[Python-checkins] r41971 - in python/branches/ssize_t: Include/abstract.h Include/bufferobject.h Include/listobject.h Include/pystrtod.h Include/stringobject.h Include/tupleobject.h Objects/abstract.c Objects/bufferobject.c Objects/classobject.c Objects/codeobject.c Objects/descrobject.c Objects/dictobject.c Objects/enumobject.c Objects/fileobject.c Objects/frameobject.c Objects/funcobject.c Objects/iterobject.c Objects/listobject.c Objects/methodobject.c Objects/object.c Objects/setobject.c Objects/stringobject.c Objects/structseq.c Objects/tupleobject.c Objects/typeobject.c Objects/weakrefobject.c Python/pystrtod.c

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Mon Jan 9 23:01:40 CET 2006

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Changes like these (variables passed in by reference) should be
> handle more carefully and also discussed on python-dev.

The change was discussed on python-dev; it is part of the PEP
(which still awaits a number).

Notice that the change is in the ssize_t-branch only so far.

> The reason is that these changes will introduce major changes
> in extensions using these APIs.

I don't believe the change is major. It only affects a few extensions,
and for these, it is only a minor change. A single line of changing
will be enough.


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