[Python-checkins] r51928 - in python/trunk/Misc: NEWS Vim/python.vim Vim/vim_syntax.py

brett.cannon python-checkins at python.org
Wed Sep 20 21:28:36 CEST 2006

Author: brett.cannon
Date: Wed Sep 20 21:28:35 2006
New Revision: 51928

Make python.vim output more deterministic.

Modified: python/trunk/Misc/NEWS
--- python/trunk/Misc/NEWS	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Misc/NEWS	Wed Sep 20 21:28:35 2006
@@ -103,6 +103,10 @@
+- Make auto-generated python.vim file list built-ins and exceptions in
+  alphatbetical order.  Makes output more deterministic and easier to tell if
+  the file is stale or not.
 - Bug #1546372: Fixed small bugglet in pybench that caused a missing
   file not to get reported properly.

Modified: python/trunk/Misc/Vim/python.vim
--- python/trunk/Misc/Vim/python.vim	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Misc/Vim/python.vim	Wed Sep 20 21:28:35 2006
@@ -62,39 +62,39 @@
 if exists("python_highlight_builtins")
-  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    unichr all set abs vars int __import__ unicode
-  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    enumerate reduce coerce intern exit issubclass
-  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    divmod file Ellipsis apply isinstance open any
-  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    locals help filter basestring slice copyright min
-  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    super sum tuple hex execfile long id xrange chr
-  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    complex bool zip pow dict True oct NotImplemented
-  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    map None float hash getattr buffer max reversed
-  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    object quit len repr callable credits setattr
-  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    eval frozenset sorted ord __debug__ hasattr
-  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    delattr False input license classmethod type
-  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    raw_input list iter compile reload range globals
-  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    staticmethod str property round dir cmp
+  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    Ellipsis False None NotImplemented True __debug__
+  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    __import__ abs all any apply basestring bool
+  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    buffer callable chr classmethod cmp coerce
+  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    compile complex copyright credits delattr dict
+  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    dir divmod enumerate eval execfile exit file
+  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    filter float frozenset getattr globals hasattr
+  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    hash help hex id input int intern isinstance
+  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    issubclass iter len license list locals long map
+  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    max min object oct open ord pow property quit
+  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    range raw_input reduce reload repr reversed round
+  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    set setattr slice sorted staticmethod str sum
+  syn keyword pythonBuiltin    super tuple type unichr unicode vars xrange zip
 if exists("python_highlight_exceptions")
-  syn keyword pythonException    GeneratorExit ImportError RuntimeError
-  syn keyword pythonException    UnicodeTranslateError MemoryError StopIteration
-  syn keyword pythonException    PendingDeprecationWarning EnvironmentError
-  syn keyword pythonException    LookupError OSError DeprecationWarning
-  syn keyword pythonException    UnicodeError UnicodeEncodeError
-  syn keyword pythonException    FloatingPointError ReferenceError NameError
-  syn keyword pythonException    IOError SyntaxError
-  syn keyword pythonException    FutureWarning ImportWarning SystemExit
-  syn keyword pythonException    Exception EOFError StandardError ValueError
-  syn keyword pythonException    TabError KeyError ZeroDivisionError SystemError
-  syn keyword pythonException    UnicodeDecodeError IndentationError
-  syn keyword pythonException    AssertionError TypeError IndexError
-  syn keyword pythonException    RuntimeWarning KeyboardInterrupt UserWarning
-  syn keyword pythonException    SyntaxWarning UnboundLocalError ArithmeticError
-  syn keyword pythonException    Warning NotImplementedError AttributeError
-  syn keyword pythonException    OverflowError BaseException
+  syn keyword pythonException    ArithmeticError AssertionError AttributeError
+  syn keyword pythonException    BaseException DeprecationWarning EOFError
+  syn keyword pythonException    EnvironmentError Exception FloatingPointError
+  syn keyword pythonException    FutureWarning GeneratorExit IOError ImportError
+  syn keyword pythonException    ImportWarning IndentationError IndexError
+  syn keyword pythonException    KeyError KeyboardInterrupt LookupError
+  syn keyword pythonException    MemoryError NameError NotImplementedError
+  syn keyword pythonException    OSError OverflowError PendingDeprecationWarning
+  syn keyword pythonException    ReferenceError RuntimeError RuntimeWarning
+  syn keyword pythonException    StandardError StopIteration SyntaxError
+  syn keyword pythonException    SyntaxWarning SystemError SystemExit TabError
+  syn keyword pythonException    TypeError UnboundLocalError UnicodeDecodeError
+  syn keyword pythonException    UnicodeEncodeError UnicodeError
+  syn keyword pythonException    UnicodeTranslateError UnicodeWarning
+  syn keyword pythonException    UserWarning ValueError Warning
+  syn keyword pythonException    ZeroDivisionError

Modified: python/trunk/Misc/Vim/vim_syntax.py
--- python/trunk/Misc/Vim/vim_syntax.py	(original)
+++ python/trunk/Misc/Vim/vim_syntax.py	Wed Sep 20 21:28:35 2006
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 import __builtin__
 from string import Template
-comment_header = """" Auto-generated Vim syntax file for Python
+comment_header = '''" Auto-generated Vim syntax file for Python.
-" To use: copy or symlink to ~/.vim/syntax/python.vim"""
+" To use: copy or symlink to ~/.vim/syntax/python.vim'''
 statement_header = """
 if exists("b:current_syntax")
@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@
 import_stmts = ('import', 'from')
 object_defs = ('def', 'class')
-exception_names = frozenset(exc for exc in dir(exceptions)
+exception_names = sorted(exc for exc in dir(exceptions)
                                 if not exc.startswith('__'))
 # Need to include functions that start with '__' (e.g., __import__), but
 # nothing that comes with modules (e.g., __name__), so just exclude anything in
 # the 'exceptions' module since we want to ignore exceptions *and* what any
 # module would have
-builtin_names = frozenset(builtin for builtin in dir(__builtin__)
+builtin_names = sorted(builtin for builtin in dir(__builtin__)
                             if builtin not in dir(exceptions))
 escapes = (r'+\\[abfnrtv\'"\\]+', r'"\\\o\{1,3}"', r'"\\x\x\{2}"',

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