[Python-checkins] r51772 - peps/trunk/pep-3100.txt

georg.brandl python-checkins at python.org
Wed Sep 6 08:53:06 CEST 2006

Author: georg.brandl
Date: Wed Sep  6 08:53:05 2006
New Revision: 51772

Spell Neal's name correctly. Also, input() and raw_input() are already kicked out.

Modified: peps/trunk/pep-3100.txt
--- peps/trunk/pep-3100.txt	(original)
+++ peps/trunk/pep-3100.txt	Wed Sep  6 08:53:05 2006
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
 * Make built-ins return an iterator where appropriate (e.g. ``range()``,
-  ``zip()``, etc.) [zip is done; Neil Norwitz has a patch for range()]
+  ``zip()``, etc.) [zip is done; Neal Norwitz has a patch for range()]
 * Relevant functions should consume iterators (e.g. ``min()``,
   ``max()``) [They already do, since 2.2.]
 * Introduce ``trunc()``, which would call the ``__trunc__()`` method on its
@@ -174,12 +174,12 @@
 * ``compile()``: put in ``sys`` (or perhaps in a module of its own) [2]_
 * ``coerce()``: no longer needed [2]_
 * ``execfile()``, ``reload()``: use ``exec()`` [2]_
-* ``input()``: use ``eval(sys.stdin.readline())`` [2]_
+* ``input()``: use ``eval(sys.stdin.readline())`` [2]_ [done]
 * ``intern()``, ``id()``: put in ``sys`` [2]_
 * ``map()``, ``filter()``: use list comprehensions instead??? [1]_, [9]_
   (Actually these can stay.)
 * ``reduce()``: write a loop instead [2]_, [9]_ [done]
-* ``raw_input()``: use ``sys.stdin.readline()`` ??? [2]_
+* ``raw_input()``: use ``sys.stdin.readline()`` ??? [2]_ [done]
 * ``xrange()``: use ``range()`` instead [1]_ [See range() above]

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