.  For details see [2]_.
+**Open issue:** perhaps ``abstractmethod`` and
+``AbstractInstantiationError`` should become built-ins, ``Abstract``'s
+functionality should be subsumed by ``object``, and
+``AbstractClass``'s functionality should be merged into ``type``.
 ABCs for Containers and Iterators
@@ -199,28 +210,29 @@
     The base class for classes defining ``__next__``.  This derives
     from ``Iterable``.  Its abstract ``__next__`` method raises
-    StopIteration.  Its ``__iter__`` method returns ``self``, and is
-    *not* abstract.
+    ``StopIteration``.  Its ``__iter__`` method returns ``self``, and
+    is *not* abstract.  (Note: this assumes PEP 3114 is implemented.)
     The base class for classes defining ``__len__``.  Its abstract
-    ``__len__`` method returns 0.  (The name is perhaps too cute; but
-    the only alternatives I've come up with so far are ``Sizeable``,
-    which suffers from the same affliction, and ``Finite``, which
-    somehow is associated with numbers instead of sets in my mind.)
+    ``__len__`` method returns 0.  Any ``__len__`` method should
+    return an ``Integer`` (see "Numbers" below) >= 0.  If class ``C``
+    derives from ``Finite`` as well as from ``Iterable``, the
+    invariant ``sum(1 for x in o) == len(o)`` should hold for any
+    instance ``o`` of ``C``.
-    The base class for classes defining ``__contains__`.  Its abstract
-    ``__contains__`` method returns ``False``.  Note: strictly
-    speaking, there are three variants of this method's semantics.
-    The first one is for sets and mappings, which is fast: O(1) or
-    O(log N).  The second one is for membership checking on sequences,
-    which is slow: O(N).  The third one is for subsequence checking on
-    (character or byte) strings, which is also slow: O(N).  Would it
-    make sense to distinguish these?  The signature of the third
-    variant is different, since it takes a sequence (typically of the
-    same type as the method's target) intead of an element.  For now,
-    I'm using the same type for all three.
+    The base class for classes defining ``__contains__``.  Its
+    abstract ``__contains__`` method returns ``False``.  Note:
+    strictly speaking, there are three variants of this method's
+    semantics.  The first one is for sets and mappings, which is fast:
+    O(1) or O(log N).  The second one is for membership checking on
+    sequences, which is slow: O(N).  The third one is for subsequence
+    checking on (character or byte) strings, which is also slow: O(N).
+    Would it make sense to distinguish these?  The signature of the
+    third variant is different, since it takes a sequence (typically
+    of the same type as the method's target) intead of an element.
+    For now, I'm using the same type for all three.
@@ -230,7 +242,7 @@
     This is a finite, iterable container, i.e. a subclass of
-    ``Lengthy``, ``Iterable`` and ``Container``.  Not every subset of
+    ``Finite``, ``Iterable`` and ``Container``.  Not every subset of
     those three classes is a set though!  Sets have the additional
     property (though it is not expressed in code) that each element
     occurs only once (as can be determined by iteration), and in
@@ -239,7 +251,7 @@
     Sets with different implementations can be compared safely,
     efficiently and correctly.  Because ``Set`` derives from
-    ``Lengthy``, ``__eq__`` takes a shortcut and returns ``False``
+    ``Finite``, ``__eq__`` takes a shortcut and returns ``False``
     immediately if two sets of unequal length are compared.
     Similarly, ``__le__`` returns ``False`` immediately if the first
     set has more members than the second set.  Note that set inclusion
@@ -346,7 +358,7 @@
     iteration never ends.
-    A subclass of ``IterableMapping`` and ``Lengthy``.  It defines
+    A subclass of ``IterableMapping`` and ``Finite``.  It defines
     concrete methods ``__eq__``, ``keys``, ``items``, ``values``.  The
     lengh of such an object should equal to the number of elements
     returned by iterating over the object until the end of the
@@ -376,7 +388,7 @@
 These abstract classes represent various stages of sequence-ness.
-    A subclass of ``Iterable``, ``Lengthy``, ``Container``.  It
+    A subclass of ``Iterable``, ``Finite``, ``Container``.  It
     defines a new abstract method ``__getitem__`` that has a
     complicated signature: when called with an integer, it returns an
     element of the sequence or raises ``IndexError``; when called with

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