[Python-checkins] r43033 - in python/trunk/Lib: distutils/sysconfig.py encodings/__init__.py

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Wed Mar 15 11:26:10 CET 2006

"guido.van.rossum" <python-checkins at python.org> writes:

> Author: guido.van.rossum
> Date: Wed Mar 15 05:33:54 2006
> New Revision: 43033
> Modified:
>    python/trunk/Lib/distutils/sysconfig.py
>    python/trunk/Lib/encodings/__init__.py
> Log:
> Use relative imports in a few places where I noticed the need.
> (Ideally, all packages in Python 2.5 will use the relative import
> syntax for all their relative import needs.)

Abusing something I wrote recently to analyse the Twisted source found
these local imports:

xmlcore.etree.ElementInclude local import ElementTree
ctypes.macholib.dyld local import framework
ctypes.macholib.dyld local import dylib
xmlcore.sax.saxutils local import handler
xmlcore.sax.saxutils local import xmlreader
xmlcore.etree.ElementTree local import ElementPath
xmlcore.dom.__init__ local import domreg
xmlcore.sax.__init__ local import xmlreader
xmlcore.sax.__init__ local import handler
xmlcore.sax.__init__ local import _exceptions
xmlcore.sax.xmlreader local import handler
xmlcore.sax.xmlreader local import _exceptions
xmlcore.sax.xmlreader.IncrementalParser.parse local import saxutils

It could have missed a few, it uses Python 2.4's compiler package
which doesn't know how to parse e.g. PEP 308 conditional expressions
(or indeed new-style relative imports...).


  * vegai wears his reading bra.
  <vegai> umm, I mean glasses                   -- from Twisted.Quotes

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