[Python-checkins] r46505 -python/trunk/Tools/pybench/systimes.py

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue Jun 6 17:40:42 CEST 2006

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Using these APIs, we can get an accuracy of +/- 15.6ms on each
>> measurement, e.g. if a test tun takes 1 second, we have an accuracy
>> of +/- 1.56%.
> here we go again.
> instead of posting more unqualified guesses, can you *PLEASE* read the 
> posts in the "python benchmarks" thread.

I just did, but couldn't find anything that would allow you to
call my posting unqualified:

If you are running a benchmark on a quiet system, the benchmark
process *is* the process running most of the time, so your
comments about the jiffies possibly not getting accounted to
the benchmark process are not really all that realistic.

In fact, if you run time.time() vs. resource.getrusage() on
a Linux box, you'll find that both more or less show the same
flux in timings - with an error interval of around 15ms.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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